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Polish looks?

10 Jan 2013   #1201
I've never looked at another Polish, or European person and thought.. he looks typically Polish or French or whatever.

that's what your British countrymen say. try to convince them, I can't do that (obviously because I'm a defensive Pole)
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Jan 2013   #1202
you are defensive zeti :P

why does it bother you what some foreigners say about Poles in the UK - do you think you will have to emigrate or what?
10 Jan 2013   #1203
why does it bother you what some foreigners say about Poles in the UK

It builds mental walls which tear people apart. I don't quite like to be treated as if I were an alien of an alien race. The more I'm on PF the more I see that there is no real difference in people also in regards of the mental features. There's only a bit of chauvinism, everyone wants to see the other as somewhat exotic species and oneself as better or... different.

Ironside  51 | 13123
10 Jan 2013   #1204
that's what your British countrymen say. try to convince them, I can't do that (obviously because I'm a defensive Pole)

Obviously people can recognize foreigners by certain characteristics they cannot quite put their finger on it. You are making a big deal out of it.

Questions about typical Polish look are being asked mostly by Pol-Am for the obvious reason.
Others are just adding their observations or thoughts on the subject. After all it is the Internet.:)
It doesn't need to be consistent or well thought thru.
No big deal!
I don't understand what you are expecting form such threads?

You should appear

He is just one of those bigots who are blissfully unaware of their own bigotry..
rybnik  18 | 1444
10 Jan 2013   #1205
You are waxing poetically Ironside :)
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
10 Jan 2013   #1206
Go to sleep then? We got your point and respect your opinion :)

Do you also tell people to take a drink as they are putting cup to mouth?
I would suggest you do a few things but I'm confident you've already done them, got my point?
That is one thing which I will always identify as being Polish in nature; telling people to do something they are just about to do. I'm sure people of other ethnicities do this too but it is embedded in my mind as being Polish.

Well played Poles, well played.
Trevek  25 | 1699
10 Jan 2013   #1207
Polish women walks differently. T

Well, compared to many British females, they do.

I've noticed younger women and teenagers often seem to stand straighter and keep their legs closer together. (They are more likely to curtsey, too!).

I've wondered if it is anything to do with the volleyball (seriously). Mind you, there are a lot of dance classes where I live, so maybe there are just more trained postures.

I was working in Paignton (south west England) a few years ago at a language school, and I ended up playing "guess the nationality" in town (there are lots of schools and foreign visitors), and it was surprising how you could tell from clothes and posture (and haircuts) Poles, Germans, Russians etc from Brits (round shouldered and greasy hair).

OK, huge generalisations here, I know.
Ant63  13 | 410
10 Jan 2013   #1208
Polish women walks differently. T

I understand what WB is saying I think. It is selective vision though. He is choosing a particular variety of Polish women. Slender, reasonably attractive, high heels, stockings(fantasy) and impeccably smart. Not always a perfect specimen, but has the ability to make the most of her features by using her make up intelligently. She walks tall, but is not aloof. A real head turner, but approachable, unlike her English counterpart, who treats everyone around her with contempt. I have selective vision when I see one of these young ladies too. Summer Friday afternoons in the town centre are always a pleasure. Sundays bring out the Russian girls, dressed in black, micro short skirts, loud make up and ultra high heels. They could easily be confused with someone looking for work. The cheap look is interesting, but the novelty wears off. The sophisticated look, wins out.
David_18  65 | 966
10 Jan 2013   #1209
That is one thing which I will always identify as being Polish in nature; telling people to do something they are just about to do. I'm sure people of other ethnicities do this too but it is embedded in my mind as being Polish.
Well played Poles, well played.

Wopps now you're stereotyping again ;)

My turn

British woman
Trevek  25 | 1699
10 Jan 2013   #1210
Slender, reasonably attractive, high heels, stockings(fantasy) and impeccably smart.

I wasn't thinking of high heels, myself. More like trainers, and a lot of girls seem to walk on their toes/balls of their feet.

I suppose, as well, Polish girls are more used to walking in high boots, cos of all the snow :-)
Wroclaw Boy
10 Jan 2013   #1211
It is selective vision though. He is choosing a particular variety of Polish women. Slender, reasonably attractive, high heels, stockings(fantasy) and impeccably smart. Not always a perfect specimen, but has the ability to make the most of her features by using her make up intelligently.

Nice try old chap, but no thats not it.

Its difficult to describe, its a subtle difference and they dont all have it, but it is an exclusive Eastern European thing.
Ironside  51 | 13123
10 Jan 2013   #1212
Eastern European or Polish? It is not an interchangeable word as you lot seems to think.
Anyway it would render your observation invalid as you have specifically claimed to be able to spot Poles not Eastern Europeans.

Satchkat  - | 20
10 Jan 2013   #1213
...I'd also like to throw in - I'm sure it was said lots of times before - that Poland is not Eastern Europe. It's Central. It used to be Eastern from a political point of view as part of the Eastern block, but not since 1989.

I also can't believe you actually are having a conversation about how Polish women walk and how is that different from others.
ifor bach  11 | 152
10 Jan 2013   #1214
I don't quite like to be treated as if I were an alien of an alien race.

When people start saying that 'the other lot' have 'pointy heads', eyes too close together, or smell 'funny', then all this tells us is that the person making the remark is prejudiced.

Of course, different people have different appearance. Obviously, we can tell with 100% accuracy if someone is black or white. We would probably know with 90% accuracy whether someone was of Greek or Scandinavian descent.

Telling apart different Northern Europeans is pretty near impossible if you base it on physical appearance alone. For example, most Germans have Slavic ancestors, and many Poles have German ancestors. Any study of surnames will tell you this.

The idea that there is an English, Polish and German 'look' that applies to most members of each nationality is pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo.

Now, when it comes to fashion, make-up, and so on, we have a better chance of distinguishing between different Northern European nationalities. Of course, our fashion sense is influenced by our culture, and to some extent every country's culture is unique.

However, go to any Polish city, and you'll see lots of Poles wearing England football team related merchandise.

Personally, I'm extremely interested in the 'which nationality is he/she game'. However, I often get it wrong, and I simply disbelieve anyone who claims to 'know' what nationality anyone is simply by the way they walk or smell.
10 Jan 2013   #1215
I also can't believe you actually are having a conversation about how Polish women walk and how is that different from others.

And we will have a conversation that Poles are indeed green and have tails. We just cut them off after the birth and all wear make up to hide the green shades of our skins. As for the antennas... it's exserted and we all wear prosthetic ears. Here! I've gave out all the Polish secrets! ;)
Satchkat  - | 20
10 Jan 2013   #1216
I'm also Polish, so yes, I can confirm the tail part, but my family didn't eat lots of cabbage and gherkins, therefore my skin is not properly green :( But you know, be cool and don't give out the secrets, k? Not everyone has to know that we are invading indeed, in more ways they imagined. Polish women will seduce, lie and cheat in order to get more men, get up the duff, populate the land with half-Polish babies (so we can then have the benefits!) while Polish men are going to fertilise local women and that's how we're going to take over. Beware.
Ironside  51 | 13123
10 Jan 2013   #1217
Telling apart different Northern Europeans is pretty near impossible if you base it on physical appearance alone.

I have been mistaken for a German, French, Dutch, and the different people and in the different circumference of course.
Saying that I believe that locals can spot foreigners with a reasonable degree of accuracy.

Be quiet ironside or think about what youre saying a bit more.

I think you should make yourself more clear.
- You can spot Poles
-You can spot Eastern Europeans.
You cannot say that you are able to spot Poles because of

an exclusive Eastern European thing.

ifor bach  11 | 152
10 Jan 2013   #1218
Saying that I believe that locals can spot foreigners with a reasonable degree of accuracy.

I lived in Greece for some years, and was always taken for being Greek by the locals. Usually, they will start talking English to anyone who looks like a tourist, and for them tourists are very easy to spot. As far as I'm aware, I have no Greek ancestry whatsoever.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
10 Jan 2013   #1219
Wopps now you're stereotyping again ;)

check your reading comprehension on that last one and look up the meaning of the word stereotype and yet again you should be surprised...that being said, I commend your willingness to engage in English- and despite this latest failed coup it is far better than my Polish.

Take a bow.

Obviously, we can tell with 100% accuracy if someone is black or white.

Even when the skin colour isn't the deciding factor we can tell this because of features. It works this way for ethnicities as well.

For example, most Germans have Slavic ancestors

You know this how?

The idea that there is an English, Polish and German 'look' that applies to most members of each nationality is pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo.

Because you say so?

I simply disbelieve anyone who claims to 'know' what nationality anyone is simply by the way they walk or smell.

4 eigner  2 | 816
10 Jan 2013   #1220
You can spot

why don't you guys post pics of people from different countries and start guessing where they're from? (like 3 pics and one of them has to be a Pole, male or female, doesn't matter).
Ironside  51 | 13123
10 Jan 2013   #1221
I don't care about all that thingee:)
I'm just asking WB to clarify his statements.
ifor bach  11 | 152
10 Jan 2013   #1222

It's idiotic. However, if you want to believe closely related nationalities smell and walk differently, then it's up to you.

When you asked me about how I know that Poles and Germans have mixed ancestry, I have already mentioned the surnames. If you don't happen to know much about history and ethnicity in Central Europe, then I don't propose giving you a crash course.
10 Jan 2013   #1223
or smell.

Let alone saying that some smells isn't a very kind thing...

btw. some users suggest to post pictures of random people and guess their nationality. I don't think it would be kind to post pictures of random strangers in such thread without their concent. As for famous people everyone can check the nationality and be dishonest about the guess, not to mention that a user might simply recognise the person in question.

But if you really wanna see a Polish guy who most certainly wouldn't be judged by you as Polish looking just google: SÅ‚awomir Nowak. What nationality he look like?

Or this guy (don't look at the link):


what nationality is he?
4 eigner  2 | 816
10 Jan 2013   #1225
Cybulski is a Pole, of course ;-)
10 Jan 2013   #1227
Cybulski is a Pole, of course ;-)

Thank you for spoiling the game for others!

How about this man:

4 eigner  2 | 816
10 Jan 2013   #1228
Thank you for spoiling the game for others!

you asked who it was
Maybe  12 | 409
10 Jan 2013   #1229
An Old Jewish American guy and a young chinese man are working in an office together, the Jewish guy says to the Chinese man, " I hate your people you Bombed Pearl harbour".

The Chinese man answers back "don't be stupid that was the Japanese, I am Chinese".
The Old Man says, "Chinese, Japanese all the same to me".
The Chinese man retorts,"well I hate your people you sank the Titanic!".
The Old Man looks shocked and replies, " An Iceberg sank the Titanic".
The Young Chinese man smiles and says" Iceberg, Goldberg, Greenberg....they all the same to me".
10 Jan 2013   #1230
No I asked about his nationality. You supposed to guess by judging his facial features.

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