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Do I have the right village?

Nowicki73 1 | 1
11 Feb 2024 #1
Cześć, can anyone tell me if I've got this right. My great grandparents moved to Canada but didn't leave us much information about their past. They were both born and eventually married in Nowosielica. I think that's now Novoselytsia in Ukraine but I'm not really sure. Great grandma left some notes like "murdered by UPA" next to her siblings names so sadly I think their hometown is no longer part of Poland.

Thanks for any help, I'm struggling to learn Polish and plan on being a tourist so I'm learning the geography. Dziękuję
Alien 22 | 5225
11 Feb 2024 #2
. My great grandparents

You pretty much know everything already. Did your great-grandparents live in the palace there?
OP Nowicki73 1 | 1
11 Feb 2024 #3
Thanks for the confirmation, it's all kinda confusing just using the internet. They had Sniatyn distinct listed and his army picture looks like he was an Austro-Hungarian field soldier to me so I was almost positive. I have a large family here that knows nothing about Poland, very typical of Canadians. I should lie to the young ones and say we lived in that castle! Haha
Ironside 50 | 12345
11 Feb 2024 #4
had Sniatyn distinct listed

It was in the most easter-south part of pre-war Poland. Nowadays it is within the borders of Ukraine.

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