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Buying alcohol, wine in Poland. It's very difficult.

mauro  9 | 43
15 Jan 2009   #1
Hei !!
Do u know why to buy alcohol in Poland is soooo difficult ? I mean...In Most of places (careffour example) alcohol is only behind a special cash desk and If u want a bottle of wine U have to sign it or tell the name of the brand.

Sometimes I need just to look at the label to choose my wine..but that's not possible cause I should ask the lady to bring me all the wines I wanna see one by one....isn't damned boring ???

bye and thankz
osiol  55 | 3921
15 Jan 2009   #2
Walk into 24 hour petrol station. Approach fridge. Pick up cans or bottles. Place on counter.
"Dobry wieczór." okay, so it doesn't have to be evening.
Hand the lady or gentleman some złoty.
Leave shop with beverages.

Is it not always that simple? It worked for me more than once.

Wine may be a different matter, as wine isn't one of Poland's national beverages as vodka and beer are.
OP mauro  9 | 43
15 Jan 2009   #3
it's the same If I wanna buy wodka in careffour for example...
by the way...I don't have a car...and the shop nearest to me is this careffour which works in this strange system
SeanBM  34 | 5781
15 Jan 2009   #4
Ah, sometimes in super markets they have a wine or spirits section behind a counter.

It is a good place to practice Polish :)
OP mauro  9 | 43
15 Jan 2009   #5
well...I have already my polish lessons :):)
and I don't feel so well when I have to choose some wine in few seconds with people waiting their turn behind me.
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
15 Jan 2009   #6
Do u know why to buy alcohol in Poland is soooo difficult ? I mean..

To reduce chances for shoplifters and solve problem with drunks. In REAL you can see everything, read labels and feel comfortable.
McCoy  27 | 1268
15 Jan 2009   #7
It is a good place to practice Polish :)

and the best reason to learn the language ;)
fredex  2 | 30
15 Jan 2009   #8
I do not understand ! does Poland have Liquor stores ? sounds like a dry country from what these posts say ! or is it just wine that is difficult ?
David_18  65 | 966
15 Jan 2009   #9
Of course Poland got liquor stores.
Moonlighting  32 | 234
15 Jan 2009   #10
mauro, depends on where you buy.

My experience in Krakow:
1. "Alma": walk freely in the alcohol department, pick up whatever you want, go to cash desk.
1. "Kaufland": walk freely in the alcohol department, pick up whatever you want, go to cash desk.

OK, you don't have a car, but can't you take a bus or something to another place? You'll buy 2 or 3 bottles and bring them in a bag. Such a terrible effort?
davidpeake  14 | 451
16 Jan 2009   #11
hi, not sure which carrefour you shop at, but the 2 near us you call walk straight up and look at the bottles easy. Also in some shopping centres their are wine shops.
16 Jan 2009   #12
Why buy your wine at a supermarket? Get better stuff at lower prices and have it delivered to your door free of charge too:

I've been buying from that place for eight years!
OP mauro  9 | 43
16 Jan 2009   #13
thanks for answering all of you:)
I guess you're right...It's just because this careffour (near plaz grunwaldzki) it's just 50 m. from my I usually prefer go there.

thanks anyway!!
andrewwright  8 | 65
16 Jan 2009   #14
I went to a supermarket in ilawa(poland) and bought the best rose wine ever,blossom hill white zinfandal,cost 20 zloty but worth every zloty,if you know wot you like you dont need to ask, we used to drink back home in the UK,
30 Jan 2009   #15
Hi, I am trying to buy red wine for my polish boyfriend. I tried to use this web page but I had several problems when completing my order-paying by credit card. Do you know if they accept foreign credit cards?

Elssha  - | 123
31 Jan 2009   #16
I do not understand ! does Poland have Liquor stores ? sounds like a dry country from what these posts say !

This must be the first time I've heard Poland confused for a non-drinking country...
all the best vodka = Polish
many of the greatest beers = Polish
Many, many, many drunks = Polish
supposedly Slovic countries (Poland, Russia, Ukraine, etc) also have the highest alcohol tolerance (genetically)
Seanus  15 | 19666
31 Jan 2009   #17
I had a good bottle of wine last night, bought from my local deli. There are specialist wine stores in the bigger department stores.
31 Jan 2009   #18
wine shops!!!!
available in Arkadia, Zlote Tarasy etc
Actually every "shoping gallery" has its wine shop with marvelous selection!!!
WooPee  1 | 124
31 Jan 2009   #19
mauro , change to shop then. Or go to the professional wine store where you will be able not only to see the label but also ask about origin and taste of the wine.
Seanus  15 | 19666
31 Jan 2009   #20
Get a Makro card if you have your own business. Makro has a fantastic selection of wines from all over the world. Me? I'm not so picky. I can pick up a good drop without going all the way to Zabrze to get it. I do have a Makro card tho, so I will go to Makro when in Zabrze.

Yeah, it's nice having a Makro card :)))))))))
Prince  15 | 590
31 Jan 2009   #21
I think I know why you work as teacher not as marketing mamanger. :)))))))))
Seanus  15 | 19666
31 Jan 2009   #22
I encouraged the use of the edit button, Prince, though Admin will come down on you like a ton of bricks for abusing it.

You have a very limited understanding of the issuing process, I see.

I'll tell you in Polish. Mam swoją działalność gospodarczą, więc, mam prawo do tego.

I only occasionally drink wine and rarely go to Makro. What's your point?
31 Jan 2009   #23
I encouraged the use of the edit button,

And now the liberty of editing one's post has mysteriously gone down to 20 minutes.

Hmmmm. :-)
Seanus  15 | 19666
31 Jan 2009   #24
20 mins seems to be better :)
31 Jan 2009   #25
There is a wine shop near the Rynek in Bialystok that I like to go into. They have a smaller, but more interesting selection compared to the Makro store. It helps having a cutie working there that smiles and likes to speak English.

20 mins seems to be better :)

Still might be a bit long though. 15 minutes would be ok. Bison
Skoy  2 | 7
19 Feb 2009   #26
many of the greatest beers = Polish

Which beers would that be then? ;p
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Apr 2009   #27
I discovered a new wee shop in Gliwice today, just off the market square in fact. I picked up a bottle of Kleine Zalze from SA. It's a leading wine producer. I'm 48PLN out of pocket but that's exactly one hour's pay for me. It has a classy edge to it.]
this is an interesting little article connected with the popularity of this wine amongst Poles. I had a bottle of their red wine last night and it is SOOOOO soft. Mellifluous little notes, a top drop really! I think it was around the 30PLN mark and it is WELL worth the money. I'll be buying it again, that's for sure.

I'm moving away from Merlot a little. Carlo Rossi has a more drinkable quality to it. Lush in its ability to glide down the palate. Geez, I'm beginning to sound like one of those pompous twats that judge wine, oops! ;)

I need to go to the wine shop not 5 mins from here. I've heard good things about it.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
3 Jul 2010   #28
I had a bottle of their red wine last night and it is SOOOOO soft. Mellifluous little notes,

Hmm.. wine snob, heh?

I prefer Mad Dog 20/20 .. It also doubles a paint remover.
Seanus  15 | 19666
3 Jul 2010   #29
I wouldn't say wine snob by any stretch. I have to say that you have some good vineyards out there in Cali. The climate isn't that different from in Chile where some of the best stuff comes from.

Mad Dogs are quite popular for finishing people off here. It's a real test after you've had some beer.
Some more Keith Floyd. He's a total wino but it's largely for effect :)
Pinching Pete  - | 554
3 Jul 2010   #30
The climate isn't that different from in Chile where some of the best stuff comes from.

Aussie wine is pretty good too. Ever had Yellow Tail? Very nice and you don't need a bank loan to get some.

Home / Food / Buying alcohol, wine in Poland. It's very difficult.

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