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Polish looks?

southern  73 | 7059
25 Oct 2011   #1021
Mother looks like she comes from eastern Poland or western Ukraine.Region between Lvov and Krakow.
daytripper  - | 8
26 Oct 2011   #1022
Oops the picture of my mother didn't even upload! That was just me through the years. Here's my mother. She originally was a brunette.

  • 32.jpg

Wroclaw  44 | 5359
26 Oct 2011   #1023
She originally was a brunette.

i'll stick with my above comment. and it shows itself in u in the b&w photo.
shewolf  5 | 1077
26 Oct 2011   #1024
daytripper, I thought you were from England or Ireland in your pictures.

In the black and white picture of your mom, she reminds me of a Swedish or Norwegian woman. But in her later picture she reminds me of Zsa Zsa Gabor who is Hungarian (when Zsa Zsa was younger and beautiful).
daytripper  - | 8
26 Oct 2011   #1025
Mother looks like she comes from eastern Poland or western Ukraine.Region between Lvov and Krakow.

Wow you are really good at this! We are Jewish by the way. You all are super talented at knowing where I'm from!
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
26 Oct 2011   #1026
We are Jewish by the way.

in genealogy, if someone says Jewish and Poland then the first place to look is in the area given by southern.
28 Oct 2011   #1027
Hi everyone Can anyone guess my Ethnicity?????????
pnysu  - | 7
28 Oct 2011   #1028
Hi everyone Can anyone guess my Ethnicity??????

  • images.jpg

  • images_1.jpg

  • images_3.jpg

  • images_4.jpg
rock  - | 428
28 Oct 2011   #1029
Hi. I need some time. I am searching where these flowers grow.
daytripper  - | 8
28 Oct 2011   #1030
Your cheekbones look so high due to the blush in the first picture. You look a lot more ethnic in your last picture.
southern  73 | 7059
28 Oct 2011   #1031
Can anyone guess my Ethnicity??????

Slavic 50%,mediteranean 50%.Polish-italian mix most probably.
gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Oct 2011   #1032
Hi everyone Can anyone guess my Ethnicity?????

Estonian? :)

I am searching where these flowers grow.

they are petunias - quite commonly grown in Poland (I don't know about elsewhere) -
Ant63  13 | 410
28 Oct 2011   #1033
Women are not handsome and tartar is a sauce


1: (of a man) Good-looking.
2: (of a woman) Striking and imposing in good looks rather than conventionally pretty.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
28 Oct 2011   #1034
You are 1/8 Bulgarian
...........1/8 Macedonian
...........1/8 Polish
...........1/8 German
...........1/8 Czech
...........1/8 Russian
...........1/8 Finish
...........1/8 Latvian
...........and like so many women; you are 100% narcissistic
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
28 Oct 2011   #1035
Hi everyone Can anyone guess my Ethnicity??????

American wannabee
pnysu  - | 7
28 Oct 2011   #1036
Im from Turkey 28 years old, live in Istanbul.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
28 Oct 2011   #1037
Hi everyone Can anyone guess my Ethnicity??????

Hi. I need some time. I am searching where these flowers grow.

Im from Turkey 28 years old, live in Istanbul.

Apparently rock, they grow in your back yard.
rock  - | 428
28 Oct 2011   #1038
You are right ShawnH :)

In fact, I feel myself close to her way of looking and wanted to comment. It is not a surprise for me. I thought she might be Turkish.
pnysu  - | 7
29 Oct 2011   #1039
My boyfriend is Polish, he is good-looking guy.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
29 Oct 2011   #1040
It is not a surprise for me. I thought she might be Turkish.


Blows my totally uninformed stereotype of Turkish women out of the water....

southern  73 | 7059
29 Oct 2011   #1041
Turkish women

Turkish women look exotic.I saw a lot in Istanbul.The second photo is more characteristic.However they are conservative and lack the free manners of slavic women.Turkish men are refined shaved with perfumes etc so they prefer in a degree the wild look we Balkan folks have we really appear like wild shepherds there.
Natasa  1 | 572
29 Oct 2011   #1042
lack the free manners of slavic women

Which ones? :))

Balkan folks have we really appear like wild shepherds there

Wilderness (YES!) is there surely, but god knows why I prefer the 'sheep free' situation.

To the girl who posted the pics, nice pics :), blue eyes are rare in Turkey oder was?

Southern, you found her mediterranean half.
rock  - | 428
29 Oct 2011   #1043

Blows my totally uninformed stereotype of Turkish women out of the water....

She looks shy, deep, give a distance, refined, noble but modest. This is very common Turkish women look.
southern  73 | 7059
29 Oct 2011   #1044
you found her mediterranean half.

Yes,it is quite obvious.This look is very common in Thessaloniki apart from the exotic part.Classic mediteranean cheeks.There is always a Slav ancestor hiding somewhere giving the color of the eyes some hair characteristics or legs shape more hopefully.However mediteranean ass is always dominant.

Wilderness (YES!) is there surely

The muslims in general appear out of space like they are living in another world.Extreme situation with Arabs.Serbs in evolution process developed the big hands while Bulgarians developed the fat necks.All that combined with the common wild Balkan look upheave women who always like some terror.
29 Oct 2011   #1045
Poles are Slavs, which means they have Asiatic blood. If you look at their eyes they look slightly Chinese, that's because Slavs have mixed with Asians over hundreds of years. It's a pity. The Russians are also Slavic and they have just announced a pact with China to compete against the West. Blood is thicker than water obviously. Slavic nations are 2nd world nations, they are quite backward, that is why they are poor and seem dim witted.
southern  73 | 7059
29 Oct 2011   #1046
Poles are Slavs, which means they have Asiatic blood.

And european tendons.Where did you find this nonsense?
legend  3 | 658
29 Oct 2011   #1047
Poles are Slavs, which means they have Asiatic blood.

Some Eastern Europeans are Asiatic maybe from the Mongol invasions.
But Western Europeans have ***** blood then from the Moorish invasions.
I wonder which one is smarter.

The pact between China and Russia is a good thing because USA is a zionist bastard. It thinks it can do anything.
Death to ***** USA.

Central Slavic nations are doing just fine. And consider the fact that Central and East Europe were the heart of
2 world wars.

The Portuguese didnt give a damn. The Brits were cowering on their islands. Damn limeys are lucky the Germans decided to attack Russia cause Britain would have been a flat cake.
pnysu  - | 7
29 Oct 2011   #1048
My polish bf. People usualy thinking I look polish more than him.

  • pl.jpg
sascha  1 | 824
29 Oct 2011   #1049
Blood is thicker than water obviously. Slavic nations are 2nd world nations, they are quite backward, that is why they are poor and seem dim witted.

that is bs my dear guest. where did u pick up that crappp? btw, where the heck are you from, to return the favour. ;)

polish looks, always nice to see. ;)
pnysu  - | 7
29 Oct 2011   #1050
My bf's father pure polish and mother lipka tatar and he is mixed blood looks so handsome and sweet many girls look at him in everywhere. Poles looks good girls and guys. Who said slavs not looks good because asian blood thats wrong. Asian blood sometimes make good looking and smart. Im 100% sure my bf looks good better then you Onceasocialist. İf you trust yourself send your photo we seen your ugly face?

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