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I am looking for an African guy in Krakow, I dated

Blintz  - | 5
30 Sep 2013   #61
I can't take the OP seriously at all. you know a guy for 2 weeks and sleep with him? Then you come to a message board full of complete strangers(most of whom are not Polish) for advice? No, I can't take this seriously at all. You don't even know his name? What part of Africa he is from? Why he speaks French? I would have had that figured out within 5 minutes of speaking to someone. Good grief.

If this is serious in anyway at all, you don't need a message board. You do indeed need help on a professional level.

I thought Maury Povich was only for my country.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
1 Oct 2013   #62
I can't take the OP seriously at all. you know a guy for 2 weeks and sleep with him?

Correction. She was impregnated after 2 weeks. Based on her actions, I'm fairly certain she slept with him the 1st or 2nd time they met. He spotted a sucker
McDouche  6 | 282
1 Oct 2013   #63
Despite the fact that this particular story is probably not true, can you blame European women for sleeping with African men? They are constantly surrounded by pale men so the idea of an exotic dark skinned man is very appealing to them.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
1 Oct 2013   #64
Of course not. Nor do I blame women for engaging in bestiality. Everyone has their own fix.
el_easy  2 | 54
1 Oct 2013   #65
I can't take the OP seriously at all. you know a guy for 2 weeks and sleep with him?

Sorry, but two weeks to hit a girl is too long for me. On my "ladies' man" or "Player" I used to get them on the first three days LOL.. The bottom line is the OP i had sex without any protection and got screwed for some "Mother F***er"...
17 Oct 2013   #66
Please quote me.

Whatever you say, Polthon. I quoted you.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
17 Oct 2013   #67
Somethings never change here! If the OP is genuine she's hormonal, frightened and out of her mind with worry and people advise her to abort because the baby isn't pure white - that's just barbaric and if an Asian or african suggested the same thing (because the baby wasn't fully one or the other) you would all be up in arms!!

Personally I reckon it's a troll and you lot have been had right over and showed what vile people you are.
Wulkan  - | 3136
17 Oct 2013   #68
people advise her to abort because the baby isn't pure white

where do you see somone advising it for that reason?
pierogi2000  4 | 226
18 Oct 2013   #69

The point is that only a female willing to sleep with an African would also sleep with a guy after 2 dates without knowing his name, location or background
Polson  5 | 1767
18 Oct 2013   #70
Men are so much wiser when it comes to getting laid with any girl. The difference is that men can make women pregnant and then run away and sleep with other women.

Anyway, I kinda agree with Amathyst, the OP may just be a troll. And if she's not, if this is all true, she doesn't need insults and dubious racial views. Let's be humans for once.
FlowerBeauty  1 | 4
21 Oct 2013   #71
No offense to anyone out there! (Of course there are exceptions) but most 'African' men just go for the....sleeping part. I don't know why, I actually think it's a habit thing for them. This generation might be more different, although most still have it, black men think 'seed is for spreading.' and the black women raise their children on their own, not wanting all tne trouble of the man. My grandma is black and she often says that if I find a black guy I should always be more careful since they are mostly ladymens. I don't know how you picture your life (with or without the biological father) but think carefully about it & I hope it works out for you! Good luck.

You should totally tell him about the baby, then you will know whether he will be there for you and the baby. Btw the baby will be awsome :3 mixed babies have the best of both worlds ;)
PLubbe  - | 6
3 Apr 2018   #72
Not to be Rude but.... HIV / AIDS test
Sis Butterfly
20 Sep 2020   #73
Hie Kasia dear, I'm sorry about your situation. Did you manage to find the father of your child and what did you end up doing with the pregnancy

Home / Genealogy / I am looking for an African guy in Krakow, I dated

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