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Do Polish people have big noses?

theblueenigma  3 | 188
19 May 2009   #301
If it makes you feel any better all men have small minds ;0)

No comment, but men age better :P

No, a bloke with a big nose is just a bloke with a big nose, he could be an attractive bloke with a big nose or a really ugly bloke with a big nose, this would depend on whether he gets a shag or not, not because we are secretly thinking...phwwwuuurr look at that bloke with a big nose bet he's built like a pit pony ;0)

Regardless, you will never look at a big nosed man again without contemplating the size of his manhood . . . the seed is sown :))
RyanJF  1 | 18
21 May 2009   #302
Quote | Reply
May 19, 09, 11:23


Women subconsciously equate big noses with big willys so its great

? Which women are these? Hmmm, now we know how these myths start...

Lol? I wish.
25 May 2009   #303
No,Polish people have round faces,
25 May 2009   #304
Not all of them !

LAGirl  9 | 496
28 May 2009   #305
My Polish boyfriend has a regular size noise not .a big one

For the off-topic posters and those having personal arguments:
More than 20 off topic posts removed from the end of this topic.

12 Jun 2009   #306
im polish - & i have a big nose.
my whole family does (:
iza sebastian
20 Aug 2009   #307
haii :)
yeah im actualy 100% polish, my family history goes wayyyy back, we have the paintings and books to prove it. Although i currently live in Australia.

And also, polish people do not have big noses, they have oval faces fair skin (mine is almost pure white at the moment coz its winter here) blue eyes thin blonde hair and are manily tall. Except for the people who live in Wroclaw who are shorter than the northen polish. I myself am from Warsaw and Krakow which arr in more northern poland.
Love Euro men
7 Sep 2009   #308
OMG check out Marcin Gortat he plays for the Orlando Magic. He is from Poland and MAN that dude has the biggest nose I ever saw in my life. But aside from his nose, he is kinda good looking. Really pretty eyes. Polish people tend to have really pretty deep set eyes. And high cheekbones. And watching the Olympics last summer, I was watching Polish woman's volleyball, and most of those girls had big noses but other than that were really pretty. Lithuanians too, they have big noses. I noticed watching men's Lithuanian basketball. They have a distinct nose, long and turns up at the end. All of them seem to have that. I find a couple of the guys on the team to be really hot though even with the funny nose. East Europeans I just love there eyes and cheekbone structure. They are white/caucasion but have an exotic look about them somehow.
Ironside  50 | 12333
7 Sep 2009   #309
They have a big noses, budged ....., huge ears and enormous ......!
Happy enough?
7 Sep 2009   #310
Living "down under" must really be taking its toll if you think Krakow is in northern Poland! :)
mvefa  5 | 591
8 Sep 2009   #311
Do Polish people have big noses?

Not sure if all polish, but certainly saw a lot of huge noses in katowice.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
8 Sep 2009   #312
Do Polish people have big noses?

A lot of them do, a lot of them don't.

Do all Jews have big noses? Ehm no, I am supposed to be one and my nose is pretty small, very small actually. Just like my mom's. If friends visited our home I always ask them, which one of my parents is Jewish? They always answer that it's my dad. He is protestant Dutch with no Jewish blood in him whatsoever. Yet he looks more Jewish than my mom, who's 100% Jewish.

Stella Goldschlag, the infamous catcher for the Gestapo, was Jewish, but she was blonde and had very blue eyes. There is no standard person in the world. If you think all individuals of a ppl look the same, there is something wrong.

M-G (just goes to show you never can tell)
mvefa  5 | 591
8 Sep 2009   #313
true, but some generalizations can be true..
MareGaea  29 | 2751
8 Sep 2009   #314
Yes - like all Polish females are sl*ts?


M-G (grmbl)
mvefa  5 | 591
8 Sep 2009   #315
Yes - like all Polish females are sl*ts?

Hahahaha noooo

Like: most of asians have (spleetogen) i dont know the term in english, but you get the idea. Or that most of subsaharian native africans are black, or that most of Dutch guys have big shlongs ( ;) ) Or the most of swedes are blond.
southern  73 | 7059
8 Sep 2009   #316
Slavic nose is a very complicated issue.Basically it is a small nose.But it seems bigger due to the shape of slavic face which is not square with edges but round.Czech nose resembles germanic,but polish has very slavic features.Some noises in Russia show the origin of their owners with no doubt.

But the really big nose is the semitic nose which is common among Jews,Armenians,Caucasians.It has a specific shape(different among Jews,Armenians,Caucasians) but if you see it,you immediately judge the origin of the posessor according to environment.(for example semitic nose in Moscow points to Caucasian).

By observing slavic nose alone,you cannot draw conclusions.
mvefa  5 | 591
8 Sep 2009   #317
I have seen the hugest nose ever in Bulgary, Man it covered half of the face of the guy...:S
MareGaea  29 | 2751
8 Sep 2009   #318
But the really big nose is the semitic nose which is common among Jews

See my previous post. My father, who is Dutch, looks more like a Jew than my mom, who is a Jewess, does. Sometimes Jews have blonde hair and blue/grey eyes, you know.


Poles are also Caucasian. "Caucasian" is just the term for white ppl in the world. Guess what: semitic and arabic ppl belong to the white race too, officially.

M-G (black, white, yellow, purple, green, what difference does it make)
mvefa  5 | 591
8 Sep 2009   #319
black, white, yellow, purple, green, what difference does it make

We are the world, (lala) we are the children (are children) we are the ones to make a better place so let's start giving (fornicating) there's a joy....
southern  73 | 7059
8 Sep 2009   #320
Sometimes Jews have blonde hair and blue/grey eyes

They can mixed or Khazars,many Slavs have passed off as Jews,you know how it works.20% of Israelis come from former SU,go figure.

We talk here about the typical Jew.The Germans knew that and they used rhinometry(measurement of nose length to width ratio I think) to identify who is the Jew and who not by their nose index.They seldom failed.

"Caucasian" is just the term

In Russia with Caucasians you mean people who come from Caucasus region like Georgians,Chechnyans,Ingushetians etc.

In the US they mean the whole of white ppls.

Yes,they call them caucasian because it is more politically correct than white.And caucasian can include for example Georgians,Jews,Turks etc.
They do not make distinction between white slavic,white germanic,white mediteranean although geneticists make these distinctions.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
8 Sep 2009   #321
They do not make distinction between white slavic,white germanic,white mediteranean

Oh, will you stop it now before I really get angry at you?

Regardless, you will never look at a big nosed man again without contemplating the size of his manhood

The smaller the nose, the bigger the manhood. That's the rule, I think.

The Germans say: "an der Nase eines Mannes erkennt man seinen Johannes."

(by the man's nose one can tell his d*ck)

M-G (always glad to bring light in the darkness)
vee23  - | 4
8 Sep 2009   #322
mvefa Today, 14:03 #387
Yeah you will **** your pants, such hilarious things they post here sometimes.

Wow, take it easy... I did notice not everything here is hilarious but the "the big noses topic" is. I rather enjoyed reading the posts, some of them very educational lol.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
8 Sep 2009   #323
Do Polish people have big noses?

Yes i think they do
polkamaniac  1 | 482
10 Sep 2009   #324
I heard big noses mean big ????? It's great to be polish!!!!!!
MareGaea  29 | 2751
11 Sep 2009   #325

No, the smaller your nose is, the bigger your member. That's the rule.


M-G (hehehe)
Polish Princess
28 Sep 2009   #326
I am half Polish and would definitely say that polish people do not have big noses typically but can very in size and shape just like any other european person. Also i will have to agree that we polish women tend to have hips and booty, my polish relatives do and i definitely have a nice size booty for my medium frame. We are very lucky and should be proud!!!
MareGaea  29 | 2751
28 Sep 2009   #327
Polish Princess

Nice booty? Pictures :)

M-G (likes nice booty)
pgtx  29 | 3094
28 Sep 2009   #328
polish women tend to have hips and booty

to make their way in a crowd...?

it's not a rule tho...
Polish Princess
28 Sep 2009   #329
Also i want to make a comment to OsiedleRuda, my mother is 100% polish and she has dark brown curly hair, blue eyes and medium skin. I also have dark brown curly hair, blue eyes and medium light skin. My family ranges in skin tone to hair color, excluding blonde, so that is not true that most poles have fair skin and light hair. My polish family is very traditional and into our culture, if you are truly polish then u know, like many other countries in europe we all can range in skin color to hair color. We can be as dark as an italian or light as an irish person.
28 Sep 2009   #330
Maybe someone can explain what this has got to go with my previous post, because I've got no idea! lol

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