mods are busy enough as it is.
The mods are doing a great job.
.......................the mods are going to be very busy with non-stop complaints about why such and such hasn't been warned for saying this, that and the other.
Do you have anyone in mind in particular ? lol
Purposely offensive and inflammatory posts should simply be removed
You mean like this purposely one ?
The only proven liar in this thread (other than Wulky) is you.
And me repeatedly pointing that out is really getting under your skin, isn't it.
One would think that someone who "repeatedly" (stalks) other posters for the mere PURPOSELY to get "under their skin" would fall under the "Bully" category which is Abuse.
Only a unbalanced individual with a superiority complex caused from low self esteem would appoint themselves for such an abusive job to knowingly be aware of and PURPOSELY get under someone's skin.
Laughable at best when then such an individual cries to the mod. when they get abused purposely.
Well you do need to be a bit thick skinned to stay here!
Or just consider the source and not take it seriously.
I mean all it amounts to is black lettered words on a white screen. Pffffft !
You and others deliberately troll and bait,
Did you notice this last week when two of the regular posters both got suspensions (AGAIN) that when they were allowed back that their very first posts were right back to where they left off for what they got suspended for !
My gosh man, if that is not thumbing your nose at the authority what is.
If I were the Mod. I would have said, "o.k. guys, I guess three days suspension was not enough time to think about it, let's try three weeks and the next time will be three months."
How many suspensions is one allowed before one is permanently banned or should Pigsy be allowed back ?