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Polish looks?

ZIMMY  6 | 1601
15 Nov 2010   #811
which nationality do I look like I am? I am a mix of Polish, English, Irish, Scottish,

You look Polish, English, Irish and Scottish.
henryson  - | 17
15 Nov 2010   #812
Hey, I do see some resemblance. What did you say your mom's name was?
Krynski  - | 82
15 Nov 2010   #813
Yoy, you're a pretty young lady. What a lovely smile!

Not bad. Yes, somehow you have something eastern European, but definitely Celtic.

An expert on racial features? Can you determine from a pic showing one's head and shoulders whether one is "eastern European", "Celtic", etc.? How would you do that? What is the difference betwixt "eastern European" and "Celtic" physical appearance?

southern  73 | 7059
15 Nov 2010   #815
Polish are the eyes,the cheeks and part of the nose.
15 Nov 2010   #816
You are all (mostly) so complimentary! Thankyou for taking the time to reply, I definitely appreciate it. No italian, as far as I know! If my great grandpa was to be believed, there may have been the vaguest hint of latina, but that is very doubtful. Possible native or african american as well, but again, very very vague and not at all proven! Thanks again!
POLENGGGs  2 | 150
15 Nov 2010   #817
you look Jewish, are you Amy Winehouses' sister or cousin?
Richfilth  6 | 415
15 Nov 2010   #818
Trying to break your image down into separate European countries is a fool's task. The English, Irish and Scottish have been interbreeding for a thousand years now, and are themselves a mishmash of all the previous invaders to that island. Similarly, the number of foreign hordes passing through Poland have left their marks on the genetic landscape so that it's rather hard to distinguish any one Slav from the other.

If it's any help, you're not ugly enough to have a face from the British Isles. But you definitely don't have the "Polish face" either.
Teffle  22 | 1318
15 Nov 2010   #819
Whatever "face" she may have - it's certainly a nice one : )
A J  4 | 1075
15 Nov 2010   #820
I think I'm going to faint again..
1 Dec 2010   #821
It really varries. I would say most Polish people are dark blond or light blond. You will find dark haired people but not a lot of them. Poland lies in the centre of Europe that's why it's only natrual that other nations have passed through there and left their genes. I for example am Polish and have dark hair, brown eyes and simetrical features. That's ptobably because I also have some Italian, German, Tatar and possibly Jewish (whatever that means, I think Jews come from Khazaria) ancestry. There might be regional differences between the way people look depending on the region they come from. For example in the East they can have more Mongoloid features like big cheek bones. In the mountains there is also a very typical look, they have very sharp feautures like long noses. Girls in Cracow are very gorgeous.
27 Dec 2010   #822
my family is prussian and i am having a hard time figuring out why everyone in my family has olive skin. we all get extremely tan in the summer and hold our tan year around also we all have dark hair and blue eyes which sounds mediterranian when mixed with the dark skin.
Softsong  5 | 492
29 Dec 2010   #823
Prussia was quite a mix of peoples. There probably is no Prussian ethnicity unless you are talking about the original Baltic Prus. Those Prus that survived mixed with the Germans who came, and other nationalities.
5 Feb 2011   #824
Do I have a Polish appearance?

My last name is polish and I do have polish blood in me. However, I also have a lot of Irish in me and I was wondering if I have any Polish or slavic features. I live in a very non-polish area in the USA and can't tell through a few pictures. Just wondering which nationality, if any, I resemble the most. Thanks.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
5 Feb 2011   #825
I have any Polish or slavic features.

It is difficult to say what are characteristic Polish features, but if you would speak Polish you would pass for a 100% Pole. That's what I think.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
5 Feb 2011   #826
You could be anything, there is just know way of telling, since physical characteristics are fluid and not necessarily confined to one side of the border. However your slightly gingerish beard would indicate some Celtic characteristics.
Wiedzmin_fan  - | 79
5 Feb 2011   #827
if I have any Polish or slavic features.

IMHO, your head is not round enough ;)

I'll go with Celtic or Anglo. Just my $0.02
chichimera  1 | 185
5 Feb 2011   #828
I'll go with Celtic or Anglo

That's my vote as well. Although you can never tell 100% - I remember I was once showing photos from Poland to my mates in England. One English girl asked: 'And who's that?' I said: 'My brother' (100% Polish btw) and she exclaimed: 'God, he looks so much like an English bloke!'
Teffle  22 | 1318
5 Feb 2011   #829
Although you can never tell

Too right.

I am 100% Irish and have been mistaken for: German, Polish, Russian and French on more than one occasion.
Natasa  1 | 572
5 Feb 2011   #830
German, Polish, Russian and French

If you have Telly Savalas haircut you can really be everything.
Everything else is forgiven ;)

blue eyes, average height?

Aren't Russians and Poles more robust types compared to German or French or I was distorting my perception to fit my desires? :))
Ogien  5 | 237
5 Feb 2011   #831
Poles can look different from other Slavs because there is so much genetic variety in Poland. Many have a Germanic look because German ancestry is not uncommon for Poles.
5 Feb 2011   #832
Polish men are ugliest in Europe.
There are a lot of good looking Irishmen.
Polish and Irish drink a lot.
chichimera  1 | 185
5 Feb 2011   #833
If you have Telly Savalas haircut you can really be everything

heh, right, my brother had the haircut when he was mistaken for an Englishman :))
George8600  10 | 630
5 Feb 2011   #834
Polish men are ugliest in Europe.
There are a lot of good looking Irishmen.
Polish and Irish drink a lot.

I've heard many people say the following: "(Fill in country name) are the ugliest (pick gender) in Europe."

So who am I supposed to believe?

Also please don't compare Poles with Irish. Sure relations might be good by individuals but culturally they're different. I've heard Irish compare themselves with Italians, Germans, French, Poles, Greeks, Macedonians, and even Swedes. Well who the hell am I supposed to believe?
grubas  12 | 1382
5 Feb 2011   #835
Please do not feed a TROLL.
chichimera  1 | 185
5 Feb 2011   #836
Polish men are ugliest in Europe

LOL. that might be due to the fact that we find male ugliness quite sexy

There are a lot of good looking Irishmen.

That I don't know, but as a teenager I used to be madly in love with the guys from the Kelly Family. I liked the ugliest one best though :)

Polish and Irish drink a lot.


  • wow 8)
tygrys  2 | 290
5 Feb 2011   #837
So who am I supposed to believe?

Believe with your own eyes. Go to Chicago or New York and you will spot them right away: bald, wearing leather jackets, walking like they know everything, big foreheads, long noses and stupid expression on their faces. In Poland and you won't miss them.

LOL. that might be due to the fact that we find male ugliness quite sexy

Nothing sexy about an ugly person unless you are kopnięta or something.
chichimera  1 | 185
5 Feb 2011   #838
Nothing sexy about an ugly person

oh, there is, there is.
luckily, taste for beauty varies wonderfully among people
PennBoy  76 | 2429
6 Feb 2011   #839
Poles can look different from other Slavs because there is so much genetic variety in Poland. Many have a Germanic look because German ancestry is not uncommon for Poles.

Most Poles looks typically Slavic, the Slavic type with blond or brown hair and blue or green eyes, high cheekbones and kinda slanted eyes, like that kids in this pic, Polish immigrants to America lol.

  • Polish_berry_pickers.jpg
NorthPolish  1 | 16
6 Feb 2011   #840
im tall with dark blonde hair and blue eyes.

im simmilar to Maciej Zakościelny in some pictures.

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