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Polish equivalent of William

balrog_99  8 | 11
23 Aug 2012   #1
Is there a Polish version of this name?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
23 Aug 2012   #2
Wiliam the Conqueror - Wilhelm Zdobywca
Zibi  - | 335
23 Aug 2012   #3
True, Wilhelm is the equivalent form of William. Interestingly though, when referring to Prince William we do not change the name i.e. we say: Książę William. Which is inconsistent indeed, cf. Prince Charles --> Książę Karol. Nb. the name Wilhelm is of german origin and has not been in much use in Poland, as opposed to Karol.
boletus  30 | 1356
23 Aug 2012   #4
Nb. the name Wilhelm is of german origin and has not been in much use in Poland

WILUŚ is the Polish diminutive for WILHELM. It carries a contextual meaning - ranging from irony and sarcasm to warmth and friendship.

Kajzer Wiluś - a pompous German Emperor and Prussian King Wilhelm II;
162 surnames Wiluś in Poland;
Wiluś E. Kojot i Struś Pędziwiatr - Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner;
Wiluś, the gentle workhorse - saw his picture somewhere;
Wiluś, privately owned narrow gauge steam locomotive, taking tourists for a ride every weekend.
Tomek i przyjaciele: Wiluś, Benio i Franek <= Thomas & Friends (Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends until 2002), from a British children's television series.
Zibi  - | 335
24 Aug 2012   #5
WILUŚ is the Polish diminutive for WILHELM.

Very true, I have heard of that diminutive form. However I have never met anyone in PL, whose first name would be Wilhelm. Perhaps I am out of luck. But I did know one Medard way back when! :-). Now that's a really exceptional name for a polishman!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
24 Aug 2012   #6
However I have never met anyone in PL, whose first name would be Wilhelm.

Neither have I (nor, for that matter, have I met anyone in PL whose first name would be Adolf), but my grand-father used to call Keiser Wilhelm of Germany ironically "cesarz Wiluś".
el_easy  2 | 54
24 Aug 2012   #7
Is there a Polish version of this name?

Sure! He name is Kuba Wojewódzki.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
24 Aug 2012   #8
Who knows of which name the name "Kuba" is a diminuitive form?
Give is a clue? Here it is:

Pije Kuba do Jakuba,
Jakub do Michała
Pijesz ty, piję ja,
kompanija cała ...

But where is Wiluś in all that?
[C'mon, give us a clue! Here it is: Wiluś is getting ready to be crowned... when his father is... far away]
18 Aug 2021   #9
My father's name was Boleslaus, which my grandparents said was the Polish version of William.
Ironside  51 | 13103
19 Aug 2021   #10
nah it isn't. There is no Polish version of William..
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
20 Aug 2021   #11
The Polish version of William is Wilhelm.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
20 Aug 2021   #12
Wilhelm Name Meaning

German: from the Germanic personal name Willahalm, composed of the elements wil 'will', 'desire' + helm 'helmet', 'protection'.

*likes that name*
Ironside  51 | 13103
20 Aug 2021   #13
The Polish version of William is Wilhelm.

Nah that is a German name, used in Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11266
20 Aug 2021   #15
Nah that is a German name, used in Poland.

A distinction without a difference....

Boleslaus, which my grandparents said was the Polish version of William.

In Polish Bolesław and it's not really a Polish version of William but if you want to associate it with an English name then William is a good choice.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
20 Aug 2021   #16
A distinction without a difference....

Yes, Wilhelm is now also a Polish name just as Stefan or Szczepan are.

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