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Why Poles not like rice?

Poloniusz  5 | 969
5 Feb 2024   #61
Britain is an island in Europe.End off!

Over a thousand islands in fact.

Yes and like the Galápagos Islands you are on a different evolutionary path than Europe.

6 Feb 2024   #62
Americans Social Security pays more in a month than say a bicycle repairman such as yourself makes in a year in Poland.

You're so ignorant about Poland. Maybe you can use part of the 15 to life that's waiting for you in Florida to learn a little about Poland. Or maybe not, nonces tend not to live long in prison.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Feb 2024   #63
you are on a different evolutionary path than Europe.

You've not been to Europe whether Poland, Spain, Germany, Britain or France. it would surprise you.

And all have plenty of rice; Poland has lots.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Feb 2024   #64
all have plenty of rice; Poland has lots.

Yes, so much rice that Poland exports rice to Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Czechia and Ireland and Italy.
Poland imports its rice in the husk primarily from Cambodia. Netherlands, and Ukraine.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Feb 2024   #65
I've noticed that red rice has started to become fashionable in PL.

It's not actually very good however it's a novelty and looks different.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Feb 2024   #66
Yes, red rice is a variety of rice that is colored red by its anthocyanin content.
Red rice comes from a unique red bran layer, which gives the rice its distinct auburn color.
There is also black rice, brown which are grown in different parts of the world.
mafketis  38 | 11260
6 Feb 2024   #67
What I don't like about rice in Poland is that now most people buy pre-portioned plastic bags that are boiled.

The rice is not great and I don't like the idea of eating something boiled with plastic....

I prefer the old cheap type imported from Vietnam or Pakistan that comes in paper bags.

yucky plastic bag rice....

  • rrrrr.jpg
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Feb 2024   #68
What I don't like about rice in Poland is that now most people buy pre-portioned plastic bags

I find those to be nasty. If I've got any, I always open the bags and do it the normal way.

red rice

Lower protein content, fewer vitamins and in the countries that produce it, it's less favoured than white rice.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Feb 2024   #69
Red rice

Lower protein content, fewer vitamins

I think you will find quite the opposite of that jon.
Red rice varieties such as Himalayan red rice and and Thai red cargo rice, are deeply pigmented and contain an impressively array of Nutrients and beneficial plant compounds.

This type is higher in protein and fiber than white rice varieties, but where it really excels is in its antioxidant content.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Feb 2024   #70
Himalayan red rice and and Tha

Feel free to Google stuff.

Most red rice is grown in parts of Africa where it is seen as a second class product; white rice is preferred for flavour and quality.

In Poland, white rice is always preferred too.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Feb 2024   #71
Feel free to Google stuff.

Back at ya jon.

Most red rice is grown in parts of Africa

That could be debated too.
You are talking Oryza longistarminata.
Most red rice is from Bhutan and in India and Asia unless we are googling different sources. :-)
Alien  26 | 6527
6 Feb 2024   #72
plastic bag rice...

These bags are very practical and the rice is always of the same quality after cooking. However, loose long-grain rice can only be achieved by cooking the right amount of rice in the right amount of water, and after cooking, it must remain in the pot for a long time so that it becomes loose when you lift the lid. Even a Chinese person often cannot do this.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Feb 2024   #73
You are talking Oryza longistarminata

I'm talking the stuff in sub Saharan Africa that people use if they can't afford white rice. No googling, however the corner shop here may have some on the bottom shelf.

I've seen it in Poland however it's sold for novelty value. I don't personally recommend it except to add a bit of colour if you want a rice dish to look fancy.

However, loose long-grain rice can only be achieved

Do it the Delia Smith way. Put the kettle on, put some oil in a pan, heat it and add the rice (don't wash it first). Stir and make sure the rice is coated in hot oil. Add some boiling water so it really sizzles and bubbles, add salt, stir once and once only. Turn the pan down to the lowest heat and put the lid on. Should be ready in about 10 mins or so.

Works every time.
mafketis  38 | 11260
6 Feb 2024   #74
so that it becomes loose when you lift the lid

This is not something that Asians want in rice, it's supposed to be sticky. I remember eating at a bar at work and there was Polish style rice on the plate. An Asan co-worker saw it and seemed repulsed by it.

My hack for rice (from NHK) is to soak it for about half an hour. Then boil twice as much water as dry rice then add the rice boil for a minute, stir well then reduce heat and cover and in 15 minutes it's done. Not loose but very edible.

Also re Polish people and rice. Many who visit the US for a limited time can't deal with American bread or potatoes and mostly eat rice instead. I've known three or four cases.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Feb 2024   #75
I'm talking the stuff in sub Saharan Africa

Yes jon, that is what I said. SEE

You are talking Oryza longistarminata.rice.

Then I said:
The eatable red rice comes from

Most red rice is from Bhutan and in India and Asia

We good now ?
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Feb 2024   #76
soak it for about half an hour

That works well with brown rice too.

in 15 minutes

I tend to go for less is more. If it's not quite done you can zip it in the microwave for a minute.

that is what I said. SEE

johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Feb 2024   #77
You're now saying that your lesson today on red rice was boring ?
You didn't learn why Polish people don't like the Oryza longistarminata red rice from Africa ?
I have come to the conclusion that Liberals like you don't know how to say, "I was wrong."
In fact I have never heard you admitting that you are wrong.
Korvinus  3 | 629
6 Feb 2024   #78
Rice is ok in some soups. And in gołąbkach.
Bobko  27 | 2215
6 Feb 2024   #79
Rice demands back breaking care and attention.

Winter wheat can be planted and forgotten about for close to half a year.

In other words, more time dedicated to contemplating the mysteries of the cosmos.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Feb 2024   #80
Try steamed vegetables over it with soy sauce.
I like to dump a can of fried spart and onions over rice with some hot sauce.
There are unlimited recipes for rice.
jon357  72 | 23654
7 Feb 2024   #81
And in gołąbkach.

I'm not a fan of those however they work better with kasha.
Alien  26 | 6527
8 Sep 2024   #82
Does anyone still remember roasted rice from the beginning of the political transformation in Poland?
9 Sep 2024   #83
In Poland, rice is usually way overcooked and the long kind (which I prefer) is not very popular; maybe that's the reason Poles prefer potatoes.
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Sep 2024   #84
What is the reason polish not like rice?

Things have changed a lot since 2015. Younger generations consume a lot of rice. My kids, too.
Alien  26 | 6527
9 Sep 2024   #85
I remember baked rice with apples, sugar and cinnamon as a dessert in the university canteen. It was very good.
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Sep 2024   #86
university canteen.

While I had to consume it as a main course in my primary school cafeteria in 1970s. We considered it a communist dish to kill hunger at a low cost. :):):)
Funny but communist experiences could have put Poles/Polesses my age off rice.....

communist experiences could have put off rice.....

On second thoughts, no, it wasn`t so. The reason is different - rice is too low in calories while Poles/Polesses have always needed fatty foods to survive harsh winters here. Recently, due to climate change, winters are much milder than in the past. That is why younger generations have taken to rice, while elder ones are still reluctant because of their Polish traditional conservatism.
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Sep 2024   #87
Younger generations consume a lot of rice.

Older too. Now I am thinking of making pawian`s paella tomorrow.

Here is the rice dish with meat chunks and veg plus salads, all made by my wife.

  • DSCN6165Kopiowanie.jpg

  • DSCN6167Kopiowanie.jpg
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Dec 2024   #88
Younger generations consume a lot of rice. Older too. Now I am thinking of making pawian`s paella tomorrow.

I always keep my word. This time I added a new ingredient to it: smoked trout.
Trout paella was delicious.
As it was Saturday, I additionally pampered myself with a glass of wine.

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Feniks  2 | 857
27 Dec 2024   #89
I added a new ingredient to it: smoked trout.

I've only made it with prawns and chicken but maybe I'll try it with fish. Not sure I would go for trout though.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Dec 2024   #90
try it with fish.

That`s the original dish.

go for trout though.

Of course, there are plenty other to choose from. I had eaten that trout earlier on solo on bread and it tasted excellent so I bought another one.

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