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I need help translating few Polish names and places.

Yugen  1 | 1
21 Dec 2022   #1
It's my first thread here.
I need help translating few Polish names and surnames.
I am looking for my distant relatives, about whom there is almost no information. There are no documents in Polish either.

My great-grandfather was born in Austria-Hungary. He participated in the war and ended up in Russia as a prisoner of war in 1915. There he met my grandmother. She did not want to go to Austria and he settled in Russia. During the WWII, he was accused of a crime and sent to prison, where he soon died. His family was exiled to the Russian Far East. He was later rehabilitated.

We know that he had a brother, his brother moved from Austria to the USA.
I am looking for relatives. But I have difficulties, since I only have documents in Russian.

Grandfather's name was Pyotr Frantsevich Bober (this is the transliteration that google offers). Based on his patronymic, his father's name was Franz or something similar. He was born in Domarets village, Povet-Brzhozevsky district, Przemysl province (not sure if this is the correct translation). He was from a peasant family, but this may not be true. Because in the USSR, many hid their true origins.

It would help me a lot if someone could help with the translation of these names and places into Polish. As well as their possible English variants for searching in English databases.

Could he be Jewish? I found information that this is a Jewish surname.
Lyzko  44 | 9719
21 Dec 2022   #2
Most Polish place or town names have historical German equivalents.
Not clear though to be honest how one would "translate" a Polish place name!
In most countries, names are names and are kept as is, if at all possible.

I might be able to help in terms of titles, names of offices etc.
As here in the States, Polish districts may read the official name plus the district, county or specific region.
OP Yugen  1 | 1
21 Dec 2022   #3
Thank you! I'll read it, maybe it will help me.
I only have a document in Russian and I don't know Polish. Google translation confused me even more.
Perhaps I need to use old maps, but I have no idea where to get them yet.
pawian  226 | 27572
22 Dec 2022   #4
e was born in Domarets village, Povet-Brzhozevsky district, Przemysl province (not sure if this is the correct translation).

Easy to find:

Village - Domaradz
County: Brzozowski
Province: Podkarpackie
Nearby town: Brzozów
Nearby city - Przemyśl

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