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Polish looks?

Eurola  4 | 1898
13 Mar 2010   #571
Do I look Polish/Irish?

I think, more polish than irish.
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Mar 2010   #572
More Polish than Irish, I agree.
ajs2010  - | 1
27 Mar 2010   #573
Hey, Ive got at least 25% Polish: my grandpa's parents being 100% each.
Stiffler  - | 1
31 Mar 2010   #574
I live in America and i am about 7th generation German and my father looks fully German White blonde hair when he was younger bright blue eyes and he isn't fair skinned even though the stereotypical German person (he's quite dark in the summer actually and in the winter just less so) is although i don't know exactly, i don't assume based on stereotypes but my grandmother had blonde hair when she was younger and fairish skin although no blue eyes but Hazel and very high cheekbones she's supposed to be part Cherokee also. My mother has red hair fair skin and is very short and very muscular....her mother is the opposite besides being short, but she is tan, heavy set, used to have black hair, and very dark black eyes, and high cheekbones. my sister she has high cheekbones and looks very native american besides her eyes are bright hazel. I'm Pale, Dark brown hair, dark hazel eyes, i'm about 4 foot 11 inches tall and not very curvy but enough i guess but i'm German and native american and have short legs so am i more or less German looking? i'm also 15 years old, and i don't like stereotypes being based on American girls not all of us are the same just like you'd say about any Polish or East European girl. So don't assume that we all are noisy annoying ungrateful mean creatures because we are not, granted that some of us are.
convex  20 | 3928
31 Mar 2010   #575
I live in America and i am about 7th generation German

Wow, I figure it would have just blended together after a all those generations.

White blonde hair when he was younger bright blue eyes

Most Germans have dark hair, dark eyes...more and more now have dark skin as well....

I'm half Comanche, half German.
sweetlies  - | 2
17 Apr 2010   #576
i got it to work, thank you!

what nationality do i look like? hopefully it is obvious! =]

  • meee.jpg

  • me4.jpg

  • me2.jpg
Pepeczki  - | 32
17 Apr 2010   #577
It's not that obvious. I have met people from many countries and you fit in the description of at least 20 nations.

Sympathetic looks, to say the least.
sweetlies  - | 2
18 Apr 2010   #578
my mother is a polish immigrant and so is my dad's mother. my dad's father was from ukraine, so i'm 3/4 polish and 1/4 ukrainian. many people have told me that i don't look american, and some even wondered if i spoke english at all.
Arg_  1 | 27
18 Apr 2010   #579
im 1/2 polish and i dont look like one of them, the other 1/4 from lithania and 1/4 from austria.
i have verry light brown hair colour and a dark blue eyes colour.
18 Apr 2010   #580
many people have told me that i don't look american, and some even wondered if i spoke english at all.

You have a round Slavic face. Be glad - you are cute.
Pepeczki  - | 32
18 Apr 2010   #582
im 1/2 polish and i dont look like one of them, the other 1/4 from lithania and 1/4 from austria.
i have verry light brown hair colour and a dark blue eyes colour.

Funny how your European genes don't reflect themselves in your intelligence...or lack of it.
Arg_  1 | 27
18 Apr 2010   #583
My european genes gave me intelligence, but you are talking s*it all the time and that anoys me verry much. Cuz you look like a closed min nationalist and thats not good man.
lowfunk99  10 | 397
18 Apr 2010   #584
I am 90%+ Polish by blood and 3 and 4th generation born in the US. I met a man from the Ukraine where I worked before. He could tell I was Polish.
ThePotatoe  2 | 38
18 Apr 2010   #585
what kind do i look like lol (:P im not gud in taking pictures hehe)

  • me lol
Pepeczki  - | 32
18 Apr 2010   #586
My european genes gave me intelligence,

I don't think so. Even a Peruvian is smarter than your average Argentinian.

what kind do i look like lol (:P im not gud in taking pictures hehe)

Indian or gypsy.
Arg_  1 | 27
18 Apr 2010   #587
pepe im sorry for you, you look like an ungry person who doesnt have life and the girls dont talk to you.
You are doing what hitler made to the poor jewish. And that moment wasnt good for poland.
potatoe, you are a mix of european man and native argentinian, there are millions like you heare.
tomaszmojsiejuk  - | 8
20 May 2010   #588
i am 100% polish and people say i look very mediterranean .Part of my my family is from galicia and since that region was heavily mixed with ukrainians, hungarians, tatars, romanians, sarmatians, sythians, bulgarians etc i guess thats why. my theory is that most poles from the east and south are more darker since that region had much more mixing than the north and west and that is probably why a lot of people closer to the german border are a lot more lighter in appearance.
George8600  10 | 630
22 May 2010   #589
Hi Tomasz ^_^. People tell me the same thing too, but that's because I am half Greek and half Polish. You can probably find my picture if you click a few pages back on this thread. Anyway, I people call me this since I have light brown eyes and black hair along with pale olive skin (which would be a true olive if I was 100% Mediterranean). Either way, none of the ethnicity you noted are really Mediterranean but more or less related to their own genomes such as the Hungarians or Romanians whom are descendants from the Magyars, the Bulgarians who are southern Slavs, the Ukrainians, Tatars who are Slavic tribes. In fact the Tatars are the main Slavic tribe for poles. So I would say that you are indeed polish if you test positive for Tatar haploids. The theory people tell you I would say is false. I would say climate, melatonin, or personal/parental genetics play a factor. Any mixing with Poles (which is very little believe it or not) has been purely Caucasoid. Many genetic tests have proven that Poland is more homogeneous than one things. Truth is, through history many places like Galicia and Silesia have been occupied purely for military and conquer-ship empire reasons. Most foreign populations that moved there soon migrated out when their land was lost and Polish people have migrated to these places in mass. Especially for Silesia where all the Germans were driven out by the Marshall Plan and Soviet Forces and resulted in millions of Poles from Warsaw migrating to this area. As for Galicia, it has it's name from a mere short-lived Napoleonic conquering. Galicia is Greek and Italian for France.

Anyway, you might have Mediterranean blood in you. Again the ethnic groups you mentioned aren't really Mediterranean. What would be is: Italian, Greek, Macedonian, Turks/Anatolian, Southern French, Spaniards, etc.
BarbaraAnna  - | 2
22 May 2010   #590
yes, we are really polish...what abou do u think about yourself? when I was living in the netherlands, I heard : polish people have big round it so? :)
A J  4 | 1075
22 May 2010   #591
Not really. I'd say the Dutch have bigger heads.

Miguel Colombia  - | 351
22 May 2010   #592
I'd say the Dutch have bigger heads

They do :D

Slavs tend to have delicate, round heads.
A J  4 | 1075
22 May 2010   #593
It's true, because I've got a big head too! (No, not *that* big!) I think that if I would ever have a baby with a Polish girl then he or she would be perfect really..

Miguel Colombia  - | 351
22 May 2010   #594
I think that if I would ever have a baby with a Polish girl then he or she would be perfect really..

Perhaps the baby would have a big round head lol
A J  4 | 1075
22 May 2010   #595
Or a perfect, less round head.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
22 May 2010   #596
Poles and Germans were mixing for ages...Slavs became germanized/Germanics became polonizised as the nation states were build.
Especially the region of Silesia was in their majority german and towns like Krakow were settled after the Mongol raids nearly purely by german settlers who became later can't differentiate between them anymore.

Even one of Polands most famous sons, Copernikus, was an ethnical German!
The same with famous Steit Voss...

It's true though Poland did everything to expell their Germans, Jews, whatever (as the emigration waves during the 60s, 70s and 80s show) but to believe that there are no genes anymore left is just stupid!

(And alone the fact that there were still millions left to emigrate shows that the expellations after the war had been everything but complete)
You can get the people who prefer another culture (germanized Poles or Germans) out of your country but hardly the genetics of polonized germanics...

PS: The expellation of Germans has nothing to do with the Marshall plan which was a financial help boost from the US to several european countries.
Wulkan  - | 3136
23 May 2010   #597
Copernikus, was an ethnical German!

bolox! and Maria Curie Sklodowska was ethnical French? lol
Vanilla  - | 6
23 May 2010   #599
do i look Polish? im half Polish but i have no idea what sort of Pole i might look like.

According to me, you look like people from the south, from the mountains. You look like an Austrian with Italian and Hungarian blood (many real Austrians from the Sud Tirol, that mixed with Italians and/or Hungarians look exactly like you).

I know many of them.

i think all eastern europeans look alike. not ALIKE as in they all look the same, just that they all have the same features. it doesnt matter if they are polish, russian, slovak, yugoslavian, bulgarian , even albanian they all have that same look.

Nope ! Their size was diffrent for exemple ! Today, all youngsters are growing and growing, you can't regognize their origin from the size, but 50 years ago, Poles were taller than Russians, Bielorussians and Ukrainians, probably because they are more Germanic. In the baltic countries, they were/are taller because of their nordic, scandinavian roots.

In the mountains, in every country, people have darker hair (ie in Austria, in the high Alpes, they are rather brown (the rest of the austrian population is much clearer), the same in France, etc... In the mountains, the natural inhabitants have brown hair, with brown eyes because the excess of sun and white light is compensated by a higher production of melatonin (which is darkening your skin, eyes and hair). The same in the Carpates. They are definitively darker.

There is one real distinctive sign of slavic roots (not the almond eyes, for ex. Italians and Germans have them as well - Etrusc / asian heritage) or the high cheeks (other european populations have them too): the straits eyebrows, even pointing up at the end (have a look on Mr. Spock from Star Trek Voyager) and the half Russian/British girl in the black dress on the picture. In Ukrain, almost everybody have this "slavic" eyebrows, sign they were less invaded/mixed with foreigners than the Poles (which is hisorically true).

Another real specificity is the "flat" head.

Someone said that girls in Poznan look like Ukrainians. Today YES, but not so much before the 2d WW. Eastern Poles were massively relocated to Poznan and Wroclaw and Szczecin from Lwow etc... from ex eastern polish territories, right after the WW2, because germans killed so many Poles there and they needed workers for factories implanted there, after germans left (some of them in Poland since the 18th century).

It's was very clear, in the streets of Poznan (on old pictures) in the 50-ies, 60-ies, half of them were looking rather german, nordic, or just Polish from, half rather ukrainian, bielorussian, smaller, more oriental, more triangular faces with "deep" almond eyes, asian cheeks, strait thin hair.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
23 May 2010   #600
It's true though Poland did everything to expell their Germans

BS there were Polish Germans or Germano-Poles fighting for Poland against the Nazis and nobody did anything to expel them.

The Germans expelled from the western regions were expelled for political reasons as well as desperation, as there were millions of eastern Poles who were expelled from what is now the Ukraine and Belorussia and they needed a place to stay.

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