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The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans

Lyzko  45 | 9750
4 Mar 2019   #571
A judgement call, I suppose. The "order" of a city like Rostock, complete with homegrown bigotry and anti-foreigner violence threatening to come out of the woodwork at a second's notice vs. the "disorder" etc. of Frankfurt am Main (rather than an der OderLOL) in the former West, with plenty of "free", if foul-smelling air from the physical filth as opposed to the spiritual decay emanating from the former East, albeit nearly zero foreigners and clean streets.

As for me, lived quite some stretch of time in multi-culti, Berlin near where I grew up ( and which Hitler once termed "die Judenrepublik") you may recall and had the opportunity of spending a stretch with some erstwhile friends in squeaky clean Swabia, with picturesque, cuckoo-clock storybook villages, nearly no non-Germans within a radius of almost five-hundred kilometers.

Couldn't wait to return to civilization!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Mar 2019   #572
drug abuse

I saw quite a few German junkies there, so I'm not sure where you're getting that from.
Weimarer  6 | 357
4 Mar 2019   #573

People are different. I get agressive in Berlin or Frankfurt. It deeply disgusts me.

Last September i had to go Berlin to pick something up. I went with train there, meet the guy who gave me what i i bought at train station and went straight back to the next train without stepping a foot outside.

Stick to the topic of the thread please
Lyzko  45 | 9750
5 Mar 2019   #574
By "aggressive", I trust you mean "annoyed" or "pissed off", right? In English, "aggressive" means "assertive", it's a false friend with the German:-)

Hate to be a pest, but often you guys do tend to translate from German when posting in English.
Weimarer  6 | 357
5 Mar 2019   #575
No, i actually get aggressive there. I explode far easier than normal.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
5 Mar 2019   #576
Nevertheless, your use of "aggressive" in this context is wrong, deal with it! B.B. was impressed by a "crass" story. If he didn't mean "raw" or "callous", he used the wrong word, sorry once again to burst your perfect bubble.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Mar 2019   #577
People are different. I get agressive in Berlin or Frankfurt. It deeply disgusts me.

I don't blame you. I have family in the dortmund emirate and it's a night and day difference between when I was there as a teen and today. There were a lot of Turks then but still the vast majority of people walking around we're Germans. Now I can't go a block without seeing a crowd of ninjas and neck beards snackbaring every few minutes.

I've found they really, really dislike big dogs. It's quite amazing walking the dog for a strategic leak on a 'cultural center'

No, i actually get aggressive there. I explode far easier than normal.

Congrats. You are a male with healthy testosterone levels. You should be proud of that. I really mean it.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
6 Mar 2019   #578
Testosterone without the aid of those little gray cells is worthless!

Instead of celebrating "manhood", why not do something in praise of the human brain, next to the spleen, the most underrated human organ.

I merely corrected your English in order to improve communication, as your usage gave a different meaning in English to what you meant to say in German:-)

No offense taken, I'm sure.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Mar 2019   #579
I disagree. The problem is men aren't embracing their manhood and becoming giant pussies, especially in the West. The number one complaint among women for men is that they aren't masculine... No one's complaining about men being stupid.

The aveage young urban educated male is now a pencil neck soy chugging lgbt supporting beta who puts the pussy on a pedestal and hates his own European ancestry. They're not even men in my eyes. They act like punk ******* and that's what I consider them as.

And that's why us and western Europe is in the state that it's in.....
mafketis  38 | 11193
7 Mar 2019   #580
men aren't embracing their manhood and becoming giant pussies

Well I guess you've embraced yours, because I certainly think of you as a giant pussy.
Atch  22 | 4299
7 Mar 2019   #581
In English, "aggressive" means "assertive"

I think that's an American usage Lyzko. In British English, aggressive has three meanings but is generally used to indicate hostility and belligerence.

1. Hostility and antipathy (which is how Weimarer used it, quite correctly).
2. Attack without provocation.
3. Forcefulness (that's the usage which you're referring to above).

The word aggressive has its roots in the Latin verb 'to attack'.

Assertive on the other hand indicates confidence and self-assurance and at times forcefulness, but always with an air of respect for others. When being assertive one is able to state one's case firmly or stand up for one's self but without being rude or threatening in manner.
mafketis  38 | 11193
7 Mar 2019   #582
I think that's an American usage Lyzko. In British English, aggressive has three meanings but is generally used to indicate hostility and belligerence

Reforming 'aggressive' into a partially positive word came from the world of business (in the US largely modeled on American football where physical aggression is a quality of good players). A lot of the time it's now used when 'assertive' might be better.

Please back on the topic
Lyzko  45 | 9750
7 Mar 2019   #583
Agreed, Atch!

Most Brits will also say, "I have been to the museum this afternoon", which is of course PERFECT 'English', however American English typically prefers
the simple past rather than the past participle in such a sentence:-) I did indeed speak too soon, as all European non-native English speakers on this forum will obviously have been taught British English (albeit sadly not "R.P."LOL)


"I disagree. Men aren't embracing their manhood......" And if you were to have uttered such a lie in any court of law in the world, my friend, you'd have been guilty of perjury!!

Incorrect. Men who mostly use, that is prefer solely, their fists instead of their noggin are no longer embracing their humanness, but instead their animal origins, from which we allegedly developed. Some of us apparently haven't:-)

Used to be, and not all that long ago, that a dispute between two middle-class American men was almost settled with words, save of course if one of the gentlemen in question was foolish enough to lay a hand on the other. That's something else entirely.

Back on topic, I've found it hard to generalize any more between the appearance of Poles and Ukrainians, except that the latter tend to have wider faces and often less

chiseled features.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
7 Mar 2019   #584
Poles are bit mixed with Germans and Austrians while Ukrainians are bit mixed with Mongols and Tatars. Plus both nations have plenty of other minor or not to minor admixtures.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
7 Mar 2019   #585
Yep, sounds about right. Just goes to show there is NO SUCH THING as a "pure" ethnicity, try as the racists to to prove otherwise:-)
Vlad1234  16 | 883
9 Mar 2019   #586
The most visible difference would be a hairstyle of Ukrainian men

And which exactly hairstyles, dress styles and face expressions are typical for Ukrainians?
Lyzko  45 | 9750
9 Mar 2019   #587
Always super tough to generalize without seeming embarrassingly ludicrous or insulting, but I have noticed that many Poles, Ukrainians, and Russians
tend not to smile as readily as Westerners (forget about the Americans or other non-European groups such as Asians), perhaps owing to their Communist past,

can therefore tend to look serious or reflective, perhaps giving the impression of being a stern, tough lot, particularly among the women:-)

Certainly hairstyle is part of outward appearance, and it is true, that a number of distinctive '60's-era styles, most notably the once popular "beehive" cut among

younger or teenage women, might tend to incriminate someone as being from Eastern Europe, especially Czech Republic, Poland, Uktaine or Russia!
Ironside  50 | 13021
9 Mar 2019   #588
it is true, that a number of distinctive '60's-era styles, most notably the once popular "beehive"

The number of total nonsense you spew is just astounding. Where have you seen that hairdo being popular and when?

Lzyko a serous question - are you a mythomaniac?
mafketis  38 | 11193
9 Mar 2019   #589
which exactly hairstyles, dress styles and face expressions are typical for Ukrainians?

for men....

for women

All Ukrainians were their hair like these pictures. No exceptions. Ever.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
9 Mar 2019   #590
I might ask you the same question, Ironside, but I'm sure I wouldn't get the same answer:-)
Vlad1234  16 | 883
10 Mar 2019   #591
I didn't remark that here in Canada many people would smile broadly unless you aren't their client and pay them well. Maybe Canadians aren't as serious and embittered as Eastern Europeans but I don't remark any excessive joyfulness either.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
10 Mar 2019   #592
The Canadians then share something in common with the North Americans, even if they wouldn't necessarily care to admit it.
kaprys  3 | 2076
12 Mar 2019   #593
So the 60s era beehive hairstyles are typical for Polish women .... aha ....
mafketis  38 | 11193
12 Mar 2019   #594
I wish, I like a nice beehive but they are very rare in Poland (they used to be less rare among middle aged women but now.... don't see 'em)
Lyzko  45 | 9750
12 Mar 2019   #595
If not, such a pity! I see I must know lots of retro Poles:-)
mafketis  38 | 11193
12 Mar 2019   #596
Polams =/= Poles...
16 Jun 2020   #597
Now onto the features I notice thats its either a very square face with big, beautiful, high cheekbones

This certainly describes me. Apparently I am 92% Eastern European being mostly Polish. Just did my Ancestry DNA I actually thought I had Swedish because at 50 I am still very blonde. Is blonde hair a typical color in Poland?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Jun 2020   #598
Apparently I am 92% Eastern European being mostly Polish.

I can tell you that it's impossible for a DNA test to distinguish between Poles, Czechs and Slovaks. The West Slavs are pretty much indistinguishable in terms of genetics.
16 Jun 2020   #599
I've lived in both Prague and Bratislava. They have similar languages but generally they're quite different. Slovak girls are mostly hot, Czech ones in Prague are mostly meh. Very Germanic-like.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
16 Jun 2020   #600
West Slavs are pretty much indistinguishable in terms of genetics

True, they only differ in culrure and outlook...... and of course in language.....

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