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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Mar 2019   #421
Yes, I know it is considered a tasty snack to go with vodka but I always prefered beer.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
31 Mar 2019   #422
I recently compared fish and chips (sit-down restaurant) in both Poland (Gdansk) and Britain (Southport, near Liverpool)

Polish fish and chips (halibut) very good (batter stiff, fish tasting as it should...slightly oily flavour..) Chips correct, a bit tasteless, hard on the outside, soft inner. plus the usual token tea - times 2 = 120 zlotys ( 25 pounds)

British fish and chips - same sizes (haddock) excellent (better batter, that you could batter your MP with, fresh as) Chips absolutely as they should be - crisp but with a soft interior - plus mushy peas (small portions:( 2 teas = 15 pounds.

Whoever said Britain was expensive.? Fish and chip deffo superior in the UK.
Joker  2 | 2455
31 Mar 2019   #423
I recently compared fish and chips (sit-down restaurant) in both Poland (Gdansk) and Britain

Have you ever been to Whitby? Splendid place, very scenic and fresh fish off the docks. I had fish and chips sitting by the river, very tasty! I like Mr.Chippy as well, but whats up with the vinegar on the chips? I was told anything else would be criminal, by the employee, right before I was going to ask for ketchup. Actually, its not that bad....
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
31 Mar 2019   #424
Without the eggs, yes. I've tried it with the egg and it was inedible :(

Raw meat,with or without raw egg is inedible....I tried it once as a kid and threw up.
I am someone who has eaten horse meat,frogs legs,caviar,duck,rabbit,pate de foie gras,sushi,plenty of tripe and extremely runny and smelly French cheeses,so I have a strong stomach.....raw meat,NO!!!!!!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
31 Mar 2019   #425
Have you ever been to Whitby?

Yep:) The location probably add to the flavour:)

Raw meat

The dog dislikes raw meat, so I eat his share:)
10iwonka10  - | 359
31 Mar 2019   #426
Whoever said Britain was expensive.? Fish and chip deffo superior in the UK.

Comparing Halibut to haddock....I would say it is different price range.
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
31 Mar 2019   #427
Have you ever been to Whitby? Splendid place, very scenic and fresh fish off the docks. I had fish and chips sitting by the river, very tasty!

I think Fish n Chips from Yorkshire are the best there is,Cornwall comes a close second.
Salt and vinegar yes,tomato ketchup no.
But each to his own taste..... :-)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
31 Mar 2019   #428
I would say it is different price range.

Probably 2 zl per 100 grammes. Sorry but I've come to the conclusion that fish and chips are generally overpriced in Poland.

I think Fish n Chips from Yorkshire are the best there is

Yes. You do know that Grimsby was the largest fishing port in the world at one time? East coast of Scotland fish and chip are tops too!
jon357  72 | 23654
31 Mar 2019   #429
I think Fish n Chips from Yorkshire are the best there is,

We take them seriously in Yorkshire, however Lancashire chippies are pretty good too.

For some reasoin, it's always haddock in Bradford, and cod in Leeds. Whitby (which someone mentioned) has Whitby Woof (there's Scarborough Woof too) which is a sort of catfish. Not dogfish...

In Poland, fried fish is a little different, not battered (so not succulent) and fried a little longer. Nice with beer though. Also, the word 'sola' does for both sole and the cheaper plaice which it usually is. Also, since frozen prawns started to appear in shopds in Warsaw (when I first moved there you didn't ever see them) people prefer the larger ones. These actuallyt have less flavour than the smaller ones, however in PL people serve them as a treat and like the look of large and unpeeled ones.

A good rule of thumb is that the UK does sea fish and Poland does river fish. Except for pickled herring, which I like, however some people from countries where it isn't common just won't touch it.

Now szczupak, just no!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
31 Mar 2019   #430
Jon, we used to catch pike on the Thames at Hampton Court/Sudbury on the punts. Mrs Dougpol was a dab hand ( the secret is in soaking for 24 hours with leeks and other root vegetables) Then braise for 3/4 hours gas mark 180 according to size. Magnificent tucker.
jon357  72 | 23654
31 Mar 2019   #431
You convinced me. I'll try it.

A couple of years ago it had got to mid-January and I was in Warsaw and thinking of Burns' Night but had no haggis. As if by magic, a friend who works as an inspector of something called and said he'd been given a smoked sturgeon (jesiotr) as a bribe. I thought "Rabbie Burns - Scotland, Scotland - Sturgeon). We called it Nicola and it was actually very tasty, albeit scary looking...

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mafketis  38 | 11265
1 Apr 2019   #433
We never talked about raw beef tatar steak here

I in the early 90s getting the worst food poisoning I've ever had after buying tartar on saturday (I was later told it was probably left over form thursday...) until the sales lady said 'tatar' I had intended to fry it... which probably would have worked out better....

Now I used the little packages and make open face sandwiches with mayonaise on the bottom diced onion and pickle slivers on top and seasoned with magi (and plain freezing cold vodka - the only time I drink plain vodka now)
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Apr 2019   #434

Poison, pure salt. As for the beef, I wouldn't touch Polish beef anymore following the most recent beef scandal. As for eating itraw............. In any case, I find that Polish beef lacks flavour maybe because the meat isn't hung/aged but I think it's also because of the feed used and the lack of outdoor grazing during the winter months.
mafketis  38 | 11265
1 Apr 2019   #435
I wouldn't touch

note to self: Never invite Atch to dinner....
1 Apr 2019   #436
Raw meat,with or without raw egg is inedible

I've never tried tartare. To be honest it just looks like a raw hamburger plus egg. I like steak done blue if I have it, but I don't fancy raw minced steak even if it has got spices etc in it. Raw egg is just a no no for me. Next!
mafketis  38 | 11265
1 Apr 2019   #437
To be honest it just looks like a raw hamburger plus egg

tatar should be far leaner than hamburger.... personally I lurve raw beef... and it's pretty much impossible for it to be too rare (as my mother use to order in restaurants: Stun it a little and drag it in...)
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Apr 2019   #438
Never invite Atch to dinner....

I'm very easy to please, just give me a plate of delicious cakes and a nice pot of tea! You can't go wrong with sweetie treaties :))
10iwonka10  - | 359
1 Apr 2019   #439
veal-not sure if it changed now as everything is getting more 'industrial' in Poland as everywhere.

Frim the past I remember It was delicious - I tried in UK its watery ,bland...not very good.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Apr 2019   #440
I find that Polish beef lacks flavour

Very much so; not aged at all, in the shops right away, and of course they don't have butchers as much as meat shops, a different thing and less good. If you ask them for something that isn't waiting in the tray, they can't provide it and are surprised that somebody asked.

I find the chicken in PL to be completely tasteless. Fed on chemicals and kept in cages in the dark.
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Apr 2019   #441
they don't have butchers

I know. I wonder if they did before the war?? There were a good few Polish guys in Ireland over the last few years, training as butchers, probably a good few in the UK too. I wonder if any of them will come back to Poland and start opening traditional butcher's shops and introduce some of the British Isles cuts and maybe aged meat.

If you ask them for something that isn't waiting in the tray,

The clip below is FX Buckley where I used to buy my meat in Dublin, over the last few years he employed a few Poles, a Bulgarian and a couple of Romanian as juniors, under the watchful eye of the Dubs :)) I remember once going in and asking for golonki, there were none on display and one of the old fellas there hauled a pig's carcass out of the back and chopped them off for me - now that's what I call a butcher. Just feast your eyes on those beef carcasses and when he shows the rib roast on the bone, beautiful - that's what I really miss, you can't get a decent joint of beef for roasting in Poland :(
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Apr 2019   #442
I know. I wonder if they did before the war??

For sure. There are a few now, but not many.
10iwonka10  - | 359
1 Apr 2019   #443
I find the chicken in PL to be completely tasteless. Fed on chemicals and kept in cages in the dark.

I think it depends where you shop.

I have very similar impression of British food. There are butchers in small towns but in general supermarket- meat-cut-packed- not sure what's inside. Don't even mention British sausages.

No offence but I always find it amusing as most Europeans find British food rather 'unappealing' but locals always feel upset about it.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Apr 2019   #444
I think it depends where you shop.

This is true. I remember someone complining about British bread. He'd only ever bought the cheap stuff at a corner shop. Going to the UK and just buying Sunblest or whatever is much the same as if someone came to Poland and only tasted that 'Baltonowski' rubbish of that 'tost' which is just long-life Pullman loaves...

meat-cut-packed- not sure what's inside

Remember the methods of cutting vary from country to country (even between England and Scotland). In Poland, even after 3 decades I still find myself looking at a piece of meat and wondering what it actually is.

Don't even mention British sausages.

Delicious, and sausages rather than sausage; two very different things. Have you tried Polish horse sausage? An acquired taste and quite an unusual texture. I bought some, tried a bit and gave the rest to the doggie.
10iwonka10  - | 359
1 Apr 2019   #445
Exactly-that is the clue- it depends where you shop.

To be honest I struggle with bread in UK- Polish one here is awful- it is not proper one from bakery but chemical s..t., in supermarkets or bakeries ...not great.

Most of them are heavy like growing in your stomach.

The only place where bread is delicious is on these market stands with fresh products- It is great choice in Cambridge but I think most of these are Italian recipes.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Apr 2019   #446
t is not proper one from bakery but chemical s..t.

Much the same for me. I saw the 'tost and thought it would be ok ;-)

The chleb/bułka split always used to confuse me ("Chleb, proszę" "Nie ma chleba" "ten chleb tam na półce" "nie ma chleba" itd, itd, itd), however when I felt a bit homesick, I used to buy Bułka Wrocławska.

I think most of these are Italian recipes.

Some, plus sourdough recipes. In both the UK and PL, traditional baking (and cheesemaking) suffered a lot in WWII and the lean years afterwards. Hopefully traditions are returning (and new ones being formed) in both countries.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Apr 2019   #447
I find that Polish beef lacks flavour maybe because the meat isn't hung/aged

Quite possible, but remember Poles seldom buy and cook beef today, probably for financial reasons, it is much more expensive than pork, let alone chicken. But it is not a problem as I add so many spices and other stuff that I can hardly detect any flavour.

I think the main fun in eating it is not flavour but an exciting feeling of relishing on our primordial heritage.:)

This is true. I remember someone complining about British bread.

Certain Polish guy`s video about the worst British food mentions bread. I always laugh when I watch it because , well , see for yourself. Crazy and exaggerated but funny comments nevertheless.

but I don't fancy raw minced steak even if it has got spices etc in it. Raw egg is just a no no for me. Next!

Actually, the true tatar should be shredded, not minced. But nobody has time for it today. As for eggs (YOLKS only), they vanish in the mass of meat because the whole stuff is mixed thoroughly.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
1 Apr 2019   #448

Pork causes cancers Pawian. Poles should be educated about this proven fact.

To be honest I struggle with bread in UK

Absolutely. British "£bread" is exactly that. Big business. Bake it yourself. My mum baked cracking bread. Easy to do.
1 Apr 2019   #449
Stun it a little and drag it in...)

Still mooing :)

YOLKS only), they vanish in the mass of meat because the whole stuff is mixed thoroughly.

Just doesn't sound very appetising. I would probably give it a go if someone put it in front of me, but there are far better dishes to eat.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Apr 2019   #450
Exactly, That is why I decided to limit my daily intake of pork from 1 kg to 0.5 kg. :)

Doug, you mentioned fish dishes in Poland and Britain before. What do you think of this? It is Christmas sweet carp, Lesser Poland delicacy: :):)

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Home / Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

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