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Seeking Czarniecki family members and ancestors from Lublin, also Margiewicz, Danilowicz and Andrulewicz

kaprys  3 | 2076
22 Dec 2019   #61
OK, now you have crossed the line accusing me of anti-semitism. What precisely was anti-semitic about my posts?
Will you be willing to quote?

I don't care if you're Jewish or not. But you have proved on numerous occassions that you know little or nothing about Polish surnames or the Polish language. I have been patient enough to try to explain.

None of the surnames you want to prove are Jewish are not Jewish. But you won't accept that.
If I see someone talking rubbish, I have a right to state the facts.

Stop living in your soap bubble and apply to the state archives for the record you want to see. Simple as that. It's not my fault it's not available online. If you were really into finding it, you would have done it years ago. But you're probably afraid you won't find what you're looking for.

Here are the contact details

Archiwum Państwowe w Suwałkach
ul. Kościuszki 69
16-400 Suwałki
tel./fax: (87) 566 21 67
Atch  22 | 4299
22 Dec 2019   #62
@ Nickidewbear,Kaprys gave you good advice from a genealogical point of view, in line with the correct kind of approach when doing family history. Just because she cautions you about being careful about drawing inferences and advises going with verifiable facts, doesn't make her antisemitic.
TheOther  6 | 3596
22 Dec 2019   #63
I got Anti-Semitic drek

Nothing in Kaprys' post was anti-semitic. She tried to help you, and you should apologize.
Lenka  5 | 3539
22 Dec 2019   #64
Everybody knows there was nothing anti-semitic in Kaprys responses but Nicki is very determined to be Jewish and doesn't take kandly to people who don't share her enthusiasm
TheOther  6 | 3596
22 Dec 2019   #65
She's been working on her "theory" for many years already, I know.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 Dec 2019   #66
Years and years. She was upsetting family members with her theory, and she even made videos about PF members that didn't agree with her.

Kaprys has said nothing anti-Semetic, but it's the standard response of Nicki whenever anyone tells her that she isn't Jewish.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
22 Dec 2019   #67
. I was asking for help finding a record, and I got Anti-Semitic drek (namely, bullstuff) from kaprys

Kaprys was trying to help you and you come out with this anti semitic nonsense?
I think you owe Kaprys an apology.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
22 Dec 2019   #68
I owe nobody any apology. I know exactly what kaprys wants, and I don't fit his mold of what being Jewish means. He owes me an apology. If you insist on proof, however, since I (unlike you and others) can stand by what I say, here are some examples:

All JewishGen Databases
149 total matches found

Surname (phonetically like) : ANDRULEWICZ [Same for ANDRULEVICH]
Index of 1890 and 1891 NY Immigrants from Austria, Poland, and Galicia
Kiev Gubernia Duma Voters List
Save this as a favorite search

Surname (phonetically like) : ANDRELOWICH [Same for ANDRELOVICH]

Surname (phonetically like) : ANDRILOVICH
LitvakSIGTax and Voters Lists
The 1915 Vsia Vilna Database
Kiev Gubernia Duma Voters List
Additional 1 Matches from the All Galicia Database

Save this as a favorite search

I was, again, asking for a record, not to get Anti-Semitically berated, and saying that Jews have to be traditionally religiously Jewish to be ethnically Jewish is a form of Anti Semitism. Jewishness is ethnic first and religious second.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 Dec 2019   #69
Except your family isn't from the Galicia area, so why are you trying to use records of Jewish people from a completely different region to prove your point?

kaprys  3 | 2076
23 Dec 2019   #70
Thank you all for your support. I do appreciate it.
Unfortunately, it's in vain. She doesn't even seem to read our posts as she didn't notice several of you referring to me as 'she' and apparently thinks I'm a man.

She might be of Jewish descent. If her 'Jewish DNA' is prominent, I don't think it comes from a distant ancestor from two hundred years ago. Just like I don't believe anyone with the same surname is family. It doesn't work like that in Poland, the US or anywhere else.

For future reference of anyone interested in Polish surnames, they started to appear in late Middle Ages. They became compulsory for all ethnic groups around the 19th century depending on the partition. Some are derived from names, nicknames, physical features or places of birth. Others have different etymology.
Atch  22 | 4299
23 Dec 2019   #71
I was, again, asking for a record, not to get Anti-Semitically berated,

Ah for God's sake woman, would you ever cop on to yourself and stop being so silly.

Jewishness is ethnic first and religious second.

Isn't that rather discriminatory towards those who've converted to Judaism? A bit like saying, if you're a convert, you're not a 'real' Jew. Anyway, you're mistaken. You'll find that most rabbis agree that Jewishness cannot be defined in such simplistic terms.
Ironside  50 | 12954
23 Dec 2019   #72
Just leave her be. Nickidewbear has her own take on things. Just stop provoking her. Have some sense.
Lenka  5 | 3539
23 Dec 2019   #73
Kaprys was helping her and as a thank you she got accusation she is anti-semitic. I don't care one bit who she is, she may be an alien but if she's nasty she's nasty and can be called on it
Lyzko  44 | 9717
23 Dec 2019   #74
Jews see themselves as both an ethnicity as well as a religion, but not a nationality!
American Jews always considered themselves "American" by country, "Jewish" by ethnicity and creed.
I feel the same way.
Ironside  50 | 12954
24 Dec 2019   #75
if she's nasty

Nah she is 'touched" if you get my drift. If not think harder. Just let her be.

, but not a nationality!

Likud and some others may disagree.
baranowp  - | 1
9 Sep 2023   #76
Does anyone know of the Czarniecki family from Lublin. Please post.
Yes you can write to me on
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
10 Sep 2023   #77
@baranowp, my family failed to disclose that Lisko Orlisko is Lipsk nad Biebrzą, not Lipsko near Pulawy (My granduncle Tony did not know. I believe my grandfather did know and failed to tell). I have found out quite a bit since I wrote the original post. We are actually not, as far as I know, with any Czarniecki connections in Lublin. We are Ashkenazi Levites whom were originally Zernetzky/Chernetzky/Chernetski/Czerniecki when we were required to take surnames. According to FTDNA, my father's haplogroup group also connects us to a Horowitz line (which is sort of ironic, as his father's maternal grandmother was probably already of the Munk(a)-Horowitz family. She was born in Levoča, Slovakia-then Locse in Austrohungary-although she claimed ties to Łapsze Niżne. Her father was Samu or Samuel Munka, and his parents as Crypto Jews sort of crossed church-denominational ties. His father was Catholic Munka, and his mother was a Lutheran Stempl.).

Home / Genealogy / Seeking Czarniecki family members and ancestors from Lublin, also Margiewicz, Danilowicz and Andrulewicz

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