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Polish Pizza !! The best in the world?

Novichok  4 | 8485
26 Aug 2023   #241
I remember buying a raincoat for 1800zl in 196x na Chmielnej. My first salary after graduation from WUT was 1500 zl.
1500-1800=GFO so I left.

As far as pizza...There is a simple rule to follow...If it's delicious, don't eat it. What's good for you is barely passable.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Aug 2023   #242
I remember buying a raincoat

LOL that Columbo raincoat in that detective show those days?
Polish pizza BTW sux,who puts that grass kinda leaves on a pizza and still the fookers dont have Oregano,chilli,garlic powder or even pepper to sprinkle on ya slice lol but have corn lol.
Novichok  4 | 8485
26 Aug 2023   #243
Then it was known as "plaszcz ortalionowy".
pawian  226 | 27473
26 Aug 2023   #244
Polish pizza

There is no such dish as Polish pizza. Each bar,. pizzeria or outlet has their own style and recipe for making it. I have liked 98% pizzas which I have eaten in Poland - in cities, in the mountains and at the seaside.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Aug 2023   #245
There is no such dish as Polish pizza

I agree,I meant was "Pizza made in Poland by Polish"
My bad.
pawian  226 | 27473
26 Aug 2023   #246
"Pizza made in Poland by Polish"

is OK.
In post 11 from 2008 I wrote: - I have not complained so far... and still stick to it. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8485
26 Aug 2023   #247
This is the version of pizza I like:

I had it in Miedzylesie in 2017.

  • tatar.jpg
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Aug 2023   #248
YUCK,I hate that tartar.My wife likes it,and that night I never can sleep in the same bed.Another Polish food I hate is Flacki(tripe)
Novichok  4 | 8485
26 Aug 2023   #249
Another Polish food I hate is Flacki(tripe)

The second-best Polish food...

That's what I had there...First, tatar, then flaki...If I ever go back to Poland it will be for those two at the same restaurant.

  • flaki.jpg
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Aug 2023   #250
lol freaking looks like mushroom zupa,I did that mistake in a wedding and filled my bowl thinking it was but was Flacki,O boy what a embarrassment I had to go through,I couldnt eat that,anyway my wife helped and got me a new bowl for a diff it,enjoy ya dish Novi,Ill stick with Zurek with jajo:)
jon357  72 | 23483
27 Aug 2023   #251
There is no such dish as Polish pizza

There's zapiekanka, worthy of note and a Polish creation.

Each bar,. pizzeria or outlet has their own style and recipe for making

And 90% of them are frankly a bit crap.
Alien  25 | 6397
27 Aug 2023   #252
There is no such dish as Polish pizza

Of course it is. I remember from my student days in the 80s pizzas made on thick yeast dough in Poland. It wasn't until later that I found out that no one in the world uses yeast dough for pizza.
pawian  226 | 27473
27 Aug 2023   #253
no one in the world uses yeast dough for pizza.

It is an option which you can get on demand for extra charge. The basic option is ALWAYS thin base. Ha.

in the 80s

jon357  72 | 23483
27 Aug 2023   #254
no one in the world uses yeast dough for pizza

I've had that in Italy, home of the pizza.

In Poland, it's mostly made with soda though I'd prefer it with yeast.
Atch  22 | 4299
27 Aug 2023   #255
no one in the world uses yeast dough for pizza.

The Italians do.

The basic option is ALWAYS thin base. Ha.

Even that is made with yeast in Italy.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Aug 2023   #256
There's zapiekanka, worthy of note and a Polish creation.

Yes,I like its taste.There is a new place opened on Widok across KFC/Burger King with some Polish name like"Communist Pizza"or something in Polish.They only sell diff zapiekanka.I liked it esp the crusty bread.

LOL the same street where you dress up in heels to go to that bar.
jon357  72 | 23483
27 Aug 2023   #257
There is a new place opened on Widok

I know the one, but haven't been for several years. A nice place to go to after beer. As I recall, it has old PRL newspapers as part of the decor. Quite good. There's also a nice one on Chmielna although I prefer the one on Widok.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Aug 2023   #258
Yup,thats it.I thought was a year old or so,guess never paid attention.Its crowded now,
Which one is on Chemilna?Only ones I know are cpl selling individual slices.I hated that Belgium fries place but my son liked it.LOL fries with mayo.
jon357  72 | 23483
27 Aug 2023   #259
Which one is on Chemilna

On the north side, going towards Nowy Swiat. It may have closed now. The zapiekanki had a four seasons theme.

fries with mayo

Not for me, unless I'm visiting Belgium where I've not been for ages anyway. Malt vinegar and salt is good.
27 Aug 2023   #260
There's zapiekanka,

Reminds me of that awful frozen Findus French Bread Pizza from the 80's. Not that I'm a huge fan of pizza. Best I've tried was in Naples.
Novichok  4 | 8485
27 Aug 2023   #261
fries with mayo.

...a real health food...
jon357  72 | 23483
27 Aug 2023   #262
Best I've tried was in Naples.

I've worked (twice over the years) for an Italian firm where most of the staff were Sicilian or Calabrian. The pizza in the canteen (these were 24/7 on site or at sea jobs) was so nice I nearly went weak at the knees every time they had it in the menu. Thing was, they only had it twice a week at the recommendation of the company/ship's doctor since many of the staff were male and of the heart attack age.

They also had unlimited help yourself gelato. One of the staff was from a family with a chain of gelato shops in (I think) Sicily. I went up two trouser sizes working there. The it's,Ian's often made an espresso and put a huge dollop of ice cream in. Works well.

Zapiekanka like it used to be in Warsaw and still is in a lot of places is just like Findus French Bread Pizza only worse, with swirls of ketchup, bottled mayo and limp gherkin slices. A good one is really good though and some of the fancy ones like Zapiexy mentioned above are pretty good. Better bread, jalapeños, a few fancy things.

I saw a recipe today for a Spanish mini pizza, sort of between zapiekanka and pissaladière. I'll try it in the week.

Maybe worth having a recipe thread. Some Polish recipes (adapted where necessary to ingredients overseas) and non-Polish dishes that can either be adapted for ingredients here or which would suit Polish tastes. It's sometimes a surprise which dishes from abroad go down well here and which ones don't.
mafketis  38 | 11142
27 Aug 2023   #263
The pizza in the canteen (these were 24/7 on site or at sea jobs) was so nice

Best pizza I've ever had was in a hotel restaurant in Lanzarote... they had a dedicated pizza station that turned out small hand made pizzas (12 or so inches across) without tons of topping and they were completely addictive. The crust was amazing and the few toppings really complimented each other. My favorite had blue cheese which works remarkably well on pizza...

Bak in my student days a mainstay was a deep dish by the slice place that I went to at least once a week... their star was the.... broccoli slice... it sounds awful but it was really great. Two slices with a side of garlic rolls was heaven.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
27 Aug 2023   #264

Here is one excellent homemade pizza 🍕 from Serbia.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
27 Aug 2023   #265
Best I've tried was in Naples.

Crnogorac3  3 | 659
27 Aug 2023   #266

27 Aug 2023   #267
so nice I nearly went weak at the knees every time they had it in the menu.

Must admit that the pizza in Naples was so good I had slices every day. It's not even something I would normally eat either! There seemed to be no end of very basic looking places with just a few stools and a long bar to sit at. Street food type places that had queues of people lining up for pizza slices. No-one spoke English so I would just point at a different pizza every day. Had to be done :) I also overloaded on the gelato too.

swirls of ketchup, bottled mayo and limp gherkin slices.

It's this that I can't stand. I don't even eat ketchup or bottled mayo at home. I tried zapiekanka once and that was enough. I would always go for traditional Polish food in Poland. I tried an Indian place in Gdansk once and it was truly awful, really bland food. I could've murdered a good curry at the time too :(

Maybe worth having a recipe thread.

Go for it.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Aug 2023   #268
There is a place behind Chemilna called "Maka i woda" there coal fired pizza use to be good but lately it sux.

an Indian place in Gdansk

There is no good restaurant with orignal Indian food in Poland,order 3 dishes and 2 will have same curry sauce.But lately I found 2 places next to each other called "Chaiwala" & "delhi 6" on Jana Pawla 2,they dont have traditional Indian food but street food was really good.Mostly I see Indians there as not many non Indians know that food,really good.I think its a start of the real Indian food in Warsaw.Someone told me there are over 400 Indian restaurants in Warsaw all fooling Polaks lol.
Paulina  19 | 4458
27 Aug 2023   #269
So where can you eat the best pizza in Poland?

According to the Italian annual ranking "50 Top Pizza" which lists best pizzerias in Europe (besides Italy, which has separate listings) there are three such places in Poland in 2023:

"Ostro" in Gdańsk (number 34 on the list)

"Ciao a Tutti" in Warsaw (number 38 on the list)

"Zielona Górka" in Pabianice (number 46 on the list), which is among few pizzerias in Poland serving Neapolitan pizzas that has "Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana" certificate.

About the "50 Top Pizza" 2023 in English:

What about you, guys? Where have you eaten the best pizza in Poland (or what places can you recommend in your city that serve the best pizza??)? :)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Aug 2023   #270
Where have you eaten the best pizza in Poland

Close to best but never the best in Warsaw Poland is a place on Chemilna selling by the slice.Thin crust but the toppings suck.Atleast people dont use fork and knife there to eat there freaking pizza lol.

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