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Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light

europe awake
25 Mar 2007   #181
"After so many centuries of exploitation the white man in America owes blacks back wages for service rendered. Think of welfare as pittance compared to what the white man got out of them during slave times. It would be nice for some PhD. from a major university to quantify the amount of revenue the slaves produced"

What a idiot. What does africa owe them then? After all there are still slaves there till this day. Sorry PHD are earned not given. You work for things like that. Being you are half black is why you say these things. So now your saying people should be sucking off of welfare? Man you are big time loser. Go work for your money.

"That is what white America owes the black man"

America owes nothing to the black man but a trip back to africa. We showed them everything they know. They would still be slaves back home running around half naked and eating bugs. We even made them a bit smarter. Why are you here? I must ask.
espana  17 | 951
25 Mar 2007   #182
**** me !!!!! but josecito and mr europa awake= same person are going keep going with this ****
green black red blue shut up!!!
it sound like the same person all the time
25 Mar 2007   #183
europe awake,
why don't you go to a black neighbourhood and tell this to your brothers:), this is a Polish forum and in case you didn't notice , you are way off........
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #184
it sound like the same person all the time

Pssst! I'm really ArturSzastak, miranda, FISZ, Grzegorz, and Shewolf :)
lovely  - | 24
25 Mar 2007   #185
This is nonsense. I've worked my whole life.

You ARE a racist and anti-American. Every time I read your illogical and rambling posts, I am embarrassed that such an idiot lives in my country. And you're supposedly a teacher? That's pathetic. Why do you stay in America, the country that you are benefitting from, if you feel you are so superior? It's people like you who bring others down. All I see you doing on this forum is whining about "the white man". You sound like a broken record. You can't go around placing blame on others for your own faults or the failures of a race. Do you think African Americans were the only people to ever be enslaved? People all over the world have gone though **** since the beginning of time yet they are still able to persevere and succeed. Of course slavery was disgusting and wrong, but it is not an excuse for gangs, drugs, and welfare 150 years later. And you have the audacity to excuse minorities for being on welfare because its "owed" to them. You are the one who is a slave to your own twisted views of the world.
25 Mar 2007   #186

BAN josecitomadera I noticed his picture is also on other parts of the web... odd..
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #187
Lovely, with that kind of logic it would make you racist and Anti-Puerto Rican.

This whole topic is retarded.

How the hell is that every time a good topic comes by, we hope to have a nice and honest thread, people come by making racist comment every which way. Everyone's doing it, so can we just all get back on topic?? Please? For the sake of the forums unity?
25 Mar 2007   #188
good point, I am moving to another thread. Those racists should be all banned from here.
25 Mar 2007   #189
"Lovely, with that kind of logic it would make you racist and Anti-Puerto Rican. "

How so , what about ehr post makes her wrong? Don't make dumbass comments and run off. Explain why she is wrong. Talk about a coward. Quick to attack people who make posts that make sense but kiss a anit-white racists ass. I think ArturSzastak

is puerto himself.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #190
good point, I am moving to another thread. Those racists should be all banned from here.

It's like they all get off by coming on to this website and trying to spread their "White Power" or "Latin Power" or "Black Power" views. They're hijacking all the threads :(

I think ArturSzastak
is puerto himself.

Yes. You figured me out. You tell me I've run away after making a post, how about you prove I'm Puerto?

And copying and pasting posts, which can easily be manipulated, does not prove ones race.
25 Mar 2007   #191
We could meet up some time depending on location. I am no coward I will say anything I say on here in face to face. Think about it.
lovely  - | 24
25 Mar 2007   #192
Lovely, with that kind of logic it would make you racist and Anti-Puerto Rican.

How would that make me racist? I could care less what anyone's race is. I just think it's stupid for ANYONE not to take responsibilty for their own actions.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #193
I understand, but Jose's been attacked since day one. People are just trying to piss him off left and right. I can't stand it, they just keep coming back with different names and trying to make him look like the bad guy. (I know you're not racist, it's just we should avoid this whole topic on this forum)

We could meet up some time depending on location. I am no coward I will say anything I say on here in face to face. Think about it.

Sure, where you have in mind??? I live in Erie,PA. Just pick anywhere near by and I'll see you there. Just have a sign that says "SEDZIA" right next to you, okay?
25 Mar 2007   #194
I understand, but Jose's been attacked since day one. People are just trying to piss him off left and right. I can't stand it, they just keep coming back with different names and trying to make him look like the bad guy. (I know you're not racist, it's just we should avoid this whole topic on this forum)

Oh shut up. Man you are pathetic. The admins know whos who don't be stupid. Now you know hse isint racist but you decided to call her one a few posts later? YES ok..

"Sure, where you have in mind??? I live in Erie,PA. Just pick anywhere near by and I'll see you there. Just have a sign that says "SEDZIA" right next to you, okay?"

You have an email? we will arrange a place.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #195
Oh shut up. Man you are pathetic. The admins know whos who don't be stupid. Now you know hse isint racist but you decided to call her one a few posts later? YES ok..

I SAID, "WITH THAT KIND OF LOGIC" not flat out she is racists. It meant that if that kind of thinking was applied to everything, everyone on this damn forum is racist.

You have an email? we will arrange a place.

I'm not giving you my damn email, so you can send me all you're damn thoughts everyday. No way. Post the place right here.
shewolf  5 | 1077
25 Mar 2007   #196
The Mighty Cortes has over 500,000 descendants today that were all from his original "native mexican" wives

They're busy over there, arent they? :)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #197
You know it. :) Kinda like miranda's bunny :)
25 Mar 2007   #198
You are scared. Don't worry I would never hurt anyone. SAID, "WITH THAT KIND OF LOGIC" Oh now we have another puerto taking one thing and calling it another. You two need to detail your posts ahead of time rather then trying to twist things around after.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #199
How can the meaning of "With that kind of logic" suddenly mean something else to me? I know what I said. Those were my exact words. I changed nothing.

And oh yeah, I'm ******* Puerto Rican :) Hell yeah. Thats totally me. Puerto Rican in Eire, PA......right.
25 Mar 2007   #200
Oh I see now I found what I need.

thank you :) :)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #201
Glad I could help. Now can we just get off this stupid topic of RACISM and get to know the real you?

Where you from Sedzia?
lovely  - | 24
25 Mar 2007   #202
SAID, "WITH THAT KIND OF LOGIC" not flat out she is racists. It meant that if that kind of thinking was applied to everything, everyone on this damn forum is racist.

Artur, how is what I said racist? You still haven't told me. I don't appreciate being called a racist just because I don't agree with Jose's lame posts. I'm not the one bringing up race every other thread.
25 Mar 2007   #203
Lublin :)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #204
Artur, how is what I said racist? You still haven't told me. I don't appreciate being called a racist just because I don't agree with Jose's lame posts. I'm not the one bringing up race every other thread.

If I prove it can this be the last thing ever said about racism? PLEASE??? Ok how about this, I AM SORRY I CALLED YOU RACIST! :) I love you for who you are. Will that work?


Cool. What kind of work you do out there?
Styles  2 | 21
25 Mar 2007   #205
P.S We tried sending blacks back to africa, Liberia the so called ''promise land'' but meh Africans didn't accept them either.

Whites don't owe anything to anyone, jose are you really a teacher? You like brain washing kids? No wonder so many whites have white guilt these days, its quite sad.

second most ''white peoples greedy ancestors'' immigarted to america after slavery and worked non stop to put food in their mouth and familys, its very disrespectful for you to talk about my race the way you do, we were not slave hungry greedy people, unlike you spaniards.
lovely  - | 24
25 Mar 2007   #206
If I prove it can this be the last thing ever said about racism? PLEASE??? Ok how about this, I AM SORRY I CALLED YOU RACIST! I love you for who you are. Will that work?

mmm hard feelings :).
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #207
Thank you. Is that your pic on the avatar??
lovely  - | 24
25 Mar 2007   #208
nope, just a random avatar :). and you? have you posted yours somewhere?
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #209
I would, but no digital camera :(

Otherwise I'd have a myspace also
lovely  - | 24
25 Mar 2007   #210
I might post mine later. You can still make a myspace, though, and add your pic later. It's pretty cool :). Anyways, Im off for a hike cya.

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