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Member warning system to prevent abuse / spam / off-topic posts

5 Dec 2016   #121
I like the hover over user name feature that gives you info straight away, very good idea

And I bet you've been hovering like mad haven't you Dolno!
At least I know that you're safe to talk to ;)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
5 Dec 2016   #122
I know that you're safe to talk to

Don't think the system is an indicator of safety , always best to keep ones self safe on the internet.

hovering like mad haven't you Dolno!

I have hovered to be honest, and I am very suprised to see how few warnings have been issued in comparison to the written interventions made by the mods.

I would suggest it proves that written (points indicators) against users profiles are issued very sparingly and maybe only as the last resort after plenty of hints to desist
5 Dec 2016   #123
Don't think the system is an indicator of safety

I meant in the respect that you don't have any warnings, just a figure of speech.

I am very suprised to see how few warnings have been issued in comparison to the written interventions made by the mods.

I did expect there to be a few more too, but warnings are usually given for persistent offences. It would be ridiculous to give warnings for each and every offence, it would put people off posting.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
5 Dec 2016   #124
you don't have any warnings

I didn't bother hovering over you as I know you are are not one of the naughty ones here.
5 Dec 2016   #125
I know you are are not one of the naughty ones here.

I try not to be! Some of the things I read by certain posters make me mad, but most of it I just let go over my head these days. I came here to learn not to start arguments with everyone.
TheOther  6 | 3596
5 Dec 2016   #126
but all forums have to have some standards otherwise anarchy would break out on here

I didn't know this forum has standards... :)

I wouldn't be too concerned about anarchy here. Most of the "action" goes on in Random Chat anyway and the mod(s) make(s) sure that the garbage stays there and doesn't spill over into the main forum sections. That's a good compromise in my eyes.

Unfortunately that was not the question

Yeah, but you only say that because the truth hurts, baby. LOL!

In all seriousness now: why a permanent ban when the ex-members are allowed back in through the backdoor anyway? Just forget about banning people then.
peterweg  37 | 2305
5 Dec 2016   #127
Can I ask why you didn't learn Polish, was there no Polish school availabe where you were, did your Polish parent try and teach you our language?

Of course not. How many Polish schools were there in the UK? I only know of Divine Mercy College, which closed in 1986. No chance of any Polish language tuition in Yorkshire.

My father thought learning Polish was a waste of time, so he never taught us a word.
johnny reb  49 | 7960
5 Dec 2016   #128
Well, banned ex members have the nasty habit to come back under a different nick. Like you, for example. LOL!

Purely hear say for humor purposes...........and it WORKED !

Yeah, but you only say that because the truth hurts, baby.

Baby ! You one of those funny boys aren't you living up there on the Left Coast.
What "truth are you referring to ?
You must have some proof besides hearsay to make such a statement.
When I ask for proof you produce crickets.
See how rumors get started.

Unfortunately that was not the question but you did make my other point which was:

The point was to make a point which was.....Like YOU for example.

One would think that someone who "repeatedly" (stalks) other posters for the mere PURPOSELY to get "under their skin" would fall under the "Bully" category which is Abuse.

If the member warning system actually worked You would have been banned a long time ago for Trolling, Stalking, Bullying and Abuse.
You are what we call here in Texas, A HOOT !

why a permanent ban when the ex-members are allowed back in through the backdoor anyway

There needs to be proof and you have spent HOURS trying to find some but what brings the tears can't find any.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
5 Dec 2016   #129
Of course not. How many Polish schools were there in the UK?

Sad that your parents maybe were not aware but the majority of Polish clubs in the UK held Sunday schools to teach children Polish, there was also a very active Polish scout movement, plus many events aimed at teaching the youth about their history and culture.

"My father thought learning Polish was a waste of time, so he never taught us a word."

That I understand , many Poles in exile could not see that Poland could be free one day,understandably so .
Ktos  15 | 432
4 Dec 2017   #130

What did I get my warnings for - where is the explanation?

I have to guess hmmm....must have been for calling some nice German a nasty pig or maybe for calling some intelligent Jew a stupid pig , or for daring to write "Jew" on a forum, which was it? Did I receive any explanation, at any point, at any warning 1rst or 2nd ? No, I didn't. Don't violate your positions moderators! What did you suspend my account for 2 days ago??? Was there explanation? No. Was it because I wrote about you? Who are you anyway?
Ktos  15 | 432
4 Dec 2017   #131

Moderators should possess more intelligent judgement

We have moderators who do what they want right now because there is nobody checking what they really do, they get away with a lot of wrong stuff , for instance they choose who should be banned and who shouldn't if they don't like what one writes. I wrote something about Jews and I received a warning straight away and my thread was taken down, whereas some German (most likely German) wrote up an offensive thread about Poland and Polish people and the thread stayed on for a while, it may even still be around. However, on this forum most members don't have enough of testicular fortitude to confront that.
johnny reb  49 | 7960
24 Nov 2018   #132

It has become apparent we need a "P"

We need a WARNING "P" for Provoking so not to allow members to PROVOKE others until said member fires back only to end up getting a warning for standing their ground against the well known Provoker.

This would take the tag team of an anti American Mod. and long time anti American Provoker out of the equation to avoid most of the flaming here that lead to warnings and suspensions.

This goes all the way back to the days of the Brit Bullies when they were allowed to provoke other members without consequences.
That or get an American Mod. that is anti British.
mafketis  38 | 11167
24 Nov 2018   #133
We need a WARNING "P" for Provoking

What do you think "Bait" (a couple of your own warnings) means? Jaysus, wot en idiort....
johnny reb  49 | 7960
24 Nov 2018   #134
You are missing the point here.
Provoking for example is sh!t like this.

Oh look, Johnny's banned yet again for posting abuse towards others.Good work, mods :)

See that isn't really Baiting, it is Provoking to start a p-ssing contest so she can suspend me again.
And I am not the only one blind to it like you are.

I posted twice in random few truths about Delph that had been delated and I got T and A. Provably because my remarks were spot on ,

Oh they hit the nail on the head with saying 70% of his posts are for effect.
That was a great right on post.
To bad she deleted it just like she did when I quoted him (twice) degrading Poland and the Polish people.

don't understand WHY he is protected here. What shay deals goes behind the curtain? Are admin his lover or what?

No, not the Admin, but possibly one of the Admin Mods.
I pointed it out in my first post of this thread.
Maybe if we all called the Administrator on the telephone and explained what is going on here that just maybe he would fire her again.

Again, a "P" warning would stop their game in it's tracks.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Nov 2018   #135
We need a WARNING

I think it really would be so much easier if they permanently banned you rather than having to deal with all this whining and complaining. We don't need extra warnings, we need you to simply shut up and stop moaning about every single mod decision.

You get banned for being a dick, it's really that simple.
johnny reb  49 | 7960
24 Nov 2018   #136
we need you to simply shut up

Did I embarrass you again by letting the cat out of the bag prissy ?
The little prissy standing in the back row (behind a female Mod) of a fist fight between two men yelling, "Hit him, Hit him !"

I think

Nobody cares what you think, that's your problem. lol

You get banned

Nope, like the other Americans here I will simply ban myself today.

Note: Every time 'johnny reb' quotes (directly or indirectly) 'delphiandomine' or vice versa, the quoter will be banned for 3 days (other frequent abusers may be added to the list). USE THE IGNORE feature to avoid that.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Nov 2018   #137
Excellent idea, mods.

Much more effective than silly warnings, IMO. Whoever has more than 2-3 warnings can get suspended for a month instead of 3 days.
25 Nov 2018   #138
she can suspend me again.

she deleted it

I would like to suggest an 'S' for stalking warning as your years long obssession with me is starting to wear a bit thin now, especially after the thread you started about me a couple of weeks ago. You are delusional, take your meds or lay off the booze.

You get banned for being a dick, it's really that simple.

He gets banned because he is a troll and a trouble maker, pure and simple, as exemplified in this post:

Forum criminals (those who have multiple warnings and have been suspended multiple times in the past) don't have the right to demand anything

What you fail to understand, johnny, is that forum staff don't really need to have much of a reason to suspend you, because you do little else other than to cause trouble, and then whine that it is everyone else's fault. Put on your big boy pants and shut up for a change and maybe you won't get suspended quite so often. And stop following me around the forum too, I post rarely enough, and targeting me is not going to end well for you.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Nov 2018   #139
Whoever has more than 2-3 warnings can get suspended for a month instead of 3 days.

Also a very good idea.

May I suggest that if someone racks up 5 warnings, they should be automatically gone for a while?
johnny reb  49 | 7960
3 Jan 2021   #140
Can someone tell me why Dirk is suspended for two weeks ?
I went back to his most recent posts and saw nothing that I thought deserved a suspension.
Can anyone help me out here.
3 Jan 2021   #141
If he's been suspended then there is a reason for it. It's none of your business.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Jan 2021   #142
Dirk is suspended for two weeks ?

He was warned by Vincent not to continue with talk about rape squads an turd worlders, but Dirk continued . look at

The above stuff has nowt to do with Poland today, we don't have problems like other western countries.

You might argue that freedom of speech has been infringed, but the truth is Poland is in Europe and there is no right to free speech, in Europe, you will be arrested if you publicly say anything that is not deemed politically correct.
3 Jan 2021   #143
rape squads an turd worlders, but Dirk continued .

Mods did a good job then. God knows we're all sick of his banging on like a broken record about them.

freedom of speech has been infringed,

Bar forums like Stormfront, I doubt there are many forums as liberal as this one. The point being, the more freedom admin allows, the more certain members abuse it.
pawian  226 | 27556
3 Jan 2021   #144
The Staff was very lenient on Dirk anyway. Right after the suspension he came back as un unregistered poster with a monicker and messages insulting mods. In result, the Random was cleaned again.

I feared his suspension would be prolonged till February, but it wasn`t. The Staff are very kind-hearted people.
Vincent  8 | 800
3 Jan 2021   #145
You might argue that freedom of speech has been infringed

Freedom of speech is mostly tolerated on these forums, but when it turns to hate speech that's when it must stop. Dirk/Adrian has used PF for his geo Nazi ideology platform for too long, He has outstayed his welcome many times. I can't believe how many people stick up for him and praise him for being such a great guy. It's looks like the old saying "birds of a feather, stick together" has never been so correct.

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