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Polish looks?

David_18  65 | 966
9 Jan 2013   #1171
Well i guess this also represent the polish people then ;)

Foreigner4  12 | 1768
9 Jan 2013   #1172
You don't need to be a genius to understand that you can not describe a populations look based on how 20 people in that country look like.

You've mislead yourself with what you should be looking at and how to properly interpret the information available to you.

No rational person believes that a sampling of merely 20 people out of 40,000,000 gives a fair average.

I agree but where did you get the number 40 million from? I'd be surprised if there were that many Polish men in Europe to be honest.

People, people, I implore you be rational for one moment of your lives:
I did not suggest that the sampling of 20 people offers a national average of 40 million men in Poland mainly because there are not 40 million men in Poland.

I did not suggest that the sample in question represents 40 million people of Polish identity as that would likely result in some transvestite average Pole- odd not average.

I did not suggest the sample in question did anything but give an average of the people selected.

I have every reason to suspect 20 Polish men were chosen and from those 20 participants an average of their collective faces has been arrived at. I didn't read anything more into it than that because there is nothing more to it than that. Nonetheless we can still note differences among different nationalities. Why is this hard for people to grasp?

it is they way people carry themselves, move, talk etc that show any real difference.

What defines a "real" difference?
ifor bach  11 | 152
9 Jan 2013   #1173
I and I bet many others, however, think they are spot-on

think being the key word here.
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #1175
he main aim of this thread is to answer the question why do foreigners have silly ideas about Poles?

the aim of this thread zeti is to convince yourself that Poles are like everybody else in the world which is simply not true - go figure
9 Jan 2013   #1176
It's the average male and female face of many countries from around the world. I am not sure if age has been taken into account. See if you can spot any differences between the average Polish and others: )

Ha ha Polish woman looks precisely like the German woman!!! The men are also quite alike. Suprisingly the Russian couple is less alike to Poles than the German. The Russian guy looks like a young version of Medviedev :)

The site proves also that the most beautiful is the average! They all are so pretty :)

you are overreacting.

I thought the picture is funny. Unfortunately I failed to find enough pointed egghead with moustache :)

Typical English features.

I used to know someone who was resembling her, she was Polish.

Some non-Poles notice the difference, All Poles deny it.

And the thread says we have flat heads, while isthatu2 thinks we have pointed heads. Make up your mind! :)
ifor bach  11 | 152
9 Jan 2013   #1177
What word would you substitute?

Wroclaw  44 | 5359
9 Jan 2013   #1178
What defines a "real" difference?

folk may look a little different in pictures, but well travelled folk are more likely to recognize a subtle regional difference from simple things, such as a handshake or manner of greeting.

And the thread says we have flat heads, while isthatu2 thinks we have pointed heads. Make up your mind! :)

flat at the back, which results in more pointy
isthatu2  4 | 2692
9 Jan 2013   #1179
There is a whole thread based on Polish head shape. Some non-Poles notice the difference, All Poles deny it.

Of course I meant Foreceps not *calopers* or whatever the heck I wrote,but,thank you.....yes.
What makes me chuckle though is everything is taken as an insult no matter how neutral the statement, thats more proof of that huge chip on the shoulder so many Poles still carry :) (of course,that trait is always denied too... :) ) No one but the people complaining read into a statement about head shapes any supperiority or inferiority in shapes.....

Of course, anyone who's been eating curry smells 'different'. It doesn't matter whether you are British, Asian or Polish.

You aint the brightest penny in the pile are you? Mind you.....stuck in Poland, no sexy ewes,you must be going bonkers.....
The Polish diet is very different to the average English diet hence the different smells...its really very simple,even for a hobbit from the valleys with some weird arse 1970s pc blindness to any differences in human know what, I can spot the difference between black and white people too...I bet you are one of those types who describes the only Black man in the room as *the one in the green shirt,red trousers,dark hair,largish lips,quite wide nose....* but never once dare say Black....
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
9 Jan 2013   #1180
folk may look a little different in pictures, but well travelled folk are more likely to recognize a subtle regional difference from simple things, such as a handshake or manner of greeting.

eh, not trying to be picky but how the heck are "subtle" differences more real than obvious ones?


You're free to imagine other words for people but rest assured the rest of us read the word "think."
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
9 Jan 2013   #1181
eh, not trying to be picky but how the heck are "subtle" differences

Ok, you got me. However, I'm sure that you understand the post.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
9 Jan 2013   #1182
No, dude, I really don't. I don't know what you mean by "real" differences in this sense. If we take out the word "real" and just go with "subtle" or "behavioral" then sure, I can see where you're coming from...those differences are more likely to reflect a mindset....and there are differences in people's mindsets...and those differences affect greater things in society than just our appearance.....but this could be a bad interpretation of what you wanted to say...would it be an understatement to admit I'm tired?
David_18  65 | 966
9 Jan 2013   #1183
would it be an understatement to admit I'm tired?

Go to sleep then? We got your point and respect your opinion :)
f stop  24 | 2493
9 Jan 2013   #1184
one looks at a website like that and the most interesting thing about it was the way people react to it.
I enjoyed it. Each image of a blond woman rung true in some corners of my visual memory.
I guess those that did not have that experience, try to overthink it, are annoyed and want the rest of us to know it. ;)
Wroclaw Boy
9 Jan 2013   #1185
It is an interesting site
ifor bach  11 | 152
9 Jan 2013   #1186
The Polish diet is very different to the average English diet hence the different smells...

Poles eat meat, potatoes, bread ..... How is it 'different'?

You seem to imagine that it is the people who smell rather than the food. So please explain the difference between the breath of a Polish and English person after consuming bigos then, brains.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
9 Jan 2013   #1187
How many English people do you think eat Bigos?
Its frankly vile to our tastebuds .
I can see though that you have caught the *I am never wrong* bug while in oland,either that or you really are thick as two short planks.

Lets spell it out in easy clear terms....
Person A from Gdansk eats Weetabix for breakfast
Person B from Grimsby eats SugerPuffs for breakfast
Person Bs **** is going to smell of Sugerpuffs for 24 hours while Person As wont......
if you are only being argumentative its really rather tiresome,if however you are just thick..... its the food that people consume that defines a part of their body odour so a Pole eating bangers and mash only will smell Atypical just as a Brit eating Cabbage based stuff all the time will be Atypical....
ifor bach  11 | 152
9 Jan 2013   #1188
There are a lot of vegetarians in the UK. Do they smell different to the meat eaters?

Where did you acquire this remarkable ability to work out someone's diet from their smell?

Do you sniff people at work to find out what they ate for breakfast?
isthatu2  4 | 2692
10 Jan 2013   #1189
There are a lot of vegetarians in the UK. Do they smell different to the meat eaters?

Yes, of course they do,anyone who has lived with a veggie can tell you god, you are hard work..... do you really have the brains of a cuttlefish or are you just a boring troll?
alexnye  2 | 30
10 Jan 2013   #1190
It appears to be a huge part of the Polish mentality to cherry pick things to justify their arguments. They always seem to be on the defensive, an attack on Poland is a personal attack on them etc.


People from Poland pay taxes and keep English people in Benefits.
303 Squadron saved England from speaking German now.
Our food tastes crap and we all eat microwave meals.
Polish lady is very very beautiful and English people are ugly.

Just a few of the interesting facts you'll hear from a Polish person - more often than not, sitting behind a IP address
isthatu2  4 | 2692
10 Jan 2013   #1191
You missed out how we "are all lazy and nobody works hard in England"...always wonder how we managed to have an econamy able to absorb almost 2 million foriegners with no ties to the country within two or three years if our nation was so fekless, how come our lazy arses were able to create so many jobs for you Polish people when good old polska couldnt ?

Dont worry,its a rhetorical question, Id never expect an honest answer :)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
10 Jan 2013   #1192
There are a lot of vegetarians in the UK. Do they smell different to the meat eaters?

they possibly do. Those with a heavy meat intake have a bad breath problem. it's something to do with digestion. i think.

we all know about garlic, for example, and how its odour can exit through the skin.

In truth though I doubt that even with this knowledge it would be the deciding factor in helping one to distinguish a Pole from a non-Pole.
ifor bach  11 | 152
10 Jan 2013   #1193
Yes, of course they do,anyone who has lived with a veggie can tell you god, you are hard work..... do you really have the brains of a cuttlefish or are you just a boring troll?

Nah, just awestruck!

You should appear on 'Britain's got talent', or Poland's 'Mam Talent'. You could be blindfolded and led out to sniff the audience. "My remarkable sense of smell leads me to believe that Magda is from GdaƄsk, and only ever eats beetroot soup. And Stanley is from Accrington and lives on a diet of meat pies and pints of bitter."
monia  3 | 212
10 Jan 2013   #1194
As a group of people it is easier to determine our Polish heritage , not only by clothes, but by the colour of hair or eyes and the structure of face . But honestly Polish look is so diversified that it is very hard to guess if you look just at the certain individual . But if you look at the group of Polish youths you can see some common features , for me it means rather slim and oval face with not strong but instead oval or pointy jaw with light eyes and hair , with mouth rather normal neither big nor small . If I was to compare Polish with British kids I would say that the main difference would be such that having protrusive eyes and teeth is a feature almost unseen among Polish and such feature happens among British as well as Dutch . Also red heads with pale skin are very rare among Polish almost unencountered .

Secondly this types of men and women which are so visible in GB after the year 2004 are rare now in Poland. The majority of them have left Poland . It is very true that they were loudy , bad-mannered I would say primitive , and since few years I `ve noticed a sharp decline of such people strolling around shopping centres in Warsaw . In the early 2000 I was almost haunted and intimidated by such look .

This trend of truck suit douchebags became popular in Poland in the early nineties , Now our society is very much changed . If you walk around any mall you will notice people dressed as any average European .

I am not talking about ladies , because they dress with better dress code as their counterparts from other parts of Europe . It is not only my perception.

In Italy or Spain the natives say that Polish women are perceived as classy and stylish in most cases very well dressed .

  • 800pxNastolatki1.JP.jpg

  • polska_u21.jpg
alexnye  2 | 30
10 Jan 2013   #1195
I look at those two photos and to me they could just as easily be photos of a British football team/kids after adding a couple of brown-skinned "vibrants" of course!
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Jan 2013   #1196

vibrants omg hahhahaa :)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
10 Jan 2013   #1197
and to me they could just as easily be photos of a British football team/kids

for the sake of argument. mousey hair, backpack. obvious Polish stereotypes.

no school uniform might be another clue.
10 Jan 2013   #1198
do you really have the brains of a cuttlefish or are you just a boring troll?

Is that for real? You accusing other member to be a troll?

It appears to be a huge part of the Polish mentality to cherry pick things to justify their arguments. They always seem to be on the defensive, an attack on Poland is a personal attack on them etc.

hudsonhicks you already has exposed yourself.
alexnye  2 | 30
10 Jan 2013   #1199
British kids wear backpacks in groups as well.

Going swimming/football at the weekend?
School trip?

I think most of this thread is complete ********.
I've never looked at another Polish, or European person and thought.. he looks typically Polish or French or whatever.
monia  3 | 212
10 Jan 2013   #1200

So . your statement just proves that you can`t determine northern European nationality just by their look , with Southern European it would be much easier ,because of the skin complexion

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