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70th anniversary of 1943 Wołyń/Volhynia and Eastern Galicia Massacre - controvercies

Lyzko  44 | 9717
20 Feb 2024   #181
By what Simpsonesque standard do you measure the adequacy of a language, Rich?
Novichok  4 | 8550
20 Feb 2024   #182 being able to say what I need to say and never being asked "What did you say?"

I once tried to talk about Plato and was asked "Who the fvck is Plato?"
Lyzko  44 | 9717
20 Feb 2024   #183
Undoubtedly your interlocutor was a victim of the US public school system in Middle America.
Then again, the American history knowledge of urban highschoolers in New York is frightening!
Novichok  4 | 8550
20 Feb 2024   #184
the American history knowledge of urban highschoolers in New York is frightening!

Why? All they need to know is:

1. How iPhone works
2. Whites are evil
3. Men are toxic
4. Trans women are women
5. Men can get pregnant

...and off you go to Harvard...
Lyzko  44 | 9717
20 Feb 2024   #185
Doesn't say much about Harvard.
Anyhow, "higher ed."s been a running joke for the last forty years since the advent of Reagan.
Listen for example to an old interview from 1960 with the great director John Huston,
having, if he was lucky, a solid grammar school education vs. the last interview with college educated Dennis Hopper
from the mid-'90's.

The latter's enough to make you puke!
Novichok  4 | 8550
21 Feb 2024   #186
Doesn't say much about Harvard.

Today, unless a guy wants to be a lawyer, going to a trade school to be a welder or plumber is a sure winner when the other choice is gender studies at Harvard - an indoctrination in wokism the Soviet Union would be too embarrassed to conduct at the re-education camps in Siberia.

To the best of my knowledge, as evil as they were, communists never said that a man can become a woman by just saying "I am a woman". It is possible, however, in the US - according to many medical and sports associations.
mafketis  38 | 11167
21 Feb 2024   #187
Doesn't say much about Harvard.

Harvard (and Yale) have never primarily been about education or scholarship. Their primary purpose is elite networking. That's why ambitious people want to get their not-so-brilliant kids in.

There was a great scene in the second season of the Gilded Age where the new-money industrialist wants to know why his social-climbing wife is so dead set on having a 'box' at the Academy and if she can't get it why she's backing the projected Metropolitan Opera, after all she doesn't even like opera.

She explains it's not about music at all, but before and during intermissions the elite mingle visiting each other in their boxes and that's where social events are planned and how eligible young rich people meet....

Same prinicple.
Novichok  4 | 8550
21 Feb 2024   #188
Their primary purpose is elite networking.

Add woke crap, affirmative action for ugly black broads, indoctrination, and now anti-semitism.
Lyzko  44 | 9717
21 Feb 2024   #189
You got that right, Maf! Same with nearly all the Ivys.
Bobko  27 | 2107
1 Sep 2024   #190
I'm going to continue throwing sh*t onto the propeller of Polish-Ukrainian relations, because it seems this is the fastest way to explain to certain Poles (like Pawian and Paulina) what kind of a story they have got themselves into.

After Kuleba's statements, and the Polish reaction, there is a growing hysteria in Ukrainian media and social networks. Through this, you can see that whatever Kuleba said - it represents the opinion of a very sizable part of the population of the Ukraine (at least those living in the West of the country).

As usual, I'll give you some links to articles so you can go and read the comments for yourself - and not accuse me of being a cherry picking orc.

Gonna give you two flavors, first from a liberal paper, and then from a nationalist website (which happens to be the most read news portal in Ukraine).



For Kania, who can't seem to open comments, I'll provide a screenshot below of the top 3 comments on Censor.


#1 "The problems were such - you were killing us, and we were killing you too"

#2 "Perhaps for Ukraine to be admitted to the EU, Poland has to admit its crimes?"

#3 "Well, well, we are waiting for compensation for the pacification of Pilsudski, for the age-old oppression of our church, our language, for the suppression of our popular uprisings, and the list goes on."

As a special bonus, the fifth most liked comment - with 26 likes:

#5 "What questions??? Bandera, Shukhevych, Melnyk and hundreds of thousands more soldiers of the OUN UPA, the 1st Ukrainian Division of the Sich Riflemen of Halychyna, the Roland and Nachtigall battalions - are Heroes of Ukraine, fighters for its freedom and independence against the red-assed, Katsapo-Soviet, Communist-Nazi occupation sh*t and other biological waste!!!"

I presume Poles fall under "other biological waste".

While Ukraine seems to have convinced your government of its eternal mantra of "leave history to the historians", they are in fact using it as cover for the rebuilding of their revisionist narrative of what had happened.

Thank you Poles, that is all. Enjoy sleeping in one bed with these turds.

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Alien  25 | 6429
1 Sep 2024   #191
I'm going to continue throwing sh*t onto the propeller of Polish-Ukrainian relations

Dear Bob, don't forget that when you throw sh*t at a spinning propeller, the sh*t doesn't stay on the propeller but instead spreads around, covering you with a thin layer of sh*t. ☂️
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Sep 2024   #192
1st Ukrainian Division of the Sich Riflemen of Halychyna

Nah ja, Ukrainische Nr. 1. Sieg heil and all that.

Aber warum not call it by its proper name: 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS Galizien?

I presume Poles fall under "other biological waste".

That was my first thought too.

*grabs popcorn and waits for mental gymnastics display from the usual suspects*
Bobko  27 | 2107
1 Sep 2024   #193
covering you with a thin layer of sh*t.

It's ok... next time I will take a shower and be clean of sh*t, while my Ukrainian brothers will be always covered with sh*t.

Plant sh*t seeds, grow sh*t weeds.
Bobko  27 | 2107
1 Sep 2024   #194
Aber warum not call it by its proper name: 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS Galizien?

Most of the assh0les in Wolyn and Galichina don't bother calling it the 1st Ukrainian Division of the Sich Riflemen of Halychyna. This is more for public officials and schizophrenic Eastern Ukrainians.

The Wolynians and Galicians call things by their proper name.

Photos from last year's march.

Photo 1 - retards carrying a banner with the division's proper name.

Photo 2 - An absolutely marvelous banner that reads: "Our religion is nationalism. Our prophet is Bandera."

Photo 3 - chilling under Lvov's statue to Stepan Bandera.

Photo 4 - a banner that reads "The flame of glory will not be extinguished".

Hey Pawian, did you know there is an annual march in numerous cities and towns commemorating the foundation of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS? How about that?

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GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Sep 2024   #195
Photo 1 - retards carrying a banner with the division's proper name.

The SS bit seems to be missing there.

"Our religion is nationalism. Our prophet is Bandera."

La ilaha illa Ukraina wa Stepan rasul UPA?

a banner that reads "The flame of glory will not be extinguished"

And they actually used genuine photos of SS soldiers there!

Mind boggles...
Bobko  27 | 2107
1 Sep 2024   #196
And they actually used genuine photos of SS soldiers there!

They wear SS uniforms, who gives a sh*t about photos?

While they deny Poland exhumations of victims, these apes reburied SS Galichina soldiers in a pompous ceremony with military honors back in 2013.

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Bobko  27 | 2107
1 Sep 2024   #197
This is no Pol-Shorpy, unfortunately, but... enjoy Pawian:

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GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Sep 2024   #198
enjoy Pawian

Can't wait for the mental gymnastics. I bet it will be a masterful performance.
Bobko  27 | 2107
1 Sep 2024   #199
2021. Ukraine's Presidential Regiment is used at a funeral of an SS Galichina veteran.

The Presidential Regiment! Full name: 1st SS Presidential Regiment Leibstandarte SS Adolf Zelensky!

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jon357  72 | 23492
1 Sep 2024   #200
funeral of an SS Galichina veteran.

They didn't know what Nazism was.

Kids, brought up in an information vacuum, belonging to a nation that yours tried to exterminate by starvation.

Unlike r*SSia, who were allied with Nazi Germany and invaded Poland together with them.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Sep 2024   #201
And those red-black flags waving in the wind... so many memories... so many historical connotations. They chose their heroes. They chose their identity.

SS Galichina

As for Galicja - a clueless foreigner in Poland might think that the war is raging not in Donbass but somewhere close to L'viv, there's so many refugees from Western Ukraine in Poland!

They didn't know what Nazism was.

Yes, poor things. Nazi armies rolled through Ukraine - they still didn't know what Nazism was. They exterminated Polish, Russian and Jewish civilians, and yet they still didn't know what Nazism was. Today they organise marches with torches and SS-uniforms, and I bet they STILL don't know what Nazism was. Poor, poor innocent little thingies.
Alien  25 | 6429
1 Sep 2024   #202
Unlike r*SSia, who were allied with Nazi Germany

And they murdered Poles with greater zeal than the Germans, not to mention the Ukrainians.
Bobko  27 | 2107
1 Sep 2024   #203
might think that the war is raging not in Donbass but somewhere close to L'viv

The Galicians are fast runners.

When they were deployed to their first combat at the Battle of Brody, the division disintegrated within the first week of fighting against Marshal Ivan Konev's 1st Ukrainian Front.

Well, not the first week, but rather within about two days. They engaged in the favorite Ukrainian activity of getting encircled in a pocket. Out of a nominal strength of 11,000 men, only 3,000 escaped encirclement and promptly ran West. The other 8,000 were f*cked with broomsticks and then sent to meet their maker.

From Wikipedia: "By the end of that day, in the face of overwhelming Soviet attacks, the 14th Galician Division as a whole disintegrated."

That's July 20th, 1944. Their first heavy contact was on July 18th. What a mighty division!

As it turned out, fighting the Red Army was not as fun as marching around in parades or engaging in rear anti partisan work.

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GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Sep 2024   #204
And they murdered Poles with greater zeal than the Germans

Of course UPA murdered Poles with greater zeal than the Germans. Quite right, Alien!

The Galicians are fast runners.

If only Red Army, AK and LWP soldiers carried stopwatches with them - they could time UPA and see how fast they ran. I bet some respectable results were achieved back then, even by today's athletic standards.
Alien  25 | 6429
1 Sep 2024   #205
Of course UPA

I meant the russian hordes.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Sep 2024   #206
I meant

Say what? You meant that Russians murdered Poles with greater zeal than the Germans?

It's September 1st today, Alien, not April 1st.
Bobko  27 | 2107
1 Sep 2024   #207
Photo 1 - Zelensky, a Jew, at the grave of his grandfather Simeon Ivanovich Zelensky. He was a commander of a rifle company of the 174th regiment of the 57th Guards Rifle Division. A decorated soldier, that saw 4 years of combat during the Great Patriotic War.

His grandfather is spinning in his grave knowing that his grandson spits on the memory of millions of Ukrainian veterans who died fighting the scum for whose funerals Zelensky provides the Presidential Regiment.

Photo 2 - a screenshot of a veteran of the Worker and Peasant Red Army being interviewed about the SS Galichina parade. He has tears in his eyes, while he explains how he cannot understand why this scum is being allowed to march around unpunished.

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Alien  25 | 6429
1 Sep 2024   #208
not April 1st.

On April 1st I would have said they didn't murder... 🤔
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Sep 2024   #209
By the way...

... what the f*ck is that??? 2nd Ukrainian Lebensborn Division? FFFFF? F*ck For Fuhrer Female Forces? 0_0

On April 1st I would have said they didn't murder... 🤔

Interesting. Could you please explain to those not as brilliantly informed how did you come to the brilliant conclusion that "Russians murdered Poles with greater zeal than the Germans"?
jon357  72 | 23492
1 Sep 2024   #210
Nazi armies rolled through Ukraine - they still didn't know what Nazism was

Of course not. As mentioned, they weee kids who'd grown up in an information vacuum, having known (depending if they grew up in the part of Ukraine occupied by r*SSia or occupied by Poland) persecution from either.

and yet they still didn't know what Nazism was

Most of them could barely read, let alone find Berlin on a map or understand political theory.


At least you're right about that.

Home / History / 70th anniversary of 1943 Wołyń/Volhynia and Eastern Galicia Massacre - controvercies

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