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Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland?

PlasticPole  7 | 2641
17 Dec 2010   #31

Then I meant I am a vegetarian, not a Vegan. I still eat fish, eggs, cheese, dairy. Just no cow, pork, chicken, or turkey. It seems vegetarian means you only eat vegetables. How strange it's vegan that doesn't eat anything from animals.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
17 Dec 2010   #32
I am a vegetarian, not a Vegan

A vegetarian is just a vegan lacking commitment.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Dec 2010   #33
It turns them into Libs.

So why is the biggest Conservative I know a vegetarian? Why is it very fashionable among middle class kids who like nothing more than saying "mummy and daddy bought me a horse so I can ride well away from those nasty black people"?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
17 Dec 2010   #34
A vegetarian is just a vegan lacking commitment.

Being a vegan could be unhealthy.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
17 Dec 2010   #35
So why is the biggest Conservative I know a vegetarian?

I'll bet he doesn't try to foist it on others the way Lib veggies do.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
17 Dec 2010   #36
People have different reasons for not eating meat. There was a time when meat was too difficult to catch and not worth the risk of getting injured unless it was small game like birds (notice how chicken is better for you than red meat?)that were easier to catch. It was during this period humans realized the benefits of eating the fruits of the earth, You cannot get injured picking lettuce leafs.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
17 Dec 2010   #37
You cannot get injured picking lettuce leafs.

You could strain your back.

There was a time when meat was too difficult to catch and not worth the risk of getting injured unless it was small game like birds (notice how chicken is better for you than red meat?)that were easier to catch. It was during this period humans realized the benefits of eating the fruits of the earth

You gatherers are silly! We been eating yummy animals since we lived in caves!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
17 Dec 2010   #38
You gatherers are silly! We been eating yummy animals since we lived in caves!

It is you who haven't done your homework. You ever notice certain animals like Cheetahs are really careful when they hunt and are often not successful? It's because they know they can get kicked or speared by the animal they are hunted and mortally wounded. There's no doctor out there to mend them. Our ancestors lived in similar situations, so they had to be exceptionally careful or they got injured and died while hunting. They didn't eat as much meat as you think unless it was scavenged or they were native Americans who ate a lot of buffalo and deer and might have hunted the Mammoth to extinction. They must have been advanced hunters. It wasn't until the bow and arrow was invented that more meat became available.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
17 Dec 2010   #39
It wasn't until the bow and arrow was invented that more meat became available.

Na-ah. We had spears and clubs and threw rocks long before that. While you women folk were back at cave gathering stuff.
wildrover  98 | 4430
17 Dec 2010   #40
A lot of hunting was done by digging a big hole..and waiting for some meaty animal to fall in it...
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
17 Dec 2010   #41
catching animals wasn't the problem. eating raw meat was. cooked meat is easier to eat and the time taken to eat it is far less.

discovery channel is useful sometimes.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
17 Dec 2010   #42
discovery channel is useful sometimes.

And that's where I watched documentaries all about this sort of thing. If animals like Cheetahs have a hard time catching prey, why wouldn't early humans? Wouldn't they be wary of getting injured in the process much like bears in the arctic circle do? That's why they refuse to hunt Walrus unless an emergency. They don't want to be injured by the tusks, so they go for easier prey. Early humans might have been the same way, limiting their food choices somewhat. It's mere speculation but it's possible.
Eurola  4 | 1898
30 Dec 2010   #43
Moderation is the key. My friend in Florida practices raw food diet, and then she will stuff herself with sweets and a cappuccino with 5 spoons of beats me why she torture herself with nasty, fresh squeezed juices first, only to kill her good intentions with sugar.

But she doesn't get it. It is a fad. Veggies are good and I love 'em but I want some meat with it too. So there.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
30 Dec 2010   #44
Veggies are good and I love 'em but I want some meat with it too.

Right ... without meat life is tasteless =).

Though ... I've read somewhere that the human body and teeth are more suitable towards vegetables and fruits.
Marynka11  3 | 639
30 Dec 2010   #45
What about the blood type diet? Does anyone believe in it? According to it I'm eating waaay too much meat.

"Eat Right 4 Your Type" - Blood Type Diet

The concept to "Eat Right For Your Type" - or "Blood Type Diet " - is based on research conducted by Peter D'Adamo, ND, who claims that people fare better (including with weight management), when tailoring their diet to their specific blood types.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503
30 Dec 2010   #46
If people weren't meant to eat meat our digestive tracts would have prevented it, ya know like herbivores. It's been stated previously in this thread but Humans are omnivores which is so true. Vegetarians and vegans often times will load up on the carbohydrates as stated in Eurola's post due to their lack of protein. The problem with modern day diets is too many carbs in sugars and starches and not enough protein. Thus the incidence of obesity.

Hunting? If it's wrong to eat animals it's wrong to eat plants. A guy's gotta eat.
Olaf  6 | 955
30 Dec 2010   #47
Hunting? If it's wrong to eat animals it's wrong to eat plants. A guy's gotta eat.

Hah, good one! :)
What's that argument that killing animals is inhumane and that's why we should not eat them? Animals are animals, humans are humans - treating animals as humans (humane treating?) is... weird at least. I treat my dog as a dog, and that is how he knows where his place is in his "herd", which does not mean that I don't take care about the dog or any other animal. I like all animals, snails, frogs, dogs (well cats - not really), cows, pigs and mice. If I see animal in need - I take it to a vet or feed. But I also eat some of them, simple as that [but never the ones I helped out;)]. Vegetarians/vegans and other food "sects" live in a world of fantasy I guess, but that's completly up to them as long as they don't call regular people animal killers or something.

My food eats their food:)

I've read somewhere that the human body and teeth are more suitable towards vegetables and fruits.

This is really simple: by biology humans are OMNIVOROUS and our teeth are both for chewing and biting, we have both fangs and incisors.

Moderation is the key.

- Exactly. Too much meat isn't good, but eating just plants is plain stupid if you have acces to meet. You can't have a BALANCED diet without it, but you can eat meat products rarely and be fine.
kondzior  11 | 1026
10 Jan 2011   #48
To everyone his own, I guess, but strength comes only from the red meat.
If you seat at home and seep tea all the time I think you can survive on fruits alone, for a time at least. But good luck working in mines, or trying to grow some decent muscles in a gym.
asik  2 | 220
10 Jan 2011   #49
but strength comes only from the red meat.

That's right!

I've never met healthy looking vegetarians and Poland is no exception. The ones I've ever met all looked like zombies or even worse. That's really scary.

My now neighbour changed his mind about his vegetarianism after experiencing near heart attack at the age of 35. Now he eats red meat, which is a must when you want to be healthy and to live longer!
Teffle  22 | 1318
10 Jan 2011   #50
If you seat at home and seep tea all the time I think you can survive on fruits alone, for a time at least. But good luck working in mines, or trying to grow some decent muscles in a gym.

You can easily get enough protein and iron (if that's whatt you're saying) from a vegetarian diet. More care is needed but it can be done - no room for fussy eaters in vegetarianism either.

I've never met healthy looking vegetarians and Poland is no exception. The ones I've ever met all looked like zombies or even worse. That's really scary.
My now neighbour changed his mind about his vegetarianism after experiencing near heart attack at the age of 35.

Well maybe he was a vegetarian with a poor diet? They exist, just as meat eaters with poor diets exist. How many regular consumers of animal fat have premature heart attacks? A good deal more than vegetarians anyway I'll warrant.
Olaf  6 | 955
10 Jan 2011   #52
You can easily get enough protein and iron (if that's whatt you're saying) from a vegetarian diet. More care is needed but it can be done - no room for fussy eaters in vegetarianism either.

I agree to this, but not entirely - it is not that easy to have a balanced diet without meat, as meat was originally in our diet and should be there. Not too much though.

Well maybe he was a vegetarian with a poor diet? They exist, just as meat eaters with poor diets exist. How many regular consumers of animal fat have premature heart attacks? A good deal more than vegetarians anyway I'll warrant.

True. But what is a "premature" heart attack;)? If I'm 66 years old (no matter the diet) - is it the right time to have a heart attack? ;)
Teffle  22 | 1318
10 Jan 2011   #53
But what is a "premature" heart attack;)? If I'm 66 years old (no matter the diet) - is it the right time to have a heart attack? ;)

Ha Ha - you know what I mean!

35 is premature by any standard I would think though!

Iron and B vitamins in particular are what veggies need to be careful about. Marmite or Vegemite are very useful in a meat-free diet.

Protein should not be an issue unless they are very careless with their diet.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446
10 Jan 2011   #54

Well I smear it on my steak just in case... ;p
Barney  19 | 1763
10 Jan 2011   #55
I agree to this, but not entirely - it is not that easy to have a balanced diet without meat, as meat was originally in our diet and should be there. Not too much though.

A lot of veggies are overly sentimental about animals, in my experience most veggies see nothing wrong with eating meat. The problem is the farming of meat and the frequency of eating it. Animals were not meant to be grown in near factory conditions requiring a cocktail of medicines and applications to keep them outwardly healthy. The results of this intensive rearing has lead to many problems from the vCJD problems in Britain to the "accidental" introduction of carcinogenic chemicals into the food chain (Germany). Meat should not be cheap.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446
10 Jan 2011   #56
"Eat Right 4 Your Type" - Blood Type Diet

Hey thanks for this...

Type O types

Yeah baby! (cows)
Olaf  6 | 955
10 Jan 2011   #57
I think you're right Barney. I'd only liket to expand this:

Animals were not meant to be grown in near factory conditions requiring a cocktail of medicines and applications to keep them outwardly healthy.

to the fact that so is with the veggie food. Fruit & vegetables can (and are in the US and outside) be genetically modified, grown on pesticides, some harmful artificial fertilizers, like some nitrites etc. So non-meat diet can - and often is artificial too.
Barney  19 | 1763
10 Jan 2011   #58
Olaf and I agree with you.

The mono culture and commercial movement of bee hives in the US has contributed to the decline of the bee population which is a very serious financial problem and a serious threat to food security. I'm not naive enough to suggest that organic production can feed the world because it cant a degree of industrialisation is necessary but keep it to a minimum. Also stop speculation on food crops and do as those "loony Left" people, Chavez and Castro said food is for people not to subsidise oil companies through ethanol production.
vegan girl
22 Nov 2014   #59
The whole Vitamin B thing is a myth. I've been vegan for 35 years and have no B12 deficiency, I get it the same place animals get it from. B12 are micro organisms in the earth, and there are a lot of veggies like carrots or potatoes that grow in the ground. B12 is an exceptional vitamin. It is required in smaller amounts than any other known vitamin. Ten micrograms of B12 spread over a day appears to supply as much as the body can use.

what a load of boloney. I've been vegan for over 35 years, it's the healthiest thing you can do for your body and the planet. do some research before you post misinformation!
23 Nov 2014   #60
what a load of boloney. I've been vegan for over 35 years, it's the healthiest thing you can do for your body

You are in denial.

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