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I am looking for an African guy in Krakow, I dated

6 Sep 2013   #31
Its obviously some troll who keeps starting idiotic threads, if he is so busy on here then he obviously is not so busy doing anything in the real world.
Wulkan  - | 3136
6 Sep 2013   #32
WTF is this troll still here? you guys who fell for it are so laughable, the guy is even using guest accounts to respond to hes own topic rotfl
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
6 Sep 2013   #33
Pay no attention to the racists, you could give birth to the next Phil Lynott or Paul McGrath :)

A crackhead or a wife beating alcoholic that walked out on his kids?
McDouche  6 | 282
6 Sep 2013   #34
I think people here need to relax. The OP is more than likely a troll.

Although, after reading about such cases as the Simon Mol situation where many Polish women decided not to have safe sex, there is a small chance the OP is for real. I don't know how to put this as politely as possible, but Polish women just aren't quite as bright as western women.
jon357  72 | 23506
6 Sep 2013   #35
there is a small chance the OP is for real.

The peculiar quirks in the English fairly consistent with it being written by a Pole. Has the ring of truth, but could still be a troll though.
McDouche  6 | 282
6 Sep 2013   #36
The peculiar quirks in the English fairly consistent with it being written by a Pole.

Trolls are experts these days. They can make everything seem very real. :-)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Sep 2013   #37
I notice that you've got a grudge against Poland and her people for some reason. Many of your posts are quite negative about Poland, and trying to claim that Polish women aren't "as bright" is just offensive given the high educational standards of Polish women.

Simon Mol didn't do anything particularly unusual in the world - I know quite a few hard left wing women elsewhere who would have fallen for exactly the same tactic. He - after all - was known to move in circles known for gullible women. I'm sure the same thing would have worked just as well in the USA.
jon357  72 | 23506
6 Sep 2013   #38
Yes. And most of the text is word perfect...

Anyone who can learn English that well probably isn't stupid enough to think she can find a one night stand from another continent on a forum where frankly there is a history of racist trolling. Or is she...
McDouche  6 | 282
6 Sep 2013   #39
I notice that you've got a grudge against Poland and her people for some reason.

I don't have a problem with Poles. My in-laws are Polish. There's just a few things that annoy me about Poland and Poles. :-)

and trying to claim that Polish women aren't "as bright" is just offensive given the high educational standards of Polish women.

I didn't mean that in an educational way but rather in terms of common sense. Also, no such thing as high educational standards in least not in medicine, engineering, and science anyway...

I know quite a few hard left wing women elsewhere who would have fallen for exactly the same tactic.

We have left-wing women in the US too but they seem to understand the basics of contraception. :-)

I'm sure the same thing would have worked just as well in the USA.

But it hasn't happened yet, at least not on the scale of the Simon Mol situation. He slept with what? 50...100 women? What's scary is that Poland doesn't even have that many HIV infected people while the US does!
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
6 Sep 2013   #40
I don't know how to put this as politely as possible, but Polish women just aren't quite as bright as western women.

David Lee Mangum, a Missouri man police say may have knowingly exposed more than 300 sexual partners to HIV, said he didn't tell the men he slept with about the illness because he was scared of being rejected.Mangum, 37, of Dexter, Mo., was arrested last week on suspicion of knowingly infecting with HIV, a felony, after a man claiming to be his former partner filed a complaint with police, The Daily Statesman reported.

I can post hundreds of tales of woe were an American woman slept with some dude who knowingly passed on the virus to her. Lefties are stooopid.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Sep 2013   #41
But it hasn't happened yet, at least not on the scale of the Simon Mol situation. He slept with what? 50...100 women?

David Lee Mangum, a Missouri man police say may have knowingly exposed more than 300 sexual partners to HIV

Cheers, RN.
McDouche  6 | 282
7 Sep 2013   #42
Well, this story was definitely not popular. Yet in Poland it was. Could it be that Poles are so racist hence why the news story about white women having sex with an HIV-infected black man was made such a big deal out of?

By the way, I await your response to the Steven Pinker link you posted.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
7 Sep 2013   #43
The story only broke in the last forty eight hours.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Sep 2013   #44
It was a big story for one simple reason - it wasn't common here. If a Polish guy had done it, it would have attracted exactly the same headlines.
local_fela  17 | 172
11 Sep 2013   #45
that was an easy move! well, i had chicks easy like this! but always been using protection! Poland... <3 thanks for making chicks so easy!
citizen67  6 | 187
11 Sep 2013   #46
So, if anyone could help me, or give me some advice of what to do to find him, I will be happy. Thank you Kasia :)

You're f ucked!!

Oh, and go to Africa to liv from now on.

it makes me very sad to read some of the comments here and there are people who insult me, and suggest me to abort just because my child will be half African. I think I made a mistake about posting this here, I am sorry :(

Go and liv in Africa if you like Black men and hate White men so much.
Polson  5 | 1767
11 Sep 2013   #47
Go and liv in Africa if you like Black men and hate White men so much.

Citi, again, you post too much, really. Your racism is boring. You hate Blacks, Poles... Do you like your own kind at least?
citizen67  6 | 187
11 Sep 2013   #48
Eh? no, silly man, I am trying to illuminate you, inform you Poles, get you thinking, what do Poles know of Black people? they only know black people through the ridiculous images presented in American films which is usually inverse to the Truth. DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES WE DID.
11 Sep 2013   #49
Step 1: Get abortion
Step 2: Leave Poland

good answer, the only thing I would add is: Quickly!

Kas, you have been had for booty, now you have bigger problems

Good Luck
Polson  5 | 1767
11 Sep 2013   #50
I am trying to illuminate you, inform you Poles

I'm French, I know some Black people, and they're very nice to hang out with. But thanks for helping with all the stereotypes.

they only know black people through the ridiculous images presented in American films which is usually inverse to the Truth. mean...the same goes with Whites in American movies I the Americans are not ALL super fit, super good looking superheroes? Damn, that's some bad news.

good answer, the only thing I would add is: Quickly!

His answer was utterly stupid. I can't believe some people are dumb enough to agree with that. Well done, mate, you're one of them.

Or maybe you are that PierĂ³g guy, since you're not registered. Or a buddy, to the rescue.
guest00  - | 14
12 Sep 2013   #51 mean...the same goes with Whites in American movies I the Americans are not ALL super fit, super good looking superheroes? Damn, that's some bad news.

And everybody knows that Americans are not all super fit and good-looking heroes, and nobody is really trying to prove that, but there are people who work extra hard to attest that non-whites are generally (almost all) great, amazing, very helpful and essential to Europe's and America's economy,

very nice to hang out with

, can't live without...
Simple question: Why do we need them? Without taking certain things as given and forgranted, the ethnic Europeans could be educated to do away with the snobbery and arrogance and taught to do any job at hand, down to plumbing, cleaning, and taxi driving. Why do we need foreigners to do for us jobs we can do ourselves like it had always been?! Why do we need to be labeled as "exploiters of cheap labour" and be led into feeling guilty and pay a price yet again? That we have built our countries and our wealth on the backs of the poor immigrants and their exploitation with cheap, unfair job deals. Because this is how they view the situation and us right now: as master exploiters looking down at them, making them toil in areas we see as degrading to us and our ego. As usual, we don't notice or choose not to notice this, but this is what we and/or our children will be facing some time later down the road. After so many years working for us they might as well think that our countries have become their hard-won prizes with the help of some traitor politicians who issue citizenships left and right. NO!!! I am fed up being held responsible for crimes I and my direct ancestors didn't commit and paying a heafty price. I can work in the fields just fine by myself and teach my kids to do some time at such jobs and so on. Nothing to be ashamed of. This is no less important part of my sovereignty. Thank you all!

Polson, are you a Jew?
Polson  5 | 1767
12 Sep 2013   #52
everybody knows that Americans are not all super fit and good-looking heroes

Well, you'd be surprised. Many people still think Americans are all cool and everything (some people really watch too much TV).

Simple question: Why do we need them?

That's a 'simple' question? It's a silly one. Immigrants or their kids are not here to serve you. Slavery is over.
Them who btw? What immigrants are you talking about? You know that many Blacks have been there (in the US) for at least 2 centuries? Long before the Irish, Poles, Italians arrived.

Polson, are you a Jew?

Yes, exactly. I'm actually Black, Jewish, gay, masochist, ultra-feminist (women rule!), and in my free time, I also like to scare pigeons on the street.

And you, are you Polish? I hope you're not. Considering that Polonia is like one of the world's biggest diaspora. Polish people giving lessons about immigration is always funny.
Bieganski  17 | 888
12 Sep 2013   #53
Polish people giving lessons about immigration is always funny.

What's even more hilarious are those leftist whites who abandoned their multicultural, multiracial homelands like Britain, France, etc. and now from predominately white Poland they lecture others of the needs and benefits of diversity from unfettered immigration.

It's a safe bet that once they are satisfied with a demographically changed Poland they will be off to predominately white Finland for some more hypocritical preaching.
Polson  5 | 1767
12 Sep 2013   #54
Who are you talking to, Biegi? Not me I hope, that would be ridiculous. You don't wanna be ridiculous, right?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
12 Sep 2013   #55
What's even more hilarious are those leftist whites who abandoned their multicultural, multiracial homelands like Britain, France, etc. and now from predominately white Poland they lecture others of the needs and benefits of diversity from unfettered immigration.

Precisely. Polson fled multicultural France, where even the star studded soccer team is divided on ethnic and racial grounds lol. He then moves to one of the most homogenous countries in this continent and starts calling for multiculturalism/open borders there. There are over 700 no go areas for the French police and emergency services. These ghettos are predominantly muslim and African. From the French government -

Its hard to take these lads like Polson seriously.
Polson  5 | 1767
12 Sep 2013   #56
Polson fled multicultural France

So there's a contest of ridiculous people I see. Again, I am in France. Anything to add?

starts calling for multiculturalism/open borders there.

Sure, I often do that. Oh, look! There's a pink elephant flying over your head!
Please quote me.
Wulkan  - | 3136
12 Sep 2013   #57
Anything to add?

Yes, why didn't you comment on the most important one?
Polson  5 | 1767
12 Sep 2013   #58
I never denied that. And I never 'fled' anything. Since I'm here, still alive.
paulinska  9 | 86
16 Sep 2013   #59
Kasia, I might just be able to help. I happen to know a clique of African French speaking dudes in/around Krakow. I'm not in Poland at the moment, so, please inbox me your contact details. Seriously, some people on here have got no decency whatsoever, i can't even imagine what it's like to engage with you intellectually!
puszekokruszek  1 | 4
29 Sep 2013   #60
check this photo gallery ...maybe u ll find him..i noticed 3 black men in this gallery.

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