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Common surnames in Poland NOT of Polish origin ?

boletus  30 | 1356
13 Oct 2012   #31
Been wondering for the longest time where my surname 'Pajdo' is from. Haven't ever gotten a conclusive answer on that, even from a Polish geneologistLOL

Check this page,
Scroll down to a group of 20 or so names starting with PAJD- . Assuming that your name is of Polish origin, then it comes from the word "pajda", as in "pajda chleba" (chunk, piece of bread). Synonyms: skiba, kawałek, kroma, kromka.

From : pajda:
 pajda, bajda chleba, 'kromka'. It comes from Turkish and Hungarian "paj" meaning "porcja" in Polish, a portion in English. In some dialects "pajtasz" means "towarzysz" (companion), which comes from Hungarian "paitas".
13 Oct 2012   #32
Gosh, thanks boletus!

Etymology's fascinating, isn't it?
boletus  30 | 1356
13 Oct 2012   #33
Etymology's fascinating, isn't it?

Yes, now you have to check Hungarian sources, then Turkish ones. :-)
But that's "małe piwo" for you, Lyzko. :-)
13 Oct 2012   #34
Cheers to that one, mate:-)
Search engines at the ready... DOWN THE OL' HATCHEROOO!!!
boletus  30 | 1356
13 Oct 2012   #35
Search engines at the ready...

Here you go Lyzko:

The actual spelling is not "paitas" but "pajtás", plural pajtások.
This is a Hungarian word of Turkish origin - the Polish was right here.
From Ottoman Turkish پاﻳﺪﺍﺵ (pâydâş, "parter, sharer"), from پای (pây, "share, portion").
Hungarian meaning:

- comrade, companion, pal
- pioneer (member of a child organization in the soviet bloc)
13 Oct 2012   #36
Grandma always used to joke that we all had wandering eyes and itchy feet, so maybe add to the brew some Sinti-Roma thrown in for good measureLOL
15 Oct 2012   #37
Hi Strzyga. Thank you for your reply. It was very helpful for you to mention where the base "sap" may have originated from, even if it is "mud" or "soil". But there is no insult here. Some people have came from more muddy lands, hence a nickname, which evolved into a surname.

Hi Boletus. In addition to thanking Strzyga, I thank you for helping me here. Your mentionings of the likely origin of the base "sap" in Sapko is very plausible, even if it may mean "mud". There is no insult here. Some people may have come from more muddy lands, landing a nickname, pertaining to it, which evolved to a surname. It could have come from "one who makes flour" too, for that matter, as you have mentioned.
Tim Bucknall  7 | 98
12 Nov 2012   #38
is Suhanik a Ukranian name?
it came up while i was doing the family tree, i'm on genes reunited if anyone wants to look me up

its the one exotic name in 4 boring centuries of Staffordshire ancestors!
10 Sep 2013   #39
Polonized Armenian surname: "Agapsowicz" (from Agapian)
10 Sep 2013   #40
"Many names ending with - uk or -icz are of Eastern origin (Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Lithuanian, whatever) - Wasiluk, Bohdanowicz, Hawryluk."

Pacewicz (Pacevicius?) has Lithuanian roots, probably not too prelevent
12 Jun 2014   #41
I did some research on etymology of Ukrainian surnames years ago. Of the top of my head, Sapko would splinter off from Savko and Sawko, which could be rooted in the Ukrainian word for owl (sova).

I did come across a very useful book on the topic though the exact name and author escape me. It was in English and it was something straightforward like Etymology or Historical Roots of Ukrainian Surnames. The book was purely on groupings and derivations of names over time. Very interesting. The thing that I did remember is that the book was published in Germany, possibly Munich.

Hope that helps. Good luck.
4 Jan 2015   #42
Merged: Foreign surnames popular in Poland

Like for example: My dad's father changed his surname when he moved to Poland from Western Belarus. It was Fox I believe and they changed it to Bernatowicz because Fox is German and they had to change it after the war.

Give me examples such as Miller (Mueller, Müller).
Veles  - | 197
4 Jan 2015   #43
Fox is English. Polish translation is Lis, and German would be Fuchs.

There are also Szmidt (Schmitt), or Weiss. Too many to make a list. Many surnames were created by using foreign characteristics, for example the surname "Makaruk" is present both - in Poland and Ukraine. So is it Polish or Ukrainian?
4 Jan 2015   #44
So my grandfathers surname was English? Wow, I was sure that it was German.
Veles  - | 197
4 Jan 2015   #45
What was his first name? Fox is definitely not a German word.
4 Jan 2015   #46
Franciszek, which is definitely Slavic.

Oh no! I meant that my grandfather's surname was Miller and I used Fox because I was thinking of something else. Miller is German (Mueller, Müller, Miler , etc.) Sorry about that.
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Jan 2015   #47
Franciszek, which is definitely Slavic.

Franciszek is not a Slavic name, it's a Polish name of a German origin.
4 Jan 2015   #48
Polish or German. I don't care, it's just his first name. It bares little importance. I'm asking if Miller is popular in Poland or Eastern Europe? Also my great grandfather was from Silesia near Wrocław and he was born in about 1903-1905 in Prussia.
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Jan 2015   #49
Polish or German. I don't care, it's just his first name. It bares little importance.

Since you made a confident statement of the name to be Slavic I just decided to correct you.

I'm asking if Miller is popular in Poland or Eastern Europe?

There is quite a number of them in Poland. Eastern Europe? I have no idea.
Szenk88HTAFC  2 | 47
4 Jan 2015   #50
My last name is pretty uncommon in Poland.

Szenk - Schenk (I presume)

  • Screenshot_2015010.png
18 Jul 2015   #51
I have a couple examples:

Bernatowicz - 'Bernat-' is a polonised form of 'Bernhard'. I'm from Poland, this is my own surname and my family originates from Sląsk.

Szengart - Not too sure, probably comes from the German surname 'Schengard'.

Szulc - Met couple in my life. Comes from Schulz.

Grad - My cousin's surname, could be Slovak for 'Castle' or (which I seriously doubt) Irish.

P.S. If you have any suggestions, feel free to reply :D
27 Aug 2015   #52
Merged: Polish surnames of foreign origin?

Hi! I'd like to open a thread where everyone can contribute on Polish surnames NOT of Polish origin.

Bernatowicz - Polonized Armenian.

Cybert - Polonized (?) German.

Szengart - Silesian of German origin.

Müller/Miller/Millerowicz - German (or of German origin).

Niemiec/surnames based on locations - Given to people whose ancestors came from those places.
18 May 2017   #53
Has ANYONE come across the surname FROUDIST ? Both parents Polish. Grandmother on Fathers side birth name was Elzbieta Ross. We cannot go back any further than this. Family were killed during bombing in WW11 in Poland.
Marsupial  - | 871
18 May 2017   #54
Wow have never heard that name! It's so different.
18 May 2017   #55
I know.. we are the last of the Froudist's. We've been trying to find any link to any family members but no luck. Maybe the next route we take is to find our connections to the Ross family.
gregy741  5 | 1226
18 May 2017   #56
alot of surnames in Poland end with "czuk",they are of ukrainian origin i think,and,they are very common.ends with "ewicz" are of jewish origin some at least.
18 May 2017   #57

Nothing at all comes up for that surname on or other sites. The only reference I have found to the surname is that it is shared by an actress and talent agent called Halina Froudist. Guess you have a really rare surname!
TheOther  6 | 3596
18 May 2017   #58

google for "Froudist" genealogy or "Froudist" Poland . There's a whole bunch of hits showing up - lots from the UK and Australia, it seems.

This one looks interesting, too (5 Froudist on that list):
19 May 2017   #59

Thank you for that. Yes we have that document. It's my mother and father and my older brothers and sisters who were travelling by ship

to Australia.
19 May 2017   #60
Thanks, yes that's my sister. She and I now run an Actors Agency together.

Home / Genealogy / Common surnames in Poland NOT of Polish origin ?

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