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Healthy polish food?

johnny reb  49 | 8065
30 Apr 2024   #61

Not as much as outsiders think.

Would the outsiders be an ex-pat Brit like you to Poland ?
I have my Polish grandmothers cookbooks from the old country and kapusta was used regularly in a variety of Polish dishes.
Things may have changed though since you migrated to Poland in the last few years.
Joker  2 | 2449
30 Apr 2024   #62
Not as much as outsiders think.

So says the outsider from England.......
Ironside  50 | 13046
30 Apr 2024   #63
It depends on the context. What do you mean by a lot? It is used less frequently I would say due to the influx of Asian and other foreign food or there is a fad for all things vegan or vegetarian.
johnny reb  49 | 8065
30 Apr 2024   #64
What do you mean by a lot?

Cabbage (kapusta) is used in a lot of the Polish cuisine and is one of the healthiest foods on the face of the earth.

Tomato's are used a lot more than cabbage in Polish cuisine however are not as healthy as cabbage is.

due to the influx of Asian and other foreign food

But we are talking about Polish cuisine.
jon357  72 | 23529
30 Apr 2024   #65

Tomatoes. They're used sometimes but not that much compared to other European cuisines.
johnny reb  49 | 8065
30 Apr 2024   #66
Tomatoes. They're used sometimes

We were talking cabbage and now you have changed to tomato's. 🙃
According to Poland's favorite vegetables and fruits statistics, tomato's are ranked number one in Poland.

but not that much compared to other European cuisines.

Tomato's are still the most used fruit in Poland and cabbage is the healthiest vegetable used in Poland.
Is that specific enough or do I need to defend my statements even more ? 🥴
jon357, I swear you just like to ARGUE for the sake of arguing to force people to defend who cares trivial b.s. just to show your need for brilliance.

You and the girls need to get a grip and stop your nit picking.
It drives us intellectual men right up the wall.
Barney  19 | 1785
30 Apr 2024   #67
us intellectual men

Ha Ha Ha
Ironside  50 | 13046
30 Apr 2024   #68
But we are talking about Polish cuisine.

Could you please clarify if you are referring to the Polish cuisine served in restaurants or the food that the average person eats at home? While I'm not aware of any statistics, I believe that people generally use more onions in their cooking at home instead of cabbage.
johnny reb  49 | 8065
30 Apr 2024   #69
Cabbage is much healthier than onions.

cabbage is the healthiest vegetable used in Poland.

Apples tie with onions even though apples contain a ton of sugar.
And then there are those carrots that we cab debate next.
pawian  226 | 27561
30 Apr 2024   #70
Not as much as outsiders think.

Johhny is right . Cabbage is used extensively here. Fresh, boiled in bigos or kapuśniak soup or most prefered by my kids - as sauerkraut mixed with carrot in a salad.

Cabbage (kapusta) is used in a lot of the Polish cuisine

Good you mentioned it. A few days ago a workmate who also runs a small farm apart from teaching brought me 4 cabbage heads. My wife turned it into fresh green salad and boiled cabbage which is excellent when used as a side dish for Polish fried pork chop.

  • DSCN5904Kopiowanie.jpg

  • DSCN0027Kopiowanie.jpg
jon357  72 | 23529
30 Apr 2024   #71
Cabbage is used extensively here

And so am I. It's used however to listen to people who've been there, you'd think that was pretty well all that's eaten.


Tomatoes. You mentioned them.

Nasty things unless cooked.
pawian  226 | 27561
30 Apr 2024   #72
most prefered by my kids - as sauerkraut mixed with carrot in a salad.

Sauerkraut saved millions of Poles and Polesses from getting scurvy in winter time when fresh veg and fruit with vit C were unavailable in the past.

I like this salad but my wife makes enough for herself and kids so not much is left for me. :):):)

It is both sour and sweet - my fave.

  • surowka_kiszonachili.jpg
jon357  72 | 23529
30 Apr 2024   #73
Sauerkraut saved millions of Poles

Gherkins and sorrel too, however sorrel and its overuse has also taken them.
pawian  226 | 27561
30 Apr 2024   #74

Not really. Their vit C content is only 4 mg per 100 g, while sauerkraut`s nearly 15.


Also useless coz always eaten boiled so most of vit C is destroyed in the process of boiling.
jon357  72 | 23529
30 Apr 2024   #75
Their vit C content

There's plenty of goodness in them.


Far from useless and it kept many a poor family alive over winter.
pawian  226 | 27561
30 Apr 2024   #76
There's plenty of goodness in them.

I mentioned scurvy which is prevented strictly with vit C so other kinds of goodness are useless in this discussion. :):):)

a poor family alive over winter.

Who knows???
jon357  72 | 23529
30 Apr 2024   #77

Pigwa, even as a cordial, is good for that.

Who knows

They do. Except for the ones who over relied on it and died due to slow poisoning with oxalic acid. Buttermilk mitigates the danger a bit but only a bit.
pawian  226 | 27561
30 Apr 2024   #78
Except for the ones who over relied on it and died due to slow poisoning with oxalic acid

Yes. That is why I prefer not to include sorrel in the list of healthy foods.


It wasn`t known in the past. Or was but only to higher classes.
jon357  72 | 23529
30 Apr 2024   #79
It wasn`t known in the past

It's very Polish. People
Have grown it and bottled it for years. And in the lean years of the 80s served it with slices of tea instead of lemon.

I prefer not to include sorrel

It's one of those Polish foods that I dislike. High in vitamins though. Some say that putting buttermilk or sour cream in the soup mitigates the effects of the oxalic acid.
Miloslaw  20 | 5133
30 Apr 2024   #80
Cabbage (kapusta) is used in a lot of the Polish cuisine and is one of the healthiest foods on the face of the earth.

HaHaHa! it may well be but not when mixed in a lovely bigos full of kielbasy and boczek!

It drives us intellectual men right up the wall.

Where? Who? on PF? Really? There is only one true intellectual on this forum and though I don't always agree with him I still admire his intellect.

He was not born in the USA and does not live in Michigan.

Clue; He was born in Poland and lives in a Chicago suburb.
pawian  226 | 27561
30 Apr 2024   #81
Have grown it and bottled it for years. And in the lean years of the 80s

You mean 1980s now. While I meant 1880s and earlier, even the Middle Ages times, when I mentioned sauerkraut as a cure for scurvy. See the difference??? :):):)
jon357  72 | 23529
30 Apr 2024   #82
1880s and earlier, even the Middle Ages

Quince was hugely popular in medieval times. Far more than now.
pawian  226 | 27561
30 Apr 2024   #83
Quince was hugely popular in medieval times

Not in Poland coz its early varieties weren`t able to survive Polish winters for centuries. This thread bears the name POLISH healthy food. Get a grip at last and stop trolling about things which do not apply to Poland.
jon357  72 | 23529
30 Apr 2024   #84
its early varieties didn`t survive Polish winters

They've been eaten for centuries in Poland. A very hardy tree/bush and they do need cold winters to thrive.
pawian  226 | 27561
1 May 2024   #85
eaten in Poland

Eaten in jams or marmalades. What do you know about the content of vit C in such processed foods?? It is very low after long heating. Quince has 15 mg when raw, after processing it falls to close to zero.

That is why I told you to stop trolling - we are talking about healthy, not fancy foods.


Yes, that`s the only word you can spell correctly in Polish!
jon357  72 | 23529
1 May 2024   #86
jams or marmalades

Not only.

fancy foods.

Hardly 'fancy'.

Healthy though.
Alien  25 | 6402
1 May 2024   #87
The old truth says, healthy food is good food, everything is just a matter of quantity.
johnny reb  49 | 8065
1 May 2024   #88
Cabbage is used extensively here.

My favorite is just plain fried cabbage in a cast iron skillet with bacon grease.
Second is Golumpki that has endless recipes.

Tomatoes. You mentioned them.Nasty things unless cooked.

Yes, you have mentioned that many times before.
Though probably one of the top three fruits used in Poland.
Unlimited uses from putting them in Golumpki, to a fresh slice on a hamburger, to adding them fresh to a garden salad, to make fresh salsa, to make Bloody Mary's, soups, to make tomato juice, or just plain delicious on their own fresh.

I like this salad but my wife makes enough for herself and kids so not much is left for me.

Now that looks absolutely delicious. (Recipe please)
Threaten her with divorce the next time she shorts you on the salad. 🥗
Hint: The real reason she doesn't make enough for you is because she has to sleep with you after you consume large quantities.) 🤢
pawian  226 | 27561
1 May 2024   #89
Second is Golumpki

Yes, gołąbki, I completely forgot about them. In one of my textbooks the dish is translated as beef-stuffed cabbage parcels. :):):)

Now that looks absolutely delicious. (Recipe please)

Nothing special. Just shredded fresh cabbage and some dried herbs and olive oil mixed with vinegar.

the next time she shorts you on the salad

Actually , she doesn`t. There is always sth left for me. The problem is that it is never enough for me cozI can eat two really large bowls of veg salad within a quarter. I am known for that in my workplace- - my mates know that salads on the table during official occasions belong to me. Sometimes when they are served side veg dishes, I hurry to ask them if they are going to eat them - some people don`t. I am so voracious that I even devour the green stuff which decorates saucers with cold cuts, stuffed eggs, choices of cheese and similar.

Healthy though.

Certainly not the other way round. :):):)

PS. BTW, that green plant in post 56 riddle is rukola aka arugula. A bit peppery taste mixed with nut flavour which I like.
Miloslaw  20 | 5133
1 May 2024   #90
Yes, that`s the only word you can spell correctly in Polish!


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