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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
11 Dec 2011   #211
me? snobby about food ? no way! love food from just about everywhere! just dont want apoor little calf kept in dark so flesh stays white, and then said calf having its throat cut.

You eat chicken??? Cos they go through a lot worse...
Free-ranged veal.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
11 Dec 2011   #212
Sid, not so ancient and, well, not rock ;)

Well... they were playing before I was born, and I'm not exactly a spring chicken ;) Not rock - Cavalera Conspiracy is rock :D

You are Polish, right Sid? It's hard to go far wrong with Polish food. Meatballs are manageable for most. Dumplings too. Only tripe stands out. I haven't encountered problems with much else. Tripe was fine for me. Not 'gads'.


I like Polish food, but I won't touch tripe. Gross!

I can't understand why anyone British would dislike Polish sausages, though. Well, apart from King Athelstan - but he didn't realise that they were German and not Polish in Aldi lol :)
11 Dec 2011   #213
You eat chicken??? Cos they go through a lot worse...
Free-ranged veal.

i know they do, but am off topic now and have red writing under one of my posts. have you or anybody else ever tried boczek faszerowany? not sure if this is correct spelling or not? its white bacon,and i think it may be a regional product. my town has two polish shops and neither of them stock it. i think its delicious
Seanus  15 | 19666
11 Dec 2011   #214
I think we are thinking about a different band but this is not for this thread.

Polish sausages are really the stuff of legends! Anyone who thinks the Germans have the lead in this regard is either sadly misinformed or plainly just doesn't know. Sausages here are a culinary delight! Now, any 'awkward' foods?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
11 Dec 2011   #215
boczek faszerowany?

I have, and I love it also!
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
11 Dec 2011   #216
Now, any 'awkward' foods?

zimne nogi. :(

I don't like gefilte fish either.
Seanus  15 | 19666
11 Dec 2011   #217
Let's put the EU top brass to good effect. I'd make it that you shouldn't touch certain foods after X amount of alcohol. You know, sth like a 'vomit potential' rating. Sth like 'only eat tripe when sober' ;0 ;) As a Scot, I'd appreciate it ;) ;)
11 Dec 2011   #218
I have, and I love it also!

tried it when i was in the mountains in poland,where i stayed was a village called koszary. my friends used to buy it from a farmer. this is what makes me think it may be regional. very disappointed cant buy it in the polish shops..:(
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
11 Dec 2011   #219

Where, I only know of one place with that name in Zamosc.
It probably is regional. But just north of Krakow you can find a butchers shop and he will make anything u need :)
11 Dec 2011   #220

koszary is about 10 km from limanowa ( nearest town). its about an hour and a half south of krakow. it is surrounded by the beskid wyspowy mountains. am not talking himalayas here but i did get to try lots of food from farmers....i was happy bunny:)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
11 Dec 2011   #221
This could be a way of keeping Turkey out of the EU - make it illegal to consume doner kebabs except when sober ;)

In Krk the kebab of choice was Chicken.... how many chicken breasts went raw onto that spike.... god help me.

Reminds me of one story, my ex fiance took me out one night for a meal and we both got completely wasted. One way home after me unable to stop my hiccups and drunkeness i decided to buy a kebab. We ate it walking home and got in our bed nice and cosy. Next day she was up at the moment of dawn to go to work. It was raining outside. so she opened her umbrella only for my kebab to fall out and hit her on the head. She came back up to our flat and I thought she would go mental but to my surprise she couldnt stop laughing. One cos i was so drunk that walking home i stuck my kebab in her umbrella, and two that i had no idea that i spent 30 minutes in the local 24hr shop hiccuping trying to order beers and certain other things ;)

Nights like that really make me love Poland so much. It had nothing to do with living in Poland but just because it happened there....hell yeah :)

koszary is about 10 km from limanowa ( nearest town). its about an hour and a half south of krakow. it is surrounded by the beskid wyspowy mountains. am not talking himalayas here but i did get to try lots of food from farmers....i was happy bunny:)

I know it well, just not that name :)

I used to spend my NYE parties in Roznow and Nowy Sacz :)
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
11 Dec 2011   #222
Even the dickwad Von Rompuy isn't that harsh! I sometimes go for a doner after work (sober) and I enjoy it :) :)

Now, obscure Polish foods???

Even I'm not that cruel ;)

Siemieniotka, then. English opinion on this one! the weed smokers may like this one, hehe.

Hauskyjza - is eating this on the Singapore MRT a whippable offence? Or worse? Especially as "SMRT" means "death" in Czech. haha :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
11 Dec 2011   #223
Not only in Czech, in other Slavic languages too. Is the dish you posted 'semolina'?
11 Dec 2011   #224
Next day she was up at the moment of dawn

ha ha very funny story. except she was up at the crack of dawn, not the moment..never actually got round to trying a kebab in poland.did try kfc though as was in a bit of a hurry. its much better than in uk, and i dont really like fast food that much...
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
11 Dec 2011   #225
Is the dish you posted 'semolina'?

The first one's a hemp seed soup. the second is a smelly cheese :D
Seanus  15 | 19666
11 Dec 2011   #226
Those smelly cheeses are deceptively good.
Seanus  15 | 19666
11 Dec 2011   #228
Well, I don't know. I think a few other smells could be worse ;)
OP pawian  226 | 27583
11 Dec 2011   #229
dont think i really want to see what it looks like...but im sure you will upload pic..uggh

Here you are:

1 pig brain, 4 mushrooms, 1 onion, 2 eggs, 20 pepper stuffed olives, spices:pepper, oregano, ginger etc. Brain had been boiled for a while before being chopped and fried with all other ingredients.

Brain toasts
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
11 Dec 2011   #230
Well, I don't know. I think a few other smells could be worse ;)

Commuters who don't wash their teeth. They can have the seat, I'll stand. Well away. :D

Back on topic: I like haggis with placki. lol
Seanus  15 | 19666
11 Dec 2011   #231
I don't wash my teeth either, I brush them ;)
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
11 Dec 2011   #232
You know what I meant ;)

Right, I'm off to make some food which pam wouldn't like :) haha
Seanus  15 | 19666
12 Dec 2011   #233
I sure did! In the fullest sense, we do wash our teeth.

I had some croquettes today. Not fully Polish, I know, but with cabbage and mushrooms I have to say it's as good as Polish. Lovely!!
12 Dec 2011   #234
1 pig brain, 4 mushrooms, 1 onion, 2 eggs, 20 pepper stuffed olives, spices:pepper, oregano, ginger etc. Brain had been boiled for a while before being chopped and fried with all other ingredients.

no,no,no, this is disgusting! pawian, nie lubie ciebie! had just finished sandwich and now i feel sick....ty masz dlugi dlugi ogon i rogi tez!!!:) :)

As you were told yesterday, please read rule#1 before your next post. Thanks

Right, I'm off to make some food which pam wouldn't like :) haha

er, and exactly what would that be? already feeling sick after looking at pawians pics lol!! could this possibly be worse...some polish dish i havent yet encountered? :)
OP pawian  226 | 27583
12 Dec 2011   #235
no,no,no, this is disgusting! pawian

Yes, it is. I cooked and ate it for you because I love sharing with others. :):):)

now i feel sick....

You can`t imagine how I feel now..... :):):)

ty masz dlugi dlugi ogon i rogi tez!!!:) :)

Yes! A long tail! How did you know? :):):)

As you were told yesterday, please read rule#1 before your next post. Thanks

Come on, this is Polish, not Belarussian forum. :):):) Must is in Russ. In Poland - As You Like It.*

* Pam intended to imply that all that people need to live together in harmony is "good sense, love, humor, and a generous disposition." Her usage of Polish is deeper than the surface, and that is part of its appeal to every kind of person.
12 Dec 2011   #236
Yes, it is. I cooked and ate it for you because I love sharing with others. :):):)

firstly sorry mods for drifting off topic, just bit easy to lose track!! pawian, is it normal for poles to eat what resembles a mixed up omelette for breakfast? my sadly missed lokator used to cook( in a frying pan ) sausage, bacon,ham and eggs. all normal ingredients for an english breakfast, but with the addition of ONIONS.i like onions, but in a breakfast dish? strange...:)
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
12 Dec 2011   #237
er, and exactly what would that be? already feeling sick after looking at pawians pics lol!! could this possibly be worse...some polish dish i havent yet encountered? :)

Overcooked food! haha :D
12 Dec 2011   #238
would definitely not like! another question, is it normal for polatsy to boil sausages? in england we fry or grill them. my lokator tried to get me to try his boiled sausages ( and i love kielbasa ) but boiled? cant remember name of them, but they were quite big. any ideas?
DrWhom  - | 15
12 Dec 2011   #239
cant remember name of them, but they were quite big. any ideas?

Kielbasa Biala, white sausages.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
12 Dec 2011   #240
would definitely not like!

I knew it! haha :D

another question, is it normal for polatsy to boil sausages? in england we fry or grill them. my lokator tried to get me to try his boiled sausages ( and i love kielbasa ) but boiled? cant remember name of them, but they were quite big. any ideas?

I (and my family) sometimes boil Wiejska/Krakowska/Śląska, etc. But I tend to grill mine these days. Never fry them though.

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