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The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans

pawian  226 | 27498
27 Jan 2022   #631
not necessarily is :

He or she is coz the Polish law doesn`t acknowledge Silesian nationality.
What a particular Silesian feels, is a different matter.
mafketis  38 | 11191
27 Jan 2022   #632
Polish law doesn`t acknowledge Silesian nationality

I think Lenka was pointing to the fact that some Silesians are found on the Czech side of the border... Silesian and Czech, not Silesian and Polish...
pawian  226 | 27498
27 Jan 2022   #633
that some Silesians are found on the Czech side of the border.

Aaaargh, I didn`t think about it. I am too Poland-oriented. :):):)

However, on second thoughts, we were talking about Mickiewicz and his nationality - he was Polish who felt Lithuanian. Just like a guy from Katowice could say: I am Polish who feels Silesian.

Sorry, it means we are talking about guys who live within the Polish culture and feel bonds with it, not foreign guys abroad. Coz a Czech can`t say: I am Polish and feel Silesian.

So, I was still right. Correct me if I wasn`t. :):):)
Lyzko  45 | 9750
27 Jan 2022   #634
@Milo, my point was simply that Mickiewicz WAS indeed an ethnic Lithuanian, although he regarded Polish as his rightful jezyk ojczysty (lit. "pure" or clean tongue) aka mother tongue vs.jezyk ojcowy or "father tongue":-)
21 Dec 2022   #635
Im Slavic πŸ‡¨πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡΅πŸ‡±πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί I have Dark hair Brown Eyes And light skin From Russia?
pawian  226 | 27498
21 Dec 2022   #636
From Russia?

Or Caucasian.
Alien  25 | 6394
21 Dec 2022   #637
Caucasian is obsolet.
pawian  226 | 27498
21 Dec 2022   #638

No, Caucasians still rule in Europe.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 524
22 Dec 2022   #639
Only for a short time if your propaganda is allowed to continue.
pawian  226 | 27498
22 Dec 2022   #640
Only for a short time

Why so pessimistic??? Cheer up, everything will be fine, whites will remain white on condition they convince white females to bear more kids. How can it be done?? Simply - by giving females more protection and rights so that they feel secure enough as mothers. If white women don`t get their rights, they won`t get pregnant at all and you will have to depend on coloured immigrants to populate the country.

Don`t answer this post in order to avoid off topic discussion.
johnny reb  49 | 8043
22 Dec 2022   #641
You must be referring to White Polish women because White American women have more rights and protection than any other women on this earth.
You seem to be an expert on subjects you know nothing about.
jon357  72 | 23488
22 Dec 2022   #642
remain white on condition they convince white females to bear more kids

Eventually, we'll all merge into something that's a mix of the different ways people look now. No black, white, brown or yellow.

We won't be any the worse for that, however there won't be an Eastern European 'look' or any other.
pawian  226 | 27498
22 Dec 2022   #643
White American women have more rights and protection

That has changed recently. Don`t try to mislead us.
johnny reb  49 | 8043
22 Dec 2022   #644
American women have many more rights than Polish women.
Again, please stay On-Topic.
pawian  226 | 27498
22 Dec 2022   #645
more rights than Polish women.

Yes, but earlier you said: than any other women on this earth which wasn`t true.
johnny reb  49 | 8043
22 Dec 2022   #646
Since this thread is about Polish look then why do you keep going Off-Topic for the mere sake of argument ?
It's to early for you to be plastered already isn't it ?
The typical Polish look is one that stands out for a mile starting with the wrinkled oversized cloths.
And that statute of Mary on the dashboard of their cars is aways a dead giveaway.

than any other women on this earth which wasn`t true.

Perhaps you could correct me with some examples since YOU won't get a warning for Trolling Off-Topic again.
Your wagon is leaving the tracks
pawian  226 | 27498
22 Dec 2022   #647
wrinkled oversized cloths

Yes, that`s my style - I wear baggy clothes coz I hate being squeezed. As for wrinkled, that is very eco friendly and patriotic to give up ironing.

Trolling Off-Topic again

Exactly! You mentioned American women twice while this thread is about Polish looks. You like being a little hooligan in the forum, don`t you???
Lyzko  45 | 9750
22 Dec 2022   #648
Typical MALE Polish look?
Radek Sikorski and President Duda!
Przelotnyptak1  - | 524
23 Dec 2022   #649
White American women have more rights and protection than any other women on this earth.

They will only understand if you tell them that according to American beliefs, a woman is a reason for every man's success. If you are a world-champion skydiver

she is the reason for his success:::)))
johnny reb  49 | 8043
23 Dec 2022   #650
You mentioned American women twice while this thread

I also mentioned three times for you to stay On-Topic.

You like being a little hooligan in the forum, don`t you???

Yes, anything to get under your skin.
Oh....and those Polish home haircuts standout to be real winners too.
jon357  72 | 23488
23 Dec 2022   #651
You mentioned American women twice while this thread is about Polish looks

I suppose a small fraction of them do have Polish looks, or a ghost of them, given marriage over the years with others.

a woman is a reason for every man's success

What about a woman's success? Or the millions of successful men who don't have or want a woman in their lives?
Lyzko  45 | 9750
23 Dec 2022   #652
A classic Polish haircut is called "kancik", I believe.
Kind of a crew cut of sorts.
Alien  25 | 6394
23 Dec 2022   #653
home haircuts

I go to the hairdresser.
jon357  72 | 23488
23 Dec 2022   #654
There's also a kind of Polish mullet, with the hair at the back left thicker.

Sort of a small town look nowadays. A few years ago some barbers would give you that unless you were firm and they couldn't understand why a customer wouldn't want it.
8 Aug 2023   #655
My mother's mother's side of the family is from the Tarnow area of Poland, my mother's fathers side was of the Habsburgs and De Austria Houses of both Austria and Hungary. With some Portugal and Spain in it and then my fathers side was Scotch-Irish and American Indian "Shawnee" and Eastern Cherokee to be specific. I ended up with Y-DNA Haplogroup J2b2a1a1a1b2 (PH1601). Anyways my mothers family surnames are Kowalczyk, Lubomirski, Wojtowicz, Wojtarowicz, Radziwill. Radziwill is more from the Lithuanian and Ukraine areas from what I was told. Wojtowicz from Poland Proper. Lubomirski was like Radziwill same areas and some Russia. And Kowalczyk is one of the Oldest Polish families of Poland Proper. And Wojtarowicz was from around Tarnow area also in the South and also the town of the same name in north eastern Poland. most of the body characteristics my family shares is of a slightly olive skin with dark black hair or Red Hair, most of the females have brown eyes or blue eyes, the men have green eyes, and dark brown or black hair, all are tall women 5'7" to 6', and the men are 5'11' to 6'3" in height. the women are roughly 145 lbs. large chests and hips and avg shoe size is a european 7. Men are roughly 185 lbs and broad shoulders large hands and require little sleep avg of 4 to 5 hours a day. the women live on avgerage to age 70-85 years old. The men 55-70 years old for the last 6 generations.
pawian  226 | 27498
8 Aug 2023   #656
If you are a world-champion skydiver she is the reason for his success:::)))

Exactly. You are doing it to impress females. As a famous champion, you have a bigger choice of females for partners than when you are a modest office worker.

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