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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

23 Oct 2023   #1081
Served with scrambled eggs

That's not scrambled eggs. You made an omelette. I would definitely try that but you really do eat some strange food combinations.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
23 Oct 2023   #1082
That's not scrambled eggs. You made an omelette.

How do you know if I didn`t stir it like scrambled eggs? . You see one stage in the photo but next ones could have followed...... :):):):)

Don`t pass your judgement too early. Wait for the plate stage. hahahaha

but you really do eat some strange food combinations.

Yes, pawians can be crazy sometimes. hahahaha

PS. However, this is an old recipe.:):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27509
24 Oct 2023   #1083
PS. However, this is an old recipe.:):):)

Next one:
Lemon oyster mushroom which I presented last year - I mostly fry them crisp coz it is my fave style.

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24 Oct 2023   #1084
How do you know if I didn`t stir it like scrambled eggs? .

I don't, but then it would've been scrambled omelette and not scrambled eggs.

I mostly fry them crisp

Are they coated in breadcrumbs? They look almost deep fried. I can't believe you're eating them with broad beans though.........another odd combination......
OP pawian  226 | 27509
24 Oct 2023   #1085
it would've been scrambled omelette

You are as stubborn as a Poless sometimes. :):):)

Good. I like it. :):):)

Let it be an omelette then. I probably forgot to stir it. hahahaha

Are they coated in breadcrumbs? They look almost deep fried

Nope, I am too busy in the summer to play with breadcrumb coating on mushrooms. Just flour - crispy enough for me.

I can't believe you're eating them with broad beans though..

Yes, coz that is my fave combination to keep balance in nature - sth crisp fried combined with sth soft boiled but still al dente coz I hate soggy stuff. See the picture below. Fried pork chop with chick peas and green beans.

another odd combination......

Exactly. I excel at it. hahahaha

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24 Oct 2023   #1086
Just flour - crispy enough for me.

I think I would've fried them gently in just a little butter.

sth crisp fried combined with sth soft boiled

Too much fried food!

Fried pork chop with chick peas and green beans.

I'm not sure about the chick peas...
OP pawian  226 | 27509
24 Oct 2023   #1087
fried them gently in just a little butter.

Then they wouldn`t be so crisp. :(:(:(

Too much fried food!

No!!! I always keep my balance but you don`t always see it in the photos. Simple.
OK, I will try to show this balance soon. :):):)

I'm not sure about the chick peas...

mafketis  38 | 11149
24 Oct 2023   #1088

Beans cause... gas. To counteract that you want an at least equal amount of grains (dry weight). This is why rice and beans in some form is worldwide poor people food (protein complimentarity with reduced gas). Every region of Italy has some kind of bean and pasta dish (again pasta = grain).

The breading is not nearly enough grain to counteract the gas (though garbanzos aren't the worst in terms of gas).
OP pawian  226 | 27509
24 Oct 2023   #1089
Beans cause... gas.

Which is good for your bowels coz you need to ventilate them regularly. Like your bedroom or classroom. hahahahaha
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
24 Oct 2023   #1090

Your picture looks edible but hardly a clever or inspiring cuisine.
Joker  2 | 2374
24 Oct 2023   #1091
It looks like something they slapped together at a homeless food kitchen. I wouldnt eat that slop he posts on here.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
25 Oct 2023   #1092
I wouldnt eat that

hahahaha You say so coz you are a rightist azhole biased not only towards decent liberals but also their food. Everybody knows about it here.

That is why we don`t treat your azholing seriously. Ha!

inspiring cuisine.

Of course. I only show meals which are tasty to me. My comfort food. Sometimes healthy too. Mostly I don`t cook inspiring dishes coz I don`t have time, even in the summer holidays.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
25 Oct 2023   #1093
I only show meals which are tasty to me. My comfort food. Sometimes healthy too.

Imortal pierogis with unhealthy sprinkle of burnt bacon.

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Alien  25 | 6399
25 Oct 2023   #1094
unhealthy sprinkle of burnt bacon.

But how tasty. Moreover, as grandma used to say, whatever tastes good is healthy . You have to believe her because she lived to be 93 years old.
Joker  2 | 2374
25 Oct 2023   #1095
Don't you know how to pour a beer? It's 3/4 full of foam!🤣🤣🤣

It's probably pi$$ warm as well.
Alien  25 | 6399
25 Oct 2023   #1096
how to pour a beer

I'm not familiar with this beer, but with 7.2 percent it's almost wine. However, taking into account the ratings on the Internet, the method of pouring seems to be of secondary importance.
Joker  2 | 2374
25 Oct 2023   #1097
I'm not familiar with this beer,

Beer is served best Ice cold straight out of a bucket of Ice or cooler. I know some Europeans like it a room temp but that's a little too warm for us Yanks. But you never pour it straight into a glass so it foams up like in post 1085. Amateurish, plus its warm and going to take 20 mins before it settles down.
Lenka  5 | 3530
25 Oct 2023   #1098
Amateurish, plus its warm and going to take 20 mins before it settles down.

Is anyone asking you to drink it?
OP pawian  226 | 27509
25 Oct 2023   #1099
Don't you know how to pour a beer? It's 3/4 full of foam!

I know and that is exactly the proper style of pouring beer to see if it is good quality. Poor beer doesn`t make foam.

Your silly words suggest you know little of beer or you drink pee beer without foam. Which one is true for you??? hahahaha

It's probably pi$$ warm as well.

Nope, I keep all my beers in the freezer for 30 minutes before serving. Especially on hot summer days.

going to take 20 mins before it settles down.

As I said, you know nothing about good beers. :):):) AmaSSing!

Look at sth you have never tried in your pathetic life of an Am azhole!!! :

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OP pawian  226 | 27509
25 Oct 2023   #1100
whatever tastes good is healthy .

Unfortunately, it doesn`t apply to most dishes in the Polish cuisine. Due to harsh winters, Poes always needed to eat more fat and meat than Italians, for example. Such traditions are hard to beat.

That is why I eat so many veg and fruit.
Joker  2 | 2374
25 Oct 2023   #1101
Is anyone asking you to drink it?

How could anyone drink it?? Its all foam! LOL

I know and that is exactly the proper style of pouring beer

Your just plain ignorant about beer and havent a clue, Foamboy!

Enjoy your canned beer peasant!

Polish beer is not considered good by any stretch of the imagination. Germany and Belgium have much better quality and taste than your canned swill.
Alien  25 | 6399
26 Oct 2023   #1102
Polish beer is not considered good by any stretch of the imagination.

Polish Tyskie beer is very popular in Germany and quite expensive. Beer can be poured with or without foam, the only thing that matters is how much of it is in the mug. You have the right to choose.
jon357  72 | 23483
26 Oct 2023   #1103
Tyskie beer is very popular in Germany

Most shops in the UK have it however it's usually one of the cheapest. The expensive ones are the beers that come from microbreweries or that pretend to.
Joker  2 | 2374
26 Oct 2023   #1104
Tyskie is one of the worst Polish Beers! 🤮
Zwyiec and Okocim are even better and that's not saying much..
jon357  72 | 23483
26 Oct 2023   #1105
Zwyiec and Okocim are even better and that's not saying much..

Very true. Zywiec is headache juice.
AntV  3 | 670
26 Oct 2023   #1106
Tyskie is one of the worst Polish Beers!

I disagree, I like it. The worst Polish beer I've had is EB--maybe because it was warm-ish when I had it, but it is what I imagine moose p!ss must taste like.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
26 Oct 2023   #1107
Its all foam!

Exactly, for a good reason! The slang expression for beer in Poland is piana - foam. HA!!!!
Your beer without foam is pig pisss, not beer. It is amaSSing you drink such disgusting stuff.

Germany and Belgium have much better quality and taste

You can only dream of drinking such imported stuff. You are too poor to buy anything more expensive than a 6 pack of pee Budweiser for discounted 3 dollars weekly. Ha!

BTW, have you already paid off that loan you had taken for your 3 kids` education??? hahahaha
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
26 Oct 2023   #1108
Utter bollox! It depends on how you pour it.

I keep all my beers in the freezer for 30 minutes before serving

Beer should NEVER be put in the freezer as it loses all it's flavour.

Your just plain ignorant about beer and havent a clue, Foamboy!

I have to agree, this guy just does not understand beer at all!!!

I have to say that I mainly drink English beer, I recommend Abbot Ale from Green King and London Pride from Fullers.These are darker beers than most found in Europe and are served cool but not chilled.Don't believe stories about "Warm English Beer",but in the summer I do enjoy a cold lager, the only Polish one I actually quite like is Lech,the rest are very average.The Czech Republic makes much better lagers than Poland, especially the original Budweiser, much better than that American crap of the same name.

Germany, Denmark,The Netherlands, Belgium and France are also great beer producers.My favourites are Stella Artois from Belgium and Kronenbourg from France.

But google best beers in Europe and you will find that most come from the UK and Germany.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
26 Oct 2023   #1109
It depends on how you pour it.

Of course not, darling. Joker will never make any foam on his cheap discounted pisss Bud beer no matter how he pours it. That is why he is so shocked seeing foam on my beers. He has never seen it in his lousy Am life.

as it loses all it's flavour.

Don`t be stupid. You once heard your mongrel family tales as a child and believed in them instantly. AmaSSing! Time to grow up. When your family made up their tales, they couldn`t afford a freezer and critizising it was their way of dealing with the envy of their neighbours possessing such devices. hahahaha
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
26 Oct 2023   #1110
When your family made up their tales, they couldn`t afford a freezer

You total moron.We were much wealthier in the capitalist west than you were in the communist east when we were both growing up.
My dad kept sending goods to his brother in Poland to help them get by.

You really are very ignorant about loads of stuff and not just beer......

Home / Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

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