Gipsies originate from India, they are not Polish even if they have a passport
Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light
14 Jul 2014 #332
I am 100% Polish, I married a 50 % Italian Woman (25% Irish and also 25% German). Her father was born in Sicily. He was dark, but because her mother was German and Irish, her look was of dark Italian of light skin. I do not use any sunscreen. I just work outside and ran into people at the end of June asking if I was on vacation. I said, "No I work outside on my home projects." There are not too many 100% caucasian individuals darker than me. And here I am not Spaniard, Greek or Italian. I grew up on a farm and worked outside. I think our skin adjusts to our habits. I have brownish-gold eyes, they are not deep brown. but you can see the color separation of my palm to my top part of my hand. Its weird. I am 50, but have been like this since a teenager. Also, I am 6'2" and not one of the taller people in the Polish family. So Poles are also Tall. My son is 16 and is already 6'3".
I only read some of you'alls threads. Like any society there is mixed raced people. In the U.S. it's about 1 or 2%.
I'm not talking about kindred. Which is white.
I'm not talking about kindred. Which is white.
5 Aug 2014 #334
Poland was a mixing pot. We polish are Slavs plain and simple. But our old commonwealth was very diverse. Jews, Tatars, vlachs, Armenians, Ukrainians russians, germans Lithuanians and Scandinavians. I for one have very Slavic facial features but I have thick dark hair and black eyes with yellow skin. I am polish, but I suspect that somewhere down the line I have vlach Romanian and Tatar ancestry.
3 May 2015 #335
Up to 3% of the Polish population carries Mongol traits/dna, as does Russian population. Within just that one admixture you find blondes with olive or yellow-olive skin which tans well, and paler types, black haired peoples with pale cue eyes and light olive or yellow-olive skin (my family has either platinum hair with blue/gray eyes or black hair with blues eyes--men all over 6'5" and the women 5'10" and over!. Eyes may be palest blue, green or brown-black. Considering gypsy, Tatar, Viking(of many northern countries) and other invasions over the centuries, one must conclude the area of Poland to have been vulnerable to much forced and consensual intermingling, as a result of attacks and border conquests. When I had my DNA tested--I was Mongolian, native American (mother), largely euro, but also some Greek, as well as Slavic and Nordic. It is an inexpensive way to get some answers...
3 May 2015 #336
Or you could look at DNA haplogroups frequencies, then you would know Poland is the least genetically mixed country in the region.
Why are some Polish people dark complected,and others very light
one of the reasons is that during era of slavery, on the territories of what is today`s Poland (and not only there), Whites (Slavic/Sarmatian ancestors of Poles) were hunted (in masses exterminated or relocated in the western and south-western Europe and Arabic lands) by the already romanzied (and then germanized) racially mixed western Europe, while from time to time, non-European invaders made an influx of genes. So, purely White genome is being weakening for millennia, while darker complexion genome spread more or less freely. Also, have in mind that since time immemorial, in pre-Roman and later (to the our times) Slavic/Sarmatian civilization exist on inter-continental level, which is the natural reason for different sub-racial characteristics.
I guess that would make you a racially pure and superior human, Crow. I also guess you haven't been keeping up with genomic research.
i didn`t judge, as you are judging. i only state facts. Its not my problem if those facts aren`t nice to some.
White genome
Is this a fact?
It's not even a statement so how can you ask if it's a fact?
3 May 2015 #342
I wouldn't say Poland is a particularly diverse country when compared with a few other up and coming countries- which is refreshing since most countries seem to think racial mixing is completely normal. Want a baby with a negroid? - go ahead, it's fashionable after all. (Sigh)
People shouldn't assume that blond and blue equals quality DNA, superiority etc, ect, as I see many pale skin, blue eyed blondes on a daily basis who aren't in the slightest bit good looking or "superior".
People shouldn't assume that blond and blue equals quality DNA, superiority etc, ect, as I see many pale skin, blue eyed blondes on a daily basis who aren't in the slightest bit good looking or "superior".
White genome
i am not genetic expert. You can also name it: `genes that define white race` or `Europoid gene pool`, even `Slavic (ie Sarmatian) gene stock`.
But anyway, no matter that we aren`t experts on the field of genetics, we need to have elemental knowledge in history. At least if we were to speak in threads like this. Note how is knowledge of history important for understanding of what`s going on in our time, for understanding of topic of this thread.
Crowie, DNA and skin colour don't matter at all. No difference. They don't have any impact on the way people think or how they behave.
Why do you telling that to me? i didn`t start this thread.
On the other side, if we follow your logic, we would conclude that Poland`s borders aren`t necessary thing. That even Poles aren`t necessary thing.
And for all that time, while Poland and Poles aren`t necessary, some kind of civilization is necessary. Some. That won`t be Polish civilization, isn`t it? Some other for sure.
On the other side, if we follow your logic, we would conclude that Poland`s borders aren`t necessary thing. That even Poles aren`t necessary thing.
And for all that time, while Poland and Poles aren`t necessary, some kind of civilization is necessary. Some. That won`t be Polish civilization, isn`t it? Some other for sure.
Crowie, DNA and skin colour don't matter at all. No difference. They don't have any impact on the way people think or how they behave.
They do on a large scale.
johnny reb 49 | 7974
3 May 2015 #347
DNA and skin colour don't matter at all. No difference. They don't have any impact on the way people think or how they behave.
Ba - Loney jon
Then why do people with low i.q.'s produce children with low i.q's.
Why do people with white skin prefer steak and people with black skin prefer chicken.
Why are there more black people in the prisons then white people percentage wise.
Why are people impacted by the race they were born when it comes to race riots and their actions.
No difference.
Yes, difference jon
As i said, Slavs lived on inter-continental level since time immemorial and sub-racial differences are normal in Slavs, so in Poles, too. So no matter traditional in general, Slavs also have potential to be tolerant. Tolerant, not in the sense of encouraged racial mixing as it is forced by the world`s ruling establishment (ie west of Europe and USA) but tolerant in the sense of sustainable coexistence with others.
I only read some of you'alls posts. Maybe there's some Tatar in the background. Golden Horde.
Also there are tatars that are white because of the white horde.
So ya there was a golden horde and a white horde.
I only read some of you'alls posts. Maybe there's some Tatar in the background. Golden Horde.
Also there are tatars that are white because of the white horde.
So ya there was a golden horde and a white horde.
yes. i know what you want to tell us. All the way to the monkey horde and amoeba horde even before that
Why do people with white skin prefer steak and people with black skin prefer chicken.
Why are there more black people in the prisons then white people percentage wise.
Why are people impacted by the race they were born when it comes to race riots and their actions.
Why are there more black people in the prisons then white people percentage wise.
Why are people impacted by the race they were born when it comes to race riots and their actions.
What makes you think that's about the amount of melatonin in people's skin rather than the society that humanity has created?
Why are most Pol-Ams blue collar for that matter? Genetics or what happens afterwards?
society that humanity has created
Yes, Jon. All this globalization, turbulence in world is about society, about civilization. Different human cultures clashes for the position of leading human civilization. When you lead, others submit to your cultural influence. Point is - there are a lot of false protagonists of false tolerance. Many say `tolerance` (racial, cultural, ethnic, any), while seek to rule and control.
Why are most Pol-Ams blue collar for that matter?
That's funny thing to say because most people in the world are blue collar.
Yet there are other groups who tend to be at a higher socioeconomic level and others lower. Dark or light skin is an irrelevance though - it's other factors which determine intelligence, character, motivation and opportunities in life. Entirely societal.
Dark or light skin is an irrelevance
You are the only one person here who claims that the racial differences are only about the skin color. You use your brain to think not your skin so obviously the skin doesn't matter in this case.
The amount of melatonin in one's skin has no bearing on the brain. We are all the same under the skin.
The amount of melatonin in one's skin has no bearing on the brain.
I think you should get the Nobel Prize for discovering it.
We are all the same under the skin.
There is plenty of evidence to state otherwise.
Thanks for the compliment, however sarcastic. As for 'evidence' that skin tone affects intelligence, perhaps you can look at the variation in melatonin levels within the ethnic Polish population (which is after all the topic of this thread) and produce some riveting 'evidence' that it reflects a variance in levels of intelligence and in character attributes.
As for 'evidence' that skin tone affects intelligence
For a person who claims reading so many books your reading comprehension is shocking.
Not a very articulate answer, and nothing that suggests the variety of skin tones within Poland (or our planet as a whole) has any relevance to anything in particular except the amount of sun cream you need and the way some very limited individuals regard you.