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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
1 Apr 2019   #451
It is Christmas sweet carp

That's absolutely disgusting!
10iwonka10  - | 359
1 Apr 2019   #452

I come from Malopolska but I never had it ?????
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Apr 2019   #453
That's absolutely disgusting!

Yes, when my parents ate it and tried to feed it to me when a small boy, I was ready to puke at the very sight. But after decades, we usually tend to recreate our parents` ways and so did I. I like it because I have a sweet tooth.

I come from Malopolska but I never had it ?????

Yes, I should have been more exact. It is a Krakow dish. Even more exactly, from one district only. :):) Another riddle. I am obsessed. :)
10iwonka10  - | 359
1 Apr 2019   #454
I am from Krakow and we always had fried carp in breadcrumbs or in jelly.....Is this one on the photo 'karp po zydowsku'?
1 Apr 2019   #455
What do you think of this?

Would look more appealing minus the head!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
1 Apr 2019   #456
It is Christmas sweet carp, Lesser Poland delicacy:

Interesting. Actually probably rather tasty. A bit like carp in jelly, as Iwona suggested? I'm always nervous about the bones though :)
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
1 Apr 2019   #457
That's absolutely disgusting!

It is........excuse me a second......
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Apr 2019   #458
Bake it yourself.

We do that in PL, partly because the stuff in the shops nearby is so bad. We also make cheese.

Just doesn't sound very appetising

Without the yolks, it's much less appetising. Provided it's all very fresh though (be VERY careful about this in PL, only buy from somewhere that sells a lot) it's actually quite nice.

What do you think of this? It is Christmas sweet carp

OK for once a year!
Joker  2 | 2447
2 Apr 2019   #459
I think Fish n Chips from Yorkshire are the best there is

Yep, thats were Mr.Chippy`s is located, about a 5 minute walk from the Shambles. Ask for ketchup and watch him freak out! lol
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Apr 2019   #460
.Is this one on the photo 'karp po zydowsku'?


Actually probably rather tasty.

Yes, soft and sweet. And those raisins and almonds are fun, too. You can also relish this delicious sauce. As for bones, a person who has eaten carp every year since birthday, is well aware of their location in fish fillets/pieces.

  • karpzyd365.jpg
mafketis  38 | 11263
2 Apr 2019   #461
Fish and chip deffo superior in the UK.

I should hope so, it's one of the iconic national dishes in the UK while in Poland it's a marginal dish with a niche following...

I imagine that gołąbki are a lot cheaper/better in Poland...
10iwonka10  - | 359
2 Apr 2019   #462
I suppose UK is an island so there is bigger choice of fish.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Apr 2019   #463
I imagine that gołąbki are a lot cheaper/better in Poland...

I consider gołąbki a controvercial dish. I love the stuffed part (meat and rice, sometimes buckwheat etc) and hate the outside cabbage covering - I always leave it on the plate. Instead of nicely slicing a gołabek, I tear them open and pick up the inside.
2 Apr 2019   #464
I did that as a kid! My sister would eat only the cabbage. Now we both eat all but like the cabbage a lot (my mum puts extra cabbage on the bottom and top of the dish while cooking that we can add )
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Apr 2019   #465
but like the cabbage a lot

Yuk! :):) In case of boiled cabbage, I tolerate sauerkraut in bigos or this mashed stuff added to fried pork chop - schabowy. But whole cabbage leaves are disgusting somehow.

Ripped gołąbki:


  • polishforums17.JP.jpg
Lyzko  44 | 9723
2 Apr 2019   #466
My ideal Polish meal would be: Zurek (or chlodnik) for starters with a main course of bigos, pierogi beneath some sour cream, pyzy, and a nice glass of any brand local beer:-)

After that, I'm set for the day!!
2 Apr 2019   #467
And no sos pomidorowy near my gołąbki!!!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Apr 2019   #468
After that, I'm set for the day!!

Not one single day but a few at least. :) You would have to run a 100 miles to burn this food. :)

And no sos pomidorowy near my gołąbki!!!

You can be really fussy sometimes. :)
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 Apr 2019   #469
But whole cabbage leaves are disgusting somehow

And you call yourself a Pole?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Apr 2019   #470
:):) No, I am an alien from outer space. It is strange you haven`t realised it yet. I was sent here on a mission.
You are desperately trying to find out if I am a Pole or not, even in the food thread. Are all rightists so obsessed? :):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 Apr 2019   #471
Are all socialists obsessed with other peoples political views?
What has my politics got to do with my comment on your dislike of cabbage?
My wife is Irish,we both enjoy boiled bacon with potato and cabbage.
Food we grew up with,maybe you did not grow up with cabbage as a staple part of your diet?
THAT is why I question your Polish background.
Nothing to do with politics.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Apr 2019   #472
Food we grew up with,maybe you did not grow up with cabbage as a staple part of your diet?

No, silly, I didn`t grow up on boiled whole cabbage leaves because I have hated them since my early childhood till today. Those rightists are really mad if they connect Polishness with cabbage. :):) You are not too bright, right? :):)
mafketis  38 | 11263
2 Apr 2019   #473
whole cabbage leaves because I have hated them since my early childhood till today

I far prefer cabbage (in lots of different forms) to fashionable garbage vegetables like..... (shudder).... kale (jarmuż)

My ultimate gołąbki would be with picked cabbage leaves (as in Romania and Bulgaria) and with a spicy paprikowy tomato sauce and plenty of sour cream on top (as in Hungary) see? I am multicultural!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Apr 2019   #474
I far prefer cabbage (in lots of different forms) to fashionable garbage vegetables like..... (shudder).... kale (jarmuż)

Yes, this and spinache. YUK. Another food I have never eaten (the first and last time when I was 6) , because it has always looked like green shyt to me, reminded me of cow droppings in the field. I can`t even show a photo, nobody in our family eats it.

My ultimate gołąbki would be with picked cabbage leaves (as in Romania and Bulgaria)

Pickled, you mean? In Hungary they make golabki with fermented cabbage - sauerkraut style. I must try to make them one day.
mafketis  38 | 11263
3 Apr 2019   #475
spinache. YUK. Another food I have never eaten

The problem in Poland is that traditional ways of making spinach are kind of... meh,with frozen spinch I get the oil very hot and drop in kminek (so it pops in the heat) let it cool a bit before adding some flour and then add the spinch (adding the flour to the oil prevents it from clumping)

I use to like raw spinach salad (very good with the right dressing - I like pan drippings from fried meat drizzled over it).

Pickled, you mean?

Yeah, they pickle the whole cabbage (to mimic the flavor of grape leaves since gołąbki are in essense a northern version of dolma) I just about passed out once going past a stand selling the pickled whole cabbage in Bucharest... in Bulgaria and Romania they're also small (again like dolma)

in Hungary they don't pickle the cabbage but they do sauerkraut while baking and some of that is absorbed into the gołąbki, which are yuuuge - half again as big as in Poland...
jon357  72 | 23654
3 Apr 2019   #476
A red line for me is the way carrots are often served in PL. Diced, luke warm and in a dreadful sugary gloop.
Ironside  51 | 13087
3 Apr 2019   #477
a person who has eaten carp every year since birthday

That is a really disgusting dish. I eat it once and I never again repeated that mistake. Never heard about that sweet carp, must be even more disguising.------

Diced, luke warm and in a dreadful sugary gloop

If you add some salt - it is just lovely, homemade that is.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
3 Apr 2019   #478
Another food I have never eaten (the first and last time when I was 6) , because it has always looked like green shyt to me,

ha ha, that put me off spinach for many years also! I blame our mothers! (or fathers if they cooked it,)in fact spinach is a lovely vegetable.

The worst thing I have eaten in Poland was 'Flaki soup' and the worst thing in the UK was 'eels and liquor' - traditional London food by all accounts! barf.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
3 Apr 2019   #479
I have no problem with Flaki,though obviously I understand those who do.......gotta agree with you on the eels though.......yuk!
jon357  72 | 23654
3 Apr 2019   #480
I blame our mothers! (or fathers if they cooked it,)in fact spinach is a lovely vegetable.

The same. I'd only ever had it from a can like Popeye and hated it. The first time I had it wilted in a pan with olive oil and herbswas a different matter.

Home / Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

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