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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

Crusty2005  - | 8
25 Apr 2011   #61
My friends generally hate Polish way cooked beans meaning fasolka po bretonsku, they love dumplings though and savoury pancakes, they can't stand the beetroot soup even eggs with mayonnaise and spring onion seem new for them but they do like it. Ahbyeah and bigos, some do but they rather frown when smelling it, similar with the lard on bread, they despise it.. Weirdos!
Nathan  18 | 1349
27 Apr 2011   #62
Ham with cloves? Nice combination.... Were they stuck into the peel or inside ham?

I didn't really see the traces of the cloves, but you could taste and smell it. The meat was impregnated (?) with it. But it is a really powerful spice and should be used really carefully - a bit too much and it spoils everything.
Havok  10 | 902
27 Apr 2011   #63
I'm not a fan of fish is not my thing but fish head cheeks are actually tasty, fish head sup is ok too. I've eaten Korean food a few times, but when i comes down to a choice of bizarre foods for dinner i prefer cow heads over fish heads.
pgtx  29 | 3094
27 Apr 2011   #64
i prefer cow heads

how do you eat a cow's head?
Havok  10 | 902
27 Apr 2011   #65

here you go.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
27 Apr 2011   #66

Not the fish heads but the fish is cool. Fish is something I strongly believe in.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Apr 2011   #67
how do you eat a cow's head?

What`s the problem? Just like any other head. You cook it, pick soft parts like meat and fat from it, and leave hard bits on the plate.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
27 Apr 2011   #68
The cheeks are the best part :) YUM!
valpomike  11 | 194
27 Apr 2011   #69
What is wrong with great Polish soup, made from wild, dried, Polish mushrooms. The Polish mushrooms are the world's best, and are hard to come by here in the USA. Make sure to bring some for me, when you visit Poland.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Apr 2011   #70
So, how many different countries have you eaten mushrooms from?

I'm very interested to know how you can tell which side of Karkonosze that mushrooms come from, for instance.
CraigSayers  1 | 1
27 Apr 2011   #71
I have been living in poland for two months now and am slowly getting uses to the large amounts of pig in my diet compared to England :-) my girlfriends grandad has a farm so we have a full freezer at all times, can't beat fresh and home grown meat :-)
valpomike  11 | 194
28 Apr 2011   #72
I have had mushrooms from all over the world, and it must be the great Polish soil, but Polish Wild mushrooms are the best. They are so so much better. I can tell. I even, as a child, with my dad, and uncles, picked mushrooms here in the USA, and they were good, but the Polish ones are still better.

wildrover  98 | 4430
28 Apr 2011   #73
but Polish Wild mushrooms are the best. They are so so much better.

They must be good... i would never eat mushrooms back in my country of birth in the UK....but i have eaten them many times in Poland....
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
28 Apr 2011   #74
i would never eat mushrooms back in my country of birth in the UK

Why not?
JonnyM  11 | 2607
28 Apr 2011   #75
i would never eat mushrooms back in my country of birth in the UK

Why not?

People say they're especially good because of the weather. Plenty of Poles and Ukrainians in the UK like to pick them. Though I won't eat wild mushooms even in Poland unless they're picked by people who know what they're doing. Or they're kurki which are unmistakeable.
Havok  10 | 902
28 Apr 2011   #76
I know this may sound silly but I was always wondering if there are any shrooms growing in Polish woods that you know off?

Pgtx If you think this is an inappropriate question feel free to put me back into the recycling bin and I'll just search it on google.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Apr 2011   #77
I have had mushrooms from all over the world, and it must be the great Polish soil, but Polish Wild mushrooms are the best.

I think it's your imagination.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Apr 2011   #78
The Polish mushrooms are the world's best, and are hard to come by here in the USA.

Yes, due to excellent climate conditions and the most advanced technology of collecting and drying, Polish mushrooms are the best.
What do you think of these?:
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
28 Apr 2011   #79
Though I won't eat wild mushooms even in Poland unless they're picked by people who know what they're doing.

Go out more often and in no time you’ll be an expert too.

I know this may sound silly but I was always wondering if there are any shrooms growing in Polish woods that you know off?

Depends on the types you are looking for;). I usually pick (kozaki, prawdziwki, podgrzybki, gąski, maślaki, gołąbki, kanie, opieńki, rydze, kurki.) now there are other types too but they are more rare like gronówki.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Apr 2011   #80
Go out more often and in no time you’ll be an expert too.

Enough to take a few good books with illustrations.

I usually pick (kozaki, prawdziwki, podgrzybki, gąski, maślaki, gołąbki, kanie, opieńki, rydze, kurki.)

Do you really know them? Which of them can you see in the photos above?
pgtx  29 | 3094
28 Apr 2011   #81
Do you really know them?

i never pick the red heads with white dots... :D and the stinky once...
gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Apr 2011   #82
Enough to take a few good books with illustrations.

I would read them a bit before going out picking mushrooms - I think it is better to learn from people who are in the know eventually - I am not a mushroom expert - I only pick those that I know to be palatable
Havok  10 | 902
28 Apr 2011   #83
I usually pick (kozaki, prawdziwki, podgrzybki, gąski,

Short, I was referring to the "magic mushrooms" not those "nice ones" you've mentioned.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
28 Apr 2011   #84
Do you really know them? Which of them can you see in the photos above?

Is this a test? Did you pick them yourself? Zrobiłeś zdjęcie sąsiadowi? W podkarpackim mamy do wyboru, od małego chodziłem na grzyby z dziadkiem.

I was referring to the "magic mushrooms" not those "nice ones" you've mentioned.

I know hence the wink.
pgtx  29 | 3094
28 Apr 2011   #85
Which of them can you see in the photos above?

podgrzybek, kurki...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Apr 2011   #86
Is this a test?

Yes! :):):)

Did you pick them yourself?

No, my 10 yo son! :):):)

Zrobiłeś zdjęcie sąsiadowi?

No!! Sąsiadce! :):):)

W podkarpackim mamy do wyboru, od małego chodziłem na grzyby z dziadkiem.

Good. Tell the names, then. :):):):)

podgrzybek, kurki...

gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Apr 2011   #87
podgrzybek, kurki...


maślak? czerwony kozak? to szare to nie wiem wogóle

w sumie to coś mi na czerwonego kozaka jednak nie wygląda
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
28 Apr 2011   #88

Yellow – maślak
Green - gołąbek zielony
gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Apr 2011   #89
w sumie to coś mi na czerwonego kozaka jednak nie wygląda

and I know why - because it is some kind of gołąbek - but careful some gołąbki are not tasty at all
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Apr 2011   #90
I think it is better to learn from people who are in the know eventually

Will you trust those people ? Even experienced pickers make mistakes.....

Yellow - maślak
Green - gołąbek zielony


and I know why - because it is some kind of gołąbek -


Another set, gumishu and Short:

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