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Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German.

Alien  25 | 6353
3 Jan 2024   #61
Aren`t all Serbs Polish

No, they are not, Poles are from the North Pole and Serbs are from the South Pole.
Bobko  27 | 2130
3 Jan 2024   #62
Here on Balkan we know Kashubs as Northern Serbs, too.

I knew there was a reason I liked Tusk.

complete Eastern Germany and complete Baltic were land of Serbs. Baltic was in past known as Oceanus Sarmaticus.


can you say that all Poles aren`t Serbs ie Sarmatians?

May my tongue fall off if ever such a thing escapes my lips.

However, Brate, why do you not mention Russia?
Crow  154 | 9463
3 Jan 2024   #63
Why Northern Serbs? Kashubs are

Because that`s how they called themsleves in the past. And they still know they are Serbs. Deep in themselves Poles also have meta-ethnicity. Many knows they are Sarmatians in origin. See, name of Sarmatians comes from the name of Serbs. That`s how Romans were able to pronounce it. When Franks expeled (killed, expeled and germanized) Sarmatians from the west of Europe `Limes Sorabicus` was formed to separate Germanized Sarmats from those who were free. In Europe, originally, Romans bordered only (!) with Sarmatians. Or take Britain. Picts/Scots. They were westernmost Sarmatians. But also builders of Stounhendge were Sarmatians. Its written that people of Sorbiodunum/Old Sarum/Salisbury built Stounhenge.

That Sarmatian line from Balkan to Baltic was first population in Europe after Ice age, and from that line not only Slavs originate but all what is White race. First, what was Europe was Balkan in its entirety and then also some parts of Spain and Crimea. Those were only zones ever excluded from glacial ices during Ice ages in Europe. West of Europe, Central Europe and great deal of Eastern Europe were covered with glacial ice 2 km thick. Absolute desolation. Anyway, all traces and scientific proofs confirms that after Ice age was over and ice started melting Europe was re-populated from Balkan along the Danube river. From Lepenski vir culture. By all we see in traces of Serbian name, it is quite clear that when population from Balkan moved to re-populate Europe, that population used to call itself Serbs. That is why many linguists and historical records speak of Serbian name as original name of all Slavs. But there is more to it but its another story...

Kashubs are a Pommeranian tribe

Pommeranian Slavs were Serbs.
Crow  154 | 9463
3 Jan 2024   #64
I don't know Crow. Poles are Northern people and Serbs are South, don't see much of a connection.

What was Europe in the past? We live in informative age, you have all on the net, did you bother to look?

Some 13.000-11.000 years ago 2 km thick ice in western, Central and Eastern Europe started to melt. Very slow process. At that time what was civilzation in Europe existed only on Balkan. Lepenski Vir culture (modern day Serbia, former Yugoslavia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria).

So what was Europe was Balkan. Now, take the map of the world and look how close is Balkan to Iran and India. See? When you look to Scandinavia, Balkan is practically center to Scandinavia and Iran/India.

Why I telling you this? To go out of the box. See, Ice age existed for many many thousends of years and Europe IE BALKAN population had to spread somwhere and that is why SANSKRIT was a Slavic language and that is why oldest Indian manuscripts and Rg Veda texts speaks of Srbinda (only European ethnic name mentioned ever by Rg Veda texts), being that was enemy to black Indra God. In short, with time and due to similar but still different reasons we got names such are Persia and Prusia. Name of Serbs goes with the name Ras. Its dualism under the scientific investigation. All in all many traces. Proved by science as small peaces of one bigger picture. From Balkan to Siberia and modern day Pakistan/India border existed oldest Sarmatian civilzation.

Now, when ice started to melt in Europe, the population from Balkan started to re-populate Europe. But not only from Balkan but from entire Sarmatian civlization.

Balkan-Baltic line was first backbone of civilzation in Europe. That is why name of Serbs in Europe survived solely there from Balkan Serbs, Molise Serbs, Lusatian Serbs, Kashubian Serbs. There was core and tradition was strongest. By all what I found on the net and sow, at the moment when Europe was entirely re-populated and Ice age completely gone that was maximum of old Sarmatian civlzation. In its farest extent Sarmats/Serbs covered entire Europe, Anatolia, Siberia, Kazahstan, etc, etc... Iran and Pakistan to Ind river and bordered with ancient Chinese. For the record, at that time 5.000 bc Black sea wasn`t sea but it was lake. Important fact for inteligent.

This my friend is European history. Only fraction of history of great Sarmatian civilzation.
Torq  8 | 954
4 Jan 2024   #65
In its farest extent Sarmats/Serbs covered entire Europe, Anatolia, Siberia, Kazahstan, etc, etc... Iran and Pakistan to Ind river and bordered with ancient Chinese.


I am surprised, brate, that people these days even need to be told such obvious facts. I blame venal historians in the so-called West. Luckily not every historian sold their soul for euro/dollars - there are still honest scientists like brat Mariusz Kowalski and his book...

... in which he proves clearly that Arians, who started Iranian and Hindu civilisation and became the symbol of civilisational advantage of Europe, not only came originally from Polish lands, but also in terms of genetic similarity were closest to today's Poles.


Russia - not unlike Germany - is, by and large, a figment of people's imagination. A mass ilussion one might say. People who these days call themselves Russians are of course Poles/Serbs/Original Arians. Ancient prophecies say that when Russians finally realise their Polish (Sarmat) origin, then Kolovrat will rise over the entire world, Percival's music will play in every radio station on Earth...

... and all Turks, Americans, Brits and Germanized Serbs will require horrendous amounts of washing detergents for their trousers.
Crow  154 | 9463
4 Jan 2024   #66
brat Mariusz Kowalski

Brat Mariusz is wise.
Bobko  27 | 2130
4 Jan 2024   #67
Russia - not unlike Germany - is, by and large, a figment of people's imagination. A mass ilussion one might say.

We may live on the peripheries of Great Slavia, but we are no figment of the imagination, brate.

It is funny, that I have to educate you like this... We too, have our authors. One such luminary is Anatoly Abrashkin. He wrote one of my favorite books - "The Arian Roots of Rus'".

In this book, Abrashkin explains in clear terms the true origins of the Russian nation. For example, the ethnonym "Rus", as he explains, is tied to the name of the chanters of Arian religious hymns. He traces the beginnings of the Russian nation from the moment it first emerged as the Arians from amidst other Indo-European tribes in the 5th-4th millennia BC, and then places Ancient Russian history into a wider context, beginning with Sumeria and Ancient Egypt.

The book examines in detail the genealogies of Russian gods (Baba Yaga, Yarila, Kolyada, Ivan, Marya, etc.) and relevant mythological parallels. It also conclusively dismantles the spurious "Khazar" and "Norman" theories on Russian origin. Finally, Abrashkin provides convincing evidence regarding the Russian ethnicity of Christ.

After reading this book, it will become clear to the reader that Russians were among the first nations to develop civilization, and have continued to play a decisive role in the development of humankind ever since.

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Torq  8 | 954
4 Jan 2024   #68
Anatoly Abrashkin

Brat Anatoly is wise.

After cursorily checking online information about his extensive research, I stand corrected. There were three ancient streams of Slavia: the strongest, Polish, and two children streams, Serbian and Russian, of almost equal strength. I, therefore, retract my rushed statement about Russia being a figment of imagination.
Torq  8 | 954
4 Jan 2024   #69
Of course brat Anatoly could draw from the well of ancient Polish wisdom and the theory of Great Lechia...




... the research material is practically endless.
Bobko  27 | 2130
4 Jan 2024   #70

Lechina Empire sounds very funny in Russian - Лёхина Империя (Лёха is a nickname for Alexei).

Kinda like Tommy's Empire, or Mike's Empire.

P.S. - I wonder if Slavs are the only ones that suffer from such severe megalomania? I never heard of a German claiming the Christ was German.
Alien  25 | 6353
4 Jan 2024   #71
Christ was German

No, but the Pope was German

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