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Which foods are generally disliked/unpopular in Poland? Which non-Polish foods are slowly gaining popularity?

Miloslaw  20 | 5121
7 Mar 2020   #91

Is Zubrowka regarded as flavoured?...... ;-)
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Mar 2020   #92
There are two kinds of Żubrówka: classic which is flavoured and clear unflavoured.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
7 Mar 2020   #93

The only one I know is the one with the bison grass in it.
Is that regarded as flavoured?
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Mar 2020   #94
Any alien flavour/aroma/extract which you add to pure vodka makes it flavoured. Pure vodka is just pure. :):)
kaprys  3 | 2076
7 Mar 2020   #95
No worries. Poles drink beer, too.
Paulwiz  1 | 55
7 Mar 2020   #96
Yeah, I figured drinking beer is already within my skill set and I could likely drink beer in any language. But I didn't want to have the locals pointing and laughing at me behind my back for my faux pas at vodka drinking. And from what it sounds like, a guy could get in trouble if he tried to buy someone a drink of cherry vodka. Glad I asked about this.
kaprys  3 | 2076
7 Mar 2020   #97
I bet even pawian drinks some wisniowka. All those flavoured vodkas are pretty strong, too. Although, it's usually women who have them.
As for żubrówka, people usually have it with apple juice.
No sane is going to laugh at you just because you choose beer.
Several years ago a guy from Britain died in Poland because he'd drunk too much vodka. He was probably convinced you need to drink vodka with every meal. He was elderly and it was too much for him. He died.
Paulwiz  1 | 55
7 Mar 2020   #98
So the plan will be to buy my wife a wisniowka and then I can drink it when she doesn't like it. Can't throw it away now, can I? That qualifies as alcohol abuse!

As to the old guy dying from drinking too much vodka, I hate it when that happens. Will try to avoid.
kaprys  3 | 2076
7 Mar 2020   #99
A glass of wisniowka is około for a guy. However, if you were into salt caramel or stuff like that
As for beers, Karmi is caramel flavoured and 'for ladies'.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
7 Mar 2020   #100
Pure vodka is just pure

OK.So I get that.
I am not a great fan of spirits and will only drink them on special occasions.
And if I am honest......blasphemy on a Polish forum..... Wodka is probably my least favourite spirit..... Pure or just has no flavour.

I would much prefer a good American bourbon, an Irish whiskey or a good French brandy.
Paulwiz  1 | 55
7 Mar 2020   #101
(note to self: do not buy stock in the company that makes Karmi)
I sort of figured the bison grass vodka might be a manly sort of alternative vodka. My poor wife may get tired of me buying her odd vodkas.
kaprys  3 | 2076
7 Mar 2020   #102
Karmi is pretty popular really :)
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Mar 2020   #103
I bet even pawian drinks some wisniowka.

Of course not. As a true man, I drink only pure vodkas.

PS. Actually, I seldom drink any vodka. As a true Polish gentleman, I prefer craft sweet wines. I am drinking one now. Prosit!
8 Mar 2020   #104
Which Polish foods are most disliked by Poles?
pawian  226 | 27453
8 Mar 2020   #105
Brain. But it is unfair coz it resembles scrambled eggs.

  • 053.jpg
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
8 Mar 2020   #106
There is something seriously wrong in your method of scrambling eggs...... :-)
pawian  226 | 27453
8 Mar 2020   #107
No, I only scramble brains.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
8 Mar 2020   #108
Yeah, i will vouch for that..... :-)
jon357  72 | 23482
9 Mar 2020   #109
Which Polish foods are most disliked by Poles?

Things in aspic aren't as popular now as they used to be. Konina doesn't sell much either...
pawian  226 | 27453
10 Mar 2020   #110
True, the last time I had horse meat sausage was 5,6 years ago. I don`t see them today.

Mutton is also unpopular - I guess due to its smell.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
10 Mar 2020   #111
Horse meat is getting quite rare in Poland now and all over Europe.
But I do not understand the Polish attitude to lamb and mutton and especially the poor quality of beef and steak in Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Mar 2020   #112
It's all exported, basically. The locals prefer to buy lots of poor quality meat for their money - I've never understood it.
Joker  2 | 2374
11 Mar 2020   #113
Horse meat is getting quite rare in Poland now and all over Europe.

Horse meat was banned decades ago for human consumption in the US, its still used for Dog Food. So, you eat horses over there huh...🤮

There used to be a fast food chain named Jack in the Box around the Chicago area. They were caught serving Horse and were thrown out of the state years ago. They still have locations in California, but cant serve Horse anymore, not that those wasteoids would know the difference.
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Mar 2020   #114
I do not understand the Polish attitude to lamb and mutton

Maybe they don't like the aftertaste... I disliked lamb as a child for that reason, it wasn't an everyday or even every week kind of food so there was no way to acclimate to it. I like it occasionally now, but... meh... too expensive here to make it a staple...

A colleague (muslim but not very observant) said the same thing about pork - they avoid it less for religious reasons and more for the aftertaste that they never became accustomed to... (and which I never noticed since I've eaten it since childhood).
gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Mar 2020   #115
Mutton is also unpopular - I guess due to its smell.

mutton just stinks - never had lamb so I can't judge
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
11 Mar 2020   #116
Horse meat was banned decades ago for human consumption in the US

2007 actually.
But not banned in much of Europe.
I have eaten horse steak and it was just like a very lean steak.
Better than venison, which I can't stand.
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Mar 2020   #117
never had lamb

It's delicious.

The lamb sold here in PL tends to be closer to the French style; perhaps from lambs that look more like anorexic giraffes than anything else.

I have eaten horse steak and it was just like a very lean steak.

The steaks tend to be much better than the sausage or the tins of horsemeat.
pawian  226 | 27453
11 Mar 2020   #118
So, you eat horses over there huh...🤮

Not anymore. :)

mutton just stinks -

Yes, I could smell it a long time ago but will never forget that fusty odour of rotting fat. Yuk. :)

perhaps from lambs that look more like anorexic giraffes than anything else.

I am not an expert on lamb like gumishu so would like to know: how a decent lamb kept for meat should look like? :)

The steaks tend to be much better than the sausage

Yes, I think so. Those horse kabanos sausages I had years ago were full of "farfocle" which got stuck in between my teeth. I ate them only because they were such exotic food.
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Mar 2020   #119
Those horse kabanos

I managed a bit of one and disliked it for the same reason. I gave the rest to the dog; he didn't complain.

Here's a fairly decent leg of lamb; they can be larger even.

  • rsz_screenshot_2020.png
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
11 Mar 2020   #120
Yes, I could smell it a long time ago but will never forget that fusty odour

The problem is cultural.
You just don't know how to cook it.
Lamb is delicious but it does have a strong flavour.I love it.
If Mutton is cooked properly, most of you would stuggle to distinguish it from beef.
But as Poles have so little decent beef to compare it to in Poland, that may be a problem......

Home / Food / Which foods are generally disliked/unpopular in Poland? Which non-Polish foods are slowly gaining popularity?

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