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What's your favorite Polish coffee?

Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Apr 2010   #1
At places such as Bożek's and Polish Market (big Polish supermarkets) in Sterling Hts, Michigan, you can get most of the brands of coffee sold in Poland. Personally I like a 50-50 blend of Tchibo Family Intense and MK Premium. The Tchibo Family gives it body and the MK its aroma.

Other brands are Jacob's, Finezja, Sahara, Pedro's, Woseba, Maxwell House... What is your preference? Incidentally the Maxwell Hosue sold in Poland is quite different from what you get inthe US.
espana  17 | 951
20 Apr 2010   #2
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
20 Apr 2010   #3
Maxwell House...

Either Maxwell House or, sometimes, Nescafe.
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Apr 2010   #4
kawa zbożowa
Polish Tutor  - | 78
21 Apr 2010   #6
I am not reach person so I drink Lavazza.
Very good relationship of the price to the quality.
Unfortunately my wife dinks Nescafe – I cannot understand it.
Instant coffee is no coffee! (-:
convex  20 | 3928
21 Apr 2010   #7
Are there any Polish coffee producers?
21 Apr 2010   #8
No producers (coffee doesn't grow here) but there are quite a few roasters now.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Apr 2010   #9
Coffee comes mainly from Latin America, Africa and Asia and is divided into mellow Arabica and strong-tasting Robusta, often blended in various proprotions to combine flavour and body. It is the local blenders and roasters that create the different varieties. For instance Italians prefer darker roasted blends, Scandnavian coffee is somewhat on the sour side, American mainstream brands are lightly roasted (some would say underroasted) and mild-tasting. Is there any discernible type of coffee preferred in Poland?
convex  20 | 3928
21 Apr 2010   #10
No producers (coffee doesn't grow here) but there are quite a few roasters now.

Could you list a couple? All I see in the stores are imports (or what I think are imports).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Apr 2010   #11
There are dozens, maybe hundreds of palarnie kawy (coffee-roasting firms) in Poland. They inlcude:

Astra. Poznańska Palarnia Kawy Sp. z o.o.
61-757 Poznań, Garbary 114
Branża: Kawa, herbata - produkcja, hurt

K Astra Sp. z o.o. Palarnia kawy. Poznańska
70-244 Szczecin, Krzywoustego 9-10
Tel.: 91 488 41 03

L Basia. Palarnia kawy
39-200 Dębica, Żuławskiego 9
Tel.: 14 681 78 38

M Bast. Palarnia kawy
40-027 Katowice, Francuska 15
Tel.: 32 209 13 64

O Celmar. Palarnia kawy
64-920 Piła, Rodakowskiego 94
Tel/fax: 67 212 33 59

Coffee Service Sp. z o.o. J.v. Maszyny pakujące, palarnie kawy i opakowania
05-806 Pęcice Małe, Leśna 22
Tel.: 22 759 02 00

Q Emona. Palarnia kawy
93-035 £ódź, Piotrkowska 293/295

Look on the coffee packet under Producent. I have before me a packet of MK Premium which names the producer as.
Strauss Café Poland Sp. z o.o.
Swadzim, ul Poznańska 50
62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
26 Apr 2010   #13
I saw that they sell Douwe Egberts as well in PL...


M-G (Dutch glory abroad)
polkamaniac  1 | 482
26 Apr 2010   #14
The reason why the same cofee taste different than in the U.S is that most coffee consumed in Poland comes from Africa and Indonesia, rather than Latin America, which produces weaker-flavored varieties. Despite a TV advertising blitz pushing instant coffee (on which coffee companies make the biggest profits), ground coffee still accounts for 83% of sales in Poland
SouthMancPolak  - | 102
26 Apr 2010   #15
wtf is "Polish coffee"? It sounds as daft as "Yorkshire Tea"! lol!
pgtx  29 | 3094
26 Apr 2010   #16
wtf is "Polish coffee"?

Poles grow coffee next to potatoes...
SouthMancPolak  - | 102
26 Apr 2010   #17
People from Yorkshire must grow tea next to their rhubarb then, lol.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
26 Apr 2010   #18
Poles grow coffee next to potatoes...;)

And a guy by the name of Janusz Waldez picks the beans. ;-)

Janusz Waldez
SouthMancPolak  - | 102
26 Apr 2010   #19
I am not reach person so I drink Lavazza.

In my experience, Poles from Poland won't touch anything except Gold Blend.

I mean, why??? I take them to a cafe which does REAL coffee, and all they do is moan that "it's not the same as mine back home" (i.e. their jar of Gold Blend instant!).

You couldn't make it up! :D
internaldialog  4 | 144
26 Apr 2010   #20
People from Yorkshire must grow tea next to their rhubarb then, lol

Lol indeed ive seen Rhubarb fields in Yorkshire but never tea fields .... maybe the farmers havent thought of this yet!
richasis  1 | 409
26 Apr 2010   #21
I just hope Dunkin' Donuts finally gets to Poland by the time I move there.

Ah, the aroma and taste of their freshly-brewed java; one can only dream.
pgtx  29 | 3094
26 Apr 2010   #22
I just hope Dunkin' Donuts finally gets to Poland by the time I move there.

it did a long ago and it didn't last long... sorry....
richasis  1 | 409
26 Apr 2010   #23
Shame, that. Although, if DD's coffee in Poland was anything like that in Bulgaria, I can see why.

Janusz Waldez

LOL :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Apr 2010   #24
Hold on just a minute here, what coffees are truly 'Polish'? The ones being cited are either German or international. Nestle is Swiss, for example.
Cardno85  31 | 971
28 Apr 2010   #25
I personally am not a fan of this style that a lot of people here seem to enjoy (ie. putting the grounds straight in hot water and drinking with the grounds still in it) because I am just not keen on the grounds...but each to their own.

I have always liked espresso style coffee, I quite like Illy or Azzuro beans and a nice strong double espresso.

Not a huge fan of what I think of as American coffe (ie. filter coffee) but I will happily drink it if it's fresh.
convex  20 | 3928
28 Apr 2010   #26
There are dozens, maybe hundreds of palarnie kawy (coffee-roasting firms) in Poland. They inlcude:


The grounds should settle to the bottom.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Jul 2010   #27
Thread attached on merging:
Polish coffee brewing?

Anyone have an educated estimate as to what percentage of Poles, who drink coffee at home, brew it:
-- In the glass or cup method (ground coffee drenched with boiling water)
-- cooker-top espresso pot
-- home electric espresso machine
-- American-style automatic drip coffee maker
-- French-style coffee press
-- instant coffee (ugggh!)
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
18 Jul 2010   #28
Every Polish household I've ever visited almost exclusively drinks Gold Blend lol :D

However, my uncle also has a cooker-top espresso pot, as well as the aforementioned jar of Poland's favourite; but he lives in Bielany, so he's quite well-off ;)
18 Jul 2010   #29
Anyone have an educated estimate as to what percentage of Poles, who drink coffee at home, brew it:

very little I guess.
Instant coffee is fast and effective.
Softsong  5 | 492
18 Jul 2010   #30
I just got back from Poland a few weeks ago and many people were kind and invited me in for coffee. For the most part, it was ground in the cup with boiling water on it....or so it seemed. It was strong and kind of gritty.

At the breakfast there was a choice I believe between Gold Blend and Nescafe.

I thought the long coffee packets available in stores containing plain instant coffee, (real skinny packet), coffee with creamer, and coffee with sugar and creamer were cute.

In America, our packages tend to be boxier and I notice the coffee packets long and skinny and all the water and juice bottles were narrow and taller, too.

Home / Food / What's your favorite Polish coffee?
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