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I love this forum - It's so Polish: tolerant, inconsistent, amusing

Alien  26 | 6527
27 Aug 2022   #121
This forum is not Polish, there are only very few posters who want to post in Polish threads. I am the No 1. It is sometimes tolerant, always inconsistent and rarely amusing. Funny posts are often send to random losing their effect.
jon357  72 | 23654
27 Aug 2022   #122
This forum is not Polish

That depends on whether the definition of Polish is a narrow one or a broad one.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Aug 2022   #123
rarely amusing.

You have acquired some depression at the end of holidays???
Alien  26 | 6527
31 Aug 2022   #124
I guess, I am to old to work like this, but my colleague is 77 and he still goes to work. What should I do?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Sep 2022   #125
I also love it because it is so rewarding - I can successfully follow my vocation as a teacher.
Not only of English.
I teach History.
I teach Polish.
I teach Culture.
I teach Maths.
I teach Engineering.
I teach Economics.

I am versatile like Copernicus or another Reneissance genius.

Novi is one of my best students. He`s AAA - ambitious, attentive, absorbing knowledge like a sponge.
Novi, you don`t have to kneel down when you talk to such a chim... that is, champion like me. Through your hard work ,you can feel elevated to a normal position. Ha!
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
3 Sep 2022   #126
Funny posts are often send to random losing their effect.

Yes,you are 100% right.
Alien  26 | 6527
3 Sep 2022   #127
I know it, I know and I am not amused at all sir.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Sep 2022   #128
my colleague is 77 and he still goes to work. What should I do?

Change the colleague, of course.

I am not amused at all

Stop infecting us with this nasty depression. We need more fun in troubled times.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
4 Sep 2022   #129
Inconsistent - yes, but neither tolerant nor amusing.

This post...

...which contains 3 perfectly on-topic paragraphs was moved to random, because it contains one line that is off-topic. I wonder if all the posts now will be scanned for off-topic lines and removed to random, even if they are 99% on topic, or is it just me getting this lovely treatment from the mods. :-/
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Sep 2022   #130
nor amusing.

Oh come on, you are depressed coz your post was removed. But remember, after a storm the sun always shines again.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
4 Sep 2022   #131
I'm not depressed, I'm just fed up with this kind of moderating that removes a 99% on-topic post, because it contains one off-topic line. Ridiculous.
Alien  26 | 6527
4 Sep 2022   #132
Take it easy, write for one post moved to Random 3 new posts.😉
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
4 Sep 2022   #133
In such case I will be suspended for spamming. A good stalinist rule - give us a man and we will find him guilty of something. :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Sep 2022   #134
it contains one off-topic line. Ridiculous.

Not really. That was one but a special line which created a bad atmopshere for the whole post.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
4 Sep 2022   #135
Bad atmosphere? What is it - a teenagers' date or a discussion forum? Anyways, I'm off. See ya.
Alien  26 | 6527
4 Sep 2022   #136
There is always a way out.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Sep 2022   #137
or a discussion forum?

A bad beginning can spoil the atmosphere also in a discussion forum, not only on a first date. You certainly know the rule of making the first impression - you never have the second chance to make the first good impression. The same with your post - the first line made the bad first impression for the whole post.

I'm just fed up with this kind of moderating

You can`t be so strict. Our mods are humans like you or Alien, so they can have a bad day too. Or too little time to read all posts thoroughly so they assess a post only by its beginning. You can`t expect them to act as if they were cold cyborgs programmed to read the content 24/7 without any emotions.

Besides, mods can change, there are new ones who are learning the job. Give them time.

Moderating a forum isn`t such a piece of cake as some people imagine - it is not as logical as a Math task where 2x2 is always 4. This is a discussion forum attended by a bunch of different people - decent ones and troublemakers - who talk about gazillion of topics and mistakes may happen from time to time. It is simply unavoidable.

Patience, tolerance, forgiveness - they are such noble attributes.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
5 Sep 2022   #138
mistakes may happen from time to time

If a mistake has been made, then it logically follows that it should be fixed. It wasn't.

In any case, I'm up to my ears with work these days, so I will have to limit my nonessential online time anyway. This kind of biased, ridiculous "moderating" only makes it easier. See you, Pawian - make sure to keep all the PiS lovers in check while I'm gone. :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Sep 2022   #139
It wasn't.

So it wasn`t a mistake. :):):)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Sep 2022   #140
moderating is so biased here they hate Americans

Not only are they jealous of Americans but we are also a threat to their fake high flatulent stiff lipped Marxist agenda.
I drove pathetic Pam right the fvck out of here by standing toe to toe with her "authority" control freak moderating.
This is why they want Rich gone is because he calls them out by mocking their Liberal agenda while knocking them off their loud high horses.

And the heads of the snakes, Pawian and joun, are not quite as brilliant as they thought they were with Rich here.
Genius Novi is a threat to their controlling Satanic cult agenda here and they don't quite know what to do about it besides keep suspending him when he mocks their kindergarten Liberalism and spreading of their filthy Marxist agenda.

Letting individuals like them indoctrinate our Polish and European youth with such perversions and lies is why our world is getting so fvcked up !
And you can bet your sweet ass that they wouldn't dare let this be posted on the front page for everyone to see.
What does that tell you about their Moderating and free speech ?????
Lyzko  44 | 9723
9 Sep 2022   #141
Do you actually teach every one of those subjects listed?
Curious as to which English textbook(s) you use.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Sep 2022   #142
Do you actually teach every one of those subjects listed?

Well, the list above presented subjects I teach in the forum. :):):) To Novi and other Americano gringos.

While at school I teach English with elements of History, Geography, Civics studies, Polish and German. Simply speaking, subjects I am good at. :):):)

they wouldn't dare let this be posted on the front page for everyone to see.

As you can see, we did dare. :):):)

Not only are they jealous of Americans

Of course not, you are twisting it the other way round. Europeans can`t be jealous of a American culture which is inferior to their European one.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
9 Sep 2022   #143
Again, which texts do you use for each of the two language mentioned,
Just curious since by coincidence those are subject which I teach also.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Sep 2022   #144
texts do you use for each of the two language mentioned,

Soon I will show you covers of my books in Education thread. As for German, I don`t teach it formally as a seperate German class, I do elements of it in my English class.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
9 Sep 2022   #145
I like that.

In certain highly advanced courses, I attempt to show the origins of English in O.E. (Old English) up through M.E. (Middle English) Chaucer, as a way of connecting with the Anglo-Saxon roots of the language and to clarify that English is in fact a Germanic language with a Latin overlay.

Essentially, English has two strands or layers of vocabulary, unmasking its Anglo-Saxon origins:

English - Latin-derived synomym

chew masticate
street pavement
sleeping dormant

OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Sep 2022   #146
I attempt to show the origins of English in O.E. (Old English) up through M.E. (Middle English) Chaucer,

I also do it all the time - wind + eye= window.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
9 Sep 2022   #147
"Vindoyga" in either current Icelandic or Nynorsk, I've presently forgotten.
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Sep 2022   #148

it's vindue in Danish
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Sep 2022   #149
I don`t like it when the front page shows posts older than 2, 3 ,4, 5 days. It is a little shame.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
12 Sep 2022   #150
Exactly, Gumi!
O.N. (Old Norse) remains the foundation of all contemporary Germanic languages.
Swedish on the other hand, like German, appears to have borrowed even more extensively from the French than often admitted ("fonstret"/das Fenster > la fenetre, cf. highfallutin

English "to defenestrate") = to throw out of the window LOL

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