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Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland!

Patrycja19  61 | 2679
28 Feb 2011   #91
Smelling poop is like a landmark to them if you didn't know.

I have had dogs all my life, some ate it some didnt, and yes their poop is a landmark same
as when they leave a trail of pee on every tree they come across..

I think half of animals do this

animals that are going to be used for meat are given antibiotics, to kill off any worms or
other disease that might be passed from the animal to human.. dogs and cats however
are not , so not only would this guy be subjecting humans to disease, but he could also
be sued if someone turns up sick...

I am not saying one way or the other that I like it that we as humans eat meat, the subject
is really about the shelter animals, which are in no way , shape or form meat ready to be
eaten by the public.

I find it sickening, its sad that these animals dont have a chance at adoption.. unfortunately
someone thinks he can make a buck off of it and for me, I would be the first one out there
standing with a sign telling people to not eat it because its not safe Period!!

some of these dogs could have rabies or distemper <~not sure of the spelling and of course
other stuff.. when they suspect a cow having mad cow disease, they destroy the animal
same with the chickens and the bird flu. so why would anyone be stupid enough to eat meat
that isnt or hasnt been checked by proper means..

and FYI, I dont eat wild game either for that reason, you just dont know what type
of disease is lurking.

ps... thats my story and I am sticking to it!!
Olaf  6 | 955
2 Mar 2011   #92
I have had dogs all my life, some ate it some didnt, and yes their poop is a landmark same
as when they leave a trail of pee on every tree they come across..

True. We agree!

dogs and cats however
are not , so not only would this guy be subjecting humans to disease, but he could also
be sued if someone turns up sick

True!. We agree again. Yeee-haw! ;)

ready to be
eaten by the public.

No? Let us know when they're ready:D

some of these dogs could have rabies or distemper <~not sure of the spelling and of course
other stuff.. when they suspect a cow having mad cow disease, they destroy the animal
same with the chickens and the bird flu. so why would anyone be stupid enough to eat meat
that isnt or hasnt been checked by proper means..

Very accurate insight. I think that's one of the reasons that swine or chicken flu originated in Asia: low hygiene standards and lack of any health standards while preparing food (even the source of this food).

and FYI, I dont eat wild game either for that reason, you just dont know what type
of disease is lurking.
ps... thats my story and I am sticking to it!!

I rarely eat wild game, but you know, you can and should have the meat tested by a veterinarian with certificate. Then it's just as safe as the meat you buy in supermarket. I think most hunters do that.
Daisy  3 | 1211
2 Mar 2011   #93
yes their poop is a landmark same
as when they leave a trail of pee on every tree they come across..

My neighbours pedigree cat is leaving his landmark in my front garden at the moment, I've tried everything!!
2 Mar 2011   #94
I've tried everything!!

Daisy  3 | 1211
2 Mar 2011   #95
I've tried everything humane
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
2 Mar 2011   #96
My neighbours pedigree cat is leaving his landmark in my front garden at the moment, I've tried everything!!

you know, I have a animated * turns on to motion* guinea pig that sings kung fu fighting :)

put that in the garden when hes about to leave a landmark.. he might not ever leave another
landmark again.. lol
Daisy  3 | 1211
2 Mar 2011   #97
LOL, the neighbours think I'm mad already.

Pleased to hear your daughter's home, hope she's much better soon
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
2 Mar 2011   #98
LOL, the neighbours think I'm mad already.

you dont have to worry about them,, unless they are leaving landmarks too? lol

she is feeling much better and resting right now.. * under mom watch* LOL
Daisy  3 | 1211
2 Mar 2011   #99
she is feeling much better and resting right now.. * under mom watch* LOL

Pleased to hear that
pawian  224 | 27236
25 Aug 2023   #100
Some members of the nationalist Konfederacja party have nothing against slaughtering dogs for meat. Meat is meat, they claim. Amasing!

  • n_5d0d7c71e2ff486257.jpg
Alien  25 | 6353
25 Aug 2023   #101
Meat is meat, they claim. Amasing!

Ask a Chinese man, he'll tell you the same thing.
pawian  224 | 27236
26 Aug 2023   #102
What do normal people and what do nationalists from Konfederacja party see:

  • c8dc9311d1a51e5d805f.jpeg
mafketis  38 | 11137
26 Aug 2023   #103
Konfederacja party have nothing against slaughtering dogs for meat

They have a new nickname now.... 'dog eaters' (zjadacz psów_

some memes:

konfederacja spokesman has his picture taken with his dog...

today's dinner is seafood!

when mom packs you a lunch for the Sejm

when you order a hotdog and they bring you a wiener in a roll....
jon357  72 | 23361
26 Aug 2023   #104
They have a new nickname now.... 'dog eaters' (zjadacz psów_

I think I'll give their party Annual Dinner a pass.
Paulina  17 | 4465
26 Aug 2023   #105
some memes:


Those weirdos from Konfederacja couldn't pick a better time for this ;D:

Ironside  50 | 12916
27 Aug 2023   #106
dog meat is healthy.. like a horse meat .. people used to eat a lot of horse meat in Poland,

Now they talk crazy, who is eating dogs? must those who stir that subject... sly secert dog meat eater shame on you ,,
jon357  72 | 23361
27 Aug 2023   #107
dog meat is healthy

Human flesh won't kill you either however I'd personally prefer beef.

who is eating dogs?

As I recall, there was a scandal a few years ago about a wholesaler who was producing sajgonki. All over the local news in Warsaw where sajgonki were at the time very popular. I've avoided them since, as have many others.
Ironside  50 | 12916
27 Aug 2023   #108
All over the local news in Warsaw where sajgonki w

wasn;t that about cats? What happened to cats in Warszaw? They keep rats population in check.
Let me guess, do gooders F it up for humans, cats and rats?
jon357  72 | 23361
27 Aug 2023   #109
wasn;t that about cats?

Both as I recall. They were getting them from a schronisko.

What happened to cats in Warszaw? They keep rats population in check

Feral cats? I'd guess that many have been poisoned to keep down the numbers.
pawian  224 | 27236
28 Aug 2023   #110
Human flesh won't kill you either

It will. Have you ever heard of prion disease??? :):):)

dog meat is healthy..

Vote for Konfederacja, then. :):):
But I know you will vote for them with or without dog meat.... :):):)
jon357  72 | 23361
28 Aug 2023   #111
It will. Have you ever heard of prion disease

Yes, however I only (knowingly) tried it once so am probably OK.
Ironside  50 | 12916
28 Aug 2023   #112
pawian brain is considered delicasy in some parts of the world, I guess on the accunt of it being mushy and soft in it natural state just steam it some add spices and viole !
pawian  224 | 27236
28 Aug 2023   #113
and viole !

My brain prions will blow you up like a Zeppelin! hahahaha
Alien  25 | 6353
21 Nov 2023   #114
pawian brain is considered delicasy in some parts of the world

Eating apes is cannibalism.

Home / Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland!

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