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Polish looks?

Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Sep 2011   #991
I know but I choose not to follow such logic. However, that's not a discussion for this thread.

Polish looks is the topic.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Sep 2011   #992
=Seanus]However, that's not a discussion for this thread.
Polish looks is the topic.

Come on, why are you putting such limitations on yourself? Where is your notorious :):):) Scottish sense of freedom??? Wake up Wallace in you!!
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Sep 2011   #993
I told you, your wife will be onto you and putting you in the dark cellar again :) A bit like Andy Dufresne in the Shawshank Redemption :)
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Sep 2011   #994
:):):):) Good. :):):) Did she use leather?
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Sep 2011   #995
You tell me :) :)
kaytz  - | 11
14 Sep 2011   #996
Czesc...Can anyone guess my Ethnicity...? If possible :-) Actually I can look different in photos...but I just know strangers in public especially when I am out...always come up to me and it's the first thing they ask...I want to see if the same here hehe :-D My hair color is not natural of course ...Thanks [hopefully no one knows me here...this would be most embarrassing hahaha]

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southern  73 | 7059
14 Sep 2011   #997
Czesc...Can anyone guess my Ethnicity...?

50% polish,25% ukrainian,25% italian.
Somerset  2 | 19
14 Sep 2011   #998
Russian or Ukrainian? not polish.
kaytz  - | 11
17 Sep 2011   #999
I always get Russian from strangers and Polish a few times...but no one has ever guessed correctly...Just not common mix I think...

Anyway it is Slovenian and Belgian :-)
beckski  12 | 1609
17 Sep 2011   #1000
Anyway it is Slovenian and Belgian :-)

50% polish,25% ukrainian,25% italian.

I can't believe Southern didn't guess correctly!
Natasa  1 | 572
17 Sep 2011   #1001
Southern guessed that Slavic element is present, 50 %.

He guessed my equation right. All unknowns in it :)
southern  73 | 7059
17 Sep 2011   #1002
Usually I can spot Polki from one km away.They tell me how did you guess it?Only polish?Not Russian?But you need an exercised eye.I may confuse polish for western Ukrainian or Serbian for Czech sometimes.
Natasa  1 | 572
17 Sep 2011   #1003
Serbian for Czech because of height probably.
navasharai  - | 3
1 Oct 2011   #1004
Hi all - I used to be a very inactive member on here, but I can't remember my log-in information (nor can I really access the e-mail I had used). On my old account (Mystic) I had posted some pictures of myself in this thread over 2 years ago, but I have definitely grown into my features a bit more and look different now. If you care to look at the pictures for comparison, be my guest (not sure what page they're on).. but if not and would like to make a fresh guess about my ancestry (since I doubt anyone would remember me due to my inactiveness on here) feel free to do so. I hope I don't come across as silly, I'm just very proud of my heritage and I feel like you all can understand that. :) I personally think I look more Slavic as now that I've grown a little more, but it's nice to hear the opinions of others too! I think the history major in me just adores this stuff.

They're not the best quality and are very facebook-ish, but hopefully they provide some indication of how I now look! Sorry about the lighting. I'm including a picture of me with my horse as it is probably the best one of my profile. I definitely have a prominent nose. :p

Apologies in advance if this post is all jumbled.. 4 papers in 1 & 1/2 weeks has just about exhausted me. It's hard to think straight!

Edit: Apparently the file-size for the horse one was too big. Hopefully the one with the awful lighting can give you an idea, though. I do have a bump on my nose and I'm not sure if it's just my face or if I managed to break my nose at some point.

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hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
1 Oct 2011   #1005
I personally think I look more Slavic as now that I've grown a little more, but it's nice to hear the opinions of others too!

I think that based on your looks you could be either or.
beckski  12 | 1609
5 Oct 2011   #1006
not sure what page they're on)..

Your old pic is on post #532, when you were a brunette.
navasharai  - | 3
5 Oct 2011   #1007
Thanks. :) It's been a while! I was only a brunette for 5 months or so, lol.
5 Oct 2011   #1008
The first time I met my Polish ex-girlfriend, I thought she was Italian/Sicilian. She had dark eyes, dark hair, and an olive skin complexion.
beckski  12 | 1609
5 Oct 2011   #1009
She had dark eyes, dark hair, and an olive skin complexion.

Pictures of some my ancestors in Poland had the darker features too.
zdrena  - | 2
5 Oct 2011   #1010
In my opinion right now people are so mixed that it is very hard to guess where they are came from, of course there are couple of characteristics.
navasharai  - | 3
6 Oct 2011   #1011
My dad is 75% Polish and he has black hair, hazel eyes, and tans very easily. His dad (I never got to meet him) was full Polish and apparently very dark-featured as well.
daytripper  - | 8
24 Oct 2011   #1012
Guess my ethnicity. I have a large chest with a small waist and wider hips. I have a short waist to hip ratio. I'm also 5'6 with a secretive family that keeps genealogy from me. What's your opinion about my ethnicity? I'm curious. :)

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southern  73 | 7059
24 Oct 2011   #1013
You have the classic slavic high cheeks combined with some germanic features.Probably polish-irish or polish-french mix.
sascha  1 | 824
24 Oct 2011   #1014
Guess my ethnicity. I have a large chest with a small waist and wider hips. I have a short waist to hip ratio. I'm also 5'6 with a secretive family that keeps genealogy from me. What's your opinion about my ethnicity? I'm curious. :)

nice pics. :))
gumishu  15 | 6228
24 Oct 2011   #1015
Guess my ethnicity. I have a large chest with a small waist and wider hips. I have a short waist to hip ratio. I'm also 5'6 with a secretive family that keeps genealogy from me. What's your opinion about my ethnicity? I'm curious. :)

I agree with southern - your prominent cheek bones would have me thinking you have a great deal of Russian ancestry - Eesti? Latvian?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
24 Oct 2011   #1016
What's your opinion about my ethnicity?

u would fit right in here. so i would say if not Polish then something of the surrounding countries.
daytripper  - | 8
25 Oct 2011   #1017
You guys are really good. I know I'm Polish for sure and I'm going to wait for a couple more guesses before I disclose what I am. When I moved to Berkeley everyone keeps guessing that I'm Scandinavian, which I am NOT! I may have light skin and blonde hair but I do not share their facial structures. Then I ran into a Russian girl and she said I don't look Russian. Then I ran into a German man, he said I didn't look German. It's funny since they both don't look like typical Russian's or German's.. haha

Why thank you! I'm glad I fit in! :P

1. Even when I was a little baby I big cheeks :) but as I've gotten older they have become much more prominent and distinct.

2. Here is a picture of my parents. I've always thought my mother's cheekbones were so beautiful.

3. A picture of my German father and I. -bad angle, I know.

I don't know where the pictures went...
southern  73 | 7059
25 Oct 2011   #1018
Yes,slavic germanic mix.Cheekbones,mouth are slavic as are big breasts and buttocks.(German have small ass and small breast).Your eyes,forehead and chin are german.Slavic eyes are more almond shaped and face more round.

As for nose the upper part is germanic while the lower part is slavic.The mouth is also germanic slavic mixed.Generally the germanic chin shows power of will as do the germanic eyes.Slavic features add sensitivity so you don't seem completely cold blooded as germanic.Big breasts further betray the slavic ancestry.Generally I have noticed that in USA combinations have produced mixed results in terms of esthetics.If you want to see the original phenotypes you have to travel to Europe here facies have kept their distinct features.

For example in the left photo where the emphasis is put on cheeks and hair you look more slavic while in the right one where the forehead and chin are apparrent you look mpre germanic.It is matter of angle.Probably your profile will show differrent.
daytripper  - | 8
25 Oct 2011   #1019
Thank you for all of your input! My mother was also curious as to what you guys thought of her ethnic background by just looking at her.

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Wroclaw  44 | 5359
25 Oct 2011   #1020
My mother was also curious as to what you guys thought of her ethnic background by just looking at her.

b&w photo: ukraine/russia/poland. more east than west i'd say.

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