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Member warning system to prevent abuse / spam / off-topic posts

dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Dec 2016   #91
doesn't mean that everything posted is without merit.


Point taken. but sometimes a members transgressions far outweigh the odd good deed.
4 Dec 2016   #92
Exactly, and this has always been the problem on this forum. No easy answers I'm afraid! It wouldn't take new posters (if they hang around that is), long to work out which posters are troublemakers.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Dec 2016   #93
No easy answers I'm afraid! It wouldn't take new posters

I think you are right.

"if they hang around that is"

yep I see plenty of new posters get a bit of a bashing , they either never return or only post selectivly to answer someones question, but probably remain wary of joining in on the more general discussions
4 Dec 2016   #94
"if they hang around that is"

Well you do need to be a bit thick skinned to stay here!

I see plenty of new posters get a bit of a bashing

Yes, and it isn't nice to see, and will put people off staying. That's why if I think about it, there are only about maybe 25-30 regular long term posters here, despite a member base of over 35,000. No-one wants to join and get abuse for asking a few questions.

post selectivly to answer someones question, but probably remain wary of joining in on the more general discussions

Very true.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Dec 2016   #95
more equal than others

Indeed, one poster believes this is a Pole-bashing forum and posts accordingly, incessantly deriding Poland, Poles, Polish culture, religion, cuisine and all things Polish. That is genrally offensive to those who come here to learn and talk about Polish affairs and provokes needless altercations.
4 Dec 2016   #96
Should the number of warnings and suspensions be posted against a members profile

That's never going to happen, in large part because it would make crystal clear the different standards used by the mods for different posters. "You lie."
Ironside  50 | 12954
4 Dec 2016   #97
That's never going to happen

Oh shut up! You're the main instigator of conflict on PF and to mention your trolling.
4 Dec 2016   #98
"You lie."

Admin has stated very clearly that different rules are applied to different members. Would you like me to quote from the post in question, or would that be an abuse of the quote function? Recidivists are surely treated differently then members who follow the rules and TOS.
peterweg  37 | 2305
4 Dec 2016   #99
Indeed, one poster believes this is a Pole-bashing forum and posts accordingly...

Thats rich coming from someone who is an embarrassment to Poland, like yourself.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Dec 2016   #100

That's even richer from someone who is not Polish and can't speak the language.
Lyzko  44 | 9717
4 Dec 2016   #101
Purposely offensive and inflammatory posts should simply be removed, end of story!
Lyzko  44 | 9717
4 Dec 2016   #103
Prob is though, it's never gonna happen, because PF is dedicated to inclusion rather than exclusion, and unless someone's "civil rights" have been provably violated though trash talk, the alleged "victim" hasn't a leg to stand on:-)
Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Dec 2016   #104
embarrassment to Poland

Only to Pole-bashers from KOD, PO, etc., and they don't count anyway. Their activities border on treachery and sedition.
mafketis  38 | 11167
4 Dec 2016   #105
Their activities border on treachery and sedition.

Only to those who place the party above the nation and the law....

Loyalty to those who defile the rule of law is the real treason.
Ironside  50 | 12954
4 Dec 2016   #106
Only to those who place the party above the nation and the law....

Nonsense, to those who are patriots.
4 Dec 2016   #107
Ok let's try it.

Can of worms unleashed with this one.......................the mods are going to be very busy with non-stop complaints about why such and such hasn't been warned for saying this, that and the other.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Dec 2016   #108
I am sure the mods have to deal with these kind of questions anyway, it's only a case of posting numbers against a members profile.
peterweg  37 | 2305
4 Dec 2016   #109
That's even richer from someone who is not Polish and can't speak the language.

I'm half Polish, Like you.

Don't try and claim you are Polish, because you have a huge English streak down the middle of your mindset.

P3 is an American. Can't you tell?
4 Dec 2016   #110
it's only a case of posting numbers against a members profile.

It is, but whereas posters had to guess before if someone was warned, now they can see for themselves. There will be questions if for example, a member doesn't receive a warning for an 'offence', and others think that the member should receive one. I can see it as being a headache for the mods, but time will tell I suppose.
Ironside  50 | 12954
4 Dec 2016   #111
I'm half Polish, Like you.

No, either you're Polish or not. I guess you're not Polish.

Don't try and claim you are Polish

BS, he is Polish.

P3 is an American

P3 is an old codger and is pretty harmless.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Dec 2016   #112
No easy answers

One easy answer would be for mods to PM the offender with a warning, telling him/her precisely what it was for. Specifially, not just trolling or baiting but exactly which words or prhases the mod regards as offensive and unacceptable.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Dec 2016   #113
I'm half Polish, Like you.

Sorry I'm full fat Polish both parents Parent are Polish.

" huge English streak down the middle of your mindset."

I am proud you said that, another string to my bow, along with what my parents and Polish school and community taught me about our language religion and culture

Can I ask why you didn't learn Polish, was there no Polish school availabe where you were, did your Polish parent try and teach you our language?

"P3 is an American. Can't you tell"

I can tell he is a Polish catholic like me , allthough I do not agree with some of his views
4 Dec 2016   #114
mods to PM the offender with a warning, telling him/her precisely what it was for.

You should know what the warning is for, mods are busy enough as it is. You and others deliberately troll and bait, so no need to be surprised when you get a warning.

exactly which words or prhases the mod regards as offensive and unacceptable.

It isn't bloody rocket science is it?
johnny reb  49 | 7960
4 Dec 2016   #115
mods are busy enough as it is.

The mods are doing a great job.

.......................the mods are going to be very busy with non-stop complaints about why such and such hasn't been warned for saying this, that and the other.

Do you have anyone in mind in particular ? lol

Purposely offensive and inflammatory posts should simply be removed

You mean like this purposely one ?

The only proven liar in this thread (other than Wulky) is you.
And me repeatedly pointing that out is really getting under your skin, isn't it.

One would think that someone who "repeatedly" (stalks) other posters for the mere PURPOSELY to get "under their skin" would fall under the "Bully" category which is Abuse.

Only a unbalanced individual with a superiority complex caused from low self esteem would appoint themselves for such an abusive job to knowingly be aware of and PURPOSELY get under someone's skin.

Laughable at best when then such an individual cries to the mod. when they get abused purposely.

Well you do need to be a bit thick skinned to stay here!

Or just consider the source and not take it seriously.
I mean all it amounts to is black lettered words on a white screen. Pffffft !

You and others deliberately troll and bait,

Did you notice this last week when two of the regular posters both got suspensions (AGAIN) that when they were allowed back that their very first posts were right back to where they left off for what they got suspended for !

My gosh man, if that is not thumbing your nose at the authority what is.
If I were the Mod. I would have said, "o.k. guys, I guess three days suspension was not enough time to think about it, let's try three weeks and the next time will be three months."

How many suspensions is one allowed before one is permanently banned or should Pigsy be allowed back ?
TheOther  6 | 3596
5 Dec 2016   #116
I can see it as being a headache for the mods

The admin made clear that free speech is of utmost importance to him. If that's really the case, the warning system doesn't make any sense. I wouldn't want to be the one who has to decide which post should be considered free speech and which one not.

How many suspensions is one allowed before one is permanently banned

Well, banned ex members have the nasty habit to come back under a different nick. Like you, for example. LOL!
johnny reb  49 | 7960
5 Dec 2016   #117
ex members have the nasty habit to come back under a different nick

Unfortunately that was not the question but you did make my other point which was:

One would think that someone who "repeatedly" (stalks) other posters for the mere PURPOSELY to get "under their skin" would fall under the "Bully" category which is Abuse.

I rest my case. ;-)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
5 Dec 2016   #118
I see that the warning system has been enabled , wow that was quick.

Hope It works out to be a positive feature for everyone.
5 Dec 2016   #119
If that's really the case, the warning system doesn't make any sense.

Yes, but all forums have to have some standards otherwise anarchy would break out on here ;)

I wouldn't want to be the one who has to decide which post should be considered free speech and which one not.

All you need to remember is that members ripping the sh1t out of each other isn't considered to be free speech;)

Hope It works out to be a positive feature for everyone.

On the plus side, at least everything is out in the open ;)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
5 Dec 2016   #120
On the plus side, at least everything is out in the open

Yep I would agree, It makes things more transparrent between members and mods,

I like the hover over user name feature that gives you info straight away, very good idea.

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