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Polish equivalent of "Jessie"?

tiamatgreen  1 | 1
16 Jun 2010   #1
My uncle told me that his grandmother (my great-grandmother)'s first name was Jessie. I have found her on one census after she was married as Jesse, and her obituary also as Jessie. But I am trying to find her on a census as a child, to determine who her parents were and trace the line back further. The only possible match that I can find is a Ceslawa (how the census taker spelled Czesława I'm guessing)...could Jessie or Jesse be an 'anglicized' nickname for Czesława? Or if not what would be an equivalent Polish name that I should be looking for?
Matowy  - | 293
16 Jun 2010   #2
It's a stretch, but maybe "Czesława" was given the diminutive of "Czessy" in English, and this mutated into "Jessie". It seems likely that the name was diminunized at some point.
wildrover  98 | 4430
16 Jun 2010   #3
Polish equivalent of "Jessie"?

I think it would be duza kobieta bluza...!
1jola  14 | 1875
16 Jun 2010   #4
The dimunitive of Czesława is Czesia, so yes, your hunch is reasonable.
plk123  8 | 4119
16 Jun 2010   #5
it's a bit of a stretch but i guess i can see it..
szczeciniak  4 | 92
16 Jun 2010   #6
it may be a janina or jassia?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jun 2010   #7
I have heard Jesse (as in Jesse James) and Jess used in the US as a popular equivalent
of the Polish man's name Zdzisław. But there is also a feminine version of that name -- Zdzisława, whose pet form is Zdzisia. Could that have been it?
plk123  8 | 4119
17 Jun 2010   #9
we're discussing a female's name here.
asik  2 | 220
17 Jun 2010   #10
My uncle told me that his grandmother (my great-grandmother)'s first name was Jessie

The name Jessica or Jessie/Jess in Polish is Dżesika (pronounced same as Jessica).
The Polish form appeard in Poland not long ago, just in '90.

There is no Polish equivalent to name Jessica, just a made up Polish form Dżesika, which officially can be registered in Poland as a first name.

When you look at the name's origin, Jessica is of Hebrew origin, more here:

could Jessie or Jesse be an 'anglicized' nickname for Czesława? Or if not what would be an equivalent Polish name that I should be looking for?

I forgot to add some more.
No, Czesława could not be Jessica or Jessie. Some of Czesława forms are: Czesia, Cześka. sometimes Sława.
There is one female name Janina (Engl. Jane) which could end up in English version as Jessie/Jesse because one of deminutives of Janina is Jasia , a little bit like Jessie.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
17 Jun 2010   #11
Jessie or Jess is a common version of Jessica as for Janina sounds absolutely nothing like the English Jane, it sounds more like Janine, WTF is it with eveyone wanting to know if they have a Polish version of their name..Im quite happy to say Shelley is pure English and there's definately no foreign version!
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
17 Jun 2010   #12
Im quite happy to say Shelley is pure English and there's definately no foreign version

Polish: Szelli

Czech: Šellý

sorry, couldn't resist ;)
Amathyst  19 | 2700
17 Jun 2010   #13
How damn rude! There's only one spelling (that excludes those fakes who spell it Shelly) and that my dear boy is Shelley :D English names should never be tampered with.
OP tiamatgreen  1 | 1
18 Jun 2010   #14
I was merely trying to determine if the name I have for her- "Jessie", could have been a nickname or short for something else, because I'm at a brick wall. The only information I was actually given about her from my uncle was the name "Jessie Dorobiala". I found her in the 1930 census as Jessee Dorobiala. SSDI Jessie Dorobiala. Obituary Jessie (nee Kamrowski) Dorobiala. But I have been unable to find a marriage license, or any earlier census records with that name. The only Kamrowski girl of the correct age listed on the 1910 or 1920 census is Ceslawa/Czesława, I just wanted to know if that was a possibility or if I'm really just missing something lol. Thank you all for your responses, I think for now I will assume that that is her, and keep looking for more proof to back it up :)
17 Nov 2011   #15
My Polish grandmother who arrived in the US in 1906 was called "Jessie" though records from Ellis Island list her as "Elzbieta" which would reasonably be Elizabeth.

None=the-less, I do recall hearing in conversations between my mother and her what to my ear could have been CZES£AWA (Feminine form of Polish Czesław, meaning "honor and glory).

If you have enough info you may be able to locate her on the Ellis Island website.

It is simply EllisIslandDOTorg (links can't be published so I hope you get it!

Good Luck
redclover  5 | 19
17 Nov 2011   #16
Although Jessie doesn't appear in the web site, the following site has proved very useful when trying to find equivalent names from Polish to English and vice versa.

7 Jan 2014   #17
My grandmom's certificate of baptism actually states her name as "Jessie (CZES£AWA)", so this backs up your guess.
31 Jul 2015   #18
My great great aunt is listed as Czeslawa on her birth certificate, her family came to America in 1906, she was born in 1913 in Detroit, Michigan and is listed as Jessie on all the census records, death records and tombstone.
jon357  72 | 23361
31 Jul 2015   #19
Yes, it does sound likely that someone called Czesława would become Jessica, a lovely British name first found in that form in Shakespeare.

There are two Polish names, Dżesika and Jesica however they are so rare as to be almost unknown.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
31 Jul 2015   #20
I've seen Czesława translated as Chelsea and Jessie used for Zdzisława. But these are all unofficial -- a matter of whim and fancy.
1 Aug 2015   #21
i saw this topic and for some reason i thought the op was asking what the polish is for ,,jessie'' in english (a word that means: an effeminate, weak, or cowardly boy or man)

so if anyone knows, whats the polish for a jessie?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
1 Aug 2015   #22
whats the polish for a jessie?

Maybe Cienias or Leszczyk?
2 Sep 2015   #23
My mother's first name, according to her baptismal certificate, was Czeslawa. Before they all passed away, the older generation of my family on her side, called her Jessie. A new immigrant from Poland would have pronounced it Chessie because of the Cz, but I can see how that would have quickly transmuted into Jessie in America. Just like indian became injun and Acadian became Cajun.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Sep 2015   #24

Czesława/Czesia > Jessie - sounds plausible.

I've also heard Jesse used for Zdzisław. It's often the case of finding something close-sounding like Bronisława > Bernice, Bornsiałw >Bruno, Czeaław > Chester, Mieczyław > Mitchel, etc.
2 Mar 2016   #25
The only Kamrowski girl of the correct age listed on the 1910 or 1920 census is Ceslawa/Czesława(...)

My mother's family name is Kamarowski :P but we live in Brazil...
Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Mar 2016   #26

KAMROWSKI/KAMAROWSKI: Etymologically both versions appear tracebale to the German word Kammer (chamber); it may have originated as a toponymic deisgnation for someone from places such as Kammer (in Germany and Austria) or Kammerbach.

Less than half a dozen people in Poland use the Kamrowski spelling. whrereas some 1,200 sign themselves Kamarowski.
DOROBIAŁA/DORABIAŁA: From verb dorabiać (make extra money on the side). This version reflects a peasant pronunciation and around 90 people in Poland use it. 450 use the grammatically correct Dorabiała spelling.
24 Mar 2016   #27
My grandmother polish name was Czeslawa and shown on the passenger manifest in 1912 and on the 1925 NY State Census, but she was commonly known by Tessie. The Tessie name shows up in the later Federal census records of 1930 and 1940. .
Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Mar 2016   #28

The lingustically accurate translation of Czesława into English is Ceslava from the Latin. But many such people chose something they thought to be close like Chessie or even Chelsea.

Same with Czesław. official transaólation = Ceslaus, but uisually they chose Chester often shortened to Chet.
Other popular Polish misnomers include: Bolesław > Bill, Władyłsaw > Walter, Stanisław > Stanley, Bronisław > Bruno, Zdzisław > Jesse, Hieronim > Harry, Bogdan > Bob, Wiesław > Wesley, Stanisława > Stella or Estelle, Bronisława > Bernice, Władysława > Lottie or Laddie, Pelagia > Pearl, Jadwiga > Harriet or Hattie....
7 May 2017   #29
"Jadwiga" is the Polish version of the German name "Hedwig" = Hedda, Heddie
17 Dec 2017   #30
I'm doing some research for an in-law and came across the same situation. A girl child shown as "Cheslawa" on the 1910 census shows up as Jessie on all subsequent family and personal records. So I think your assumption is safe.

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