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I love this forum - It's so Polish: tolerant, inconsistent, amusing

NoToForeigners  6 | 948
12 Jul 2017   #61
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because he loves gays lolilolo. Or maybe "Wanna-be-Polish-Speaker" considers Allah a God. Then well...Allah loved (and actually was one of them) paedophiles...
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Jul 2017   #62

More about their altitude to hospitality. If you're trying to make reference to religious texts, it's best to understand the relevant exegesis...
Lyzko  44 | 9713
12 Jul 2017   #63
G_d loves all his flock, even ignoramuses such as Ironside & Co. G_d's love is unconditional, rather like American democracy; all are guaranteed the right to be stupid, closed-minded, and foolish with umpunity....and believe me, we sure exercise itLOL Hear that Johnny R.??

Lyzko  44 | 9713
12 Jul 2017   #64
This Forum is much like the music of Chopin who represents "dusza Polski" (the soul of Poland): inconsistent, emotional, weepy, triumphant, groveling, yet defiant and ARDENTLY nationalistic even when it' no longer pc to be so!
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
12 Jul 2017   #65
More about their altitude to hospitality

Of course a homo will say something else!
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Jul 2017   #66
And 99% of theologians...
noreenb  7 | 548
12 Jul 2017   #67
Too much politics and religion. Most of Polish people live their life, go to work, go for holidays, have their hobbies, have families and kids and go for better, whatever it means for them. Making them or this forum "inconsistent, emotional, weepy, triumphant, groveling, yet defiant and ARDENTLY nationalistic" is just harmful.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
12 Jul 2017   #68
Or just...POLISH:-)

We are what we are. Would an American Forum be any different, that is, any less "American"?
nothanks  - | 626
12 Jul 2017   #69
Where is the religion? Is there a subforum I have yet to discover
Lyzko  44 | 9713
12 Jul 2017   #70
Don't follow your question, nothanks! Poland is an arch-Catholic country, always has been.

nothanks  - | 626
12 Jul 2017   #71
I meant I don't see much religion discussion on this forum. Politics - no question about it. User noreenb shows his bias in his critique of the forum
noreenb  7 | 548
12 Jul 2017   #72
Among many people with wonderful and posistive attitude there are many as well, with "Sarmatians" way of thinking. Well, but they had good sides of the character, too, like courage, bravery, faithfulness, patriotism, pride and prowess.

Lyżko, many Polish are far away from religion.
noreenb  7 | 548
12 Jul 2017   #73

User noreenb shows his bias in his critique of the forum

I don't criticise the forum. I just think that religion should be more in hearts than in public forums. Even if it appears rarely it's too much for me. Especially when people don't respect others point of view coneccted with religion.
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Jul 2017   #74
I just think that religion should be more in hearts than in public forums

I think you're right, Noreen. The founder of the main religion practised in Poland was very clear about that, praying in private, deeds more important than words, etc.

many Polish are far away from religion

More and more. A lot of people practise the cultural aspects, rites of passage, the liturgical year, without any real enthusiasm. Some, especially in the cities have no interest in it at all.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
12 Jul 2017   #75
noreenb shows his bias

She, like many of the members here, just seems more worldly than spiritual.
There are a lot of lost soul's on this forum.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
13 Jul 2017   #76
Poles may wish they were far from religion. The fact remains though that most consider themselves, at least nominally, Catholics.
Missbooboo  - | 1
14 Jul 2018   #77

Thank you PolishForums.

I wanted to come back to the forum.
And just take the opportunity to thank you all, for what you did for me, 5 years ago, yep 5 years ago.
Especially harry78? I think, he translated some paper work of a marriage, I found the now ex wife and she guided me In the right direction,

If it wasn't for all your help I may never have got to spend the last 5 years with my wonderful father.
We met in April 2013, and it was like we was never parted. He was living in Essex but we spoke on the phone daily and spent weekends together and holidays. When he retired he moved about a 2 min drive from my house and we was together all most daily for the last two years.

We had a wonderful 5 years together. Making many memories,
I spent his last 5 days watching him and telling how much he meant to me, he had to be put into a coma, but I knew he could here me, I told him i loved him and how life will never be the same again,

He died on the 12th of February 2018, I was with him right untill the end.
So thank you all from the bottom of my heart,
Kim x
P.s here's the original post
15 Jul 2018   #78
Especially harry78?

His name is Harry, 78 is the number of threads he has started.

If it wasn't for all your help I may never have got to spend the last 5 years with my wonderful father.

Sorry to hear that he has passed away, but it is great to think that PF was instrumental in bringing you both together.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
16 Jul 2018   #79
..If it wasn't for all your help I may never have got to spend the last 5 years with my wonderful father..

Wow, such a heartwarming post!
OP pawian  226 | 27475
31 Jul 2022   #80
Novi, it seems you are addicted to the forum. You get up and the second thing you do in the morning is visit the forum. The first thing is visiting the toilet. :):)

Good! :):):)

What is the exact hour in your area now? I guess you came here at 7:30.
Joker  2 | 2374
31 Jul 2022   #81
Novi, it seems you are addicted to the forum

Nobody logs in more hours than Jimmy. He is here around the clock 365 days a year. Even when he claimed to be on vacation he couldn't refrain from posting. Thats if , there really was a fakecation at all.
Alien  25 | 6397
31 Jul 2022   #82
Does he never sleep?
Novichok  4 | 8485
31 Jul 2022   #83
Sleep is good. For the sleeper, not forums. Did you try to post when asleep?
Alien  25 | 6397
1 Aug 2022   #84
No, but shortly before and shortly after.
espana  17 | 951
3 Aug 2022   #85
elieve it or not I used to donate to this forum

why dont you now?

OP pawian  226 | 27475
4 Aug 2022   #86
You really should be made a Mod.

And I will give the same answer as 11 years ago:
Never! :):):) I wouldn`t be able to pull so many legs.....which is my hobby.

johnny reb  49 | 7927
5 Aug 2022   #87
Novi, did you get my P.M.
Looks like our Polish Moderator has the front page all to himself.
I refuse to post on it as my posts either get deleted, censored, or moved to the back page.
Fvck such communistic censorship.
This forums agenda is to promote Socialisms, Political Correctness, Europe's growing hostility over Christianity and to indoctrinate gays, fems and brainless morons.
And the Marxist Mod. is the president.
All the good threads are NOT available for the nonmembers (the public worldwide) to see.
What kind of a CONTROL Freak is that ?
OP pawian  226 | 27475
5 Aug 2022   #88
All the good threads are NOT available for the nonmembers

What you call "good" threads are off topic discussions hardly related to Poland. It has always been so so why are you whining all of a sudden???? :):):)

Now, on second thoughts, I recall you complain about it regularly, a few times a year, when you get a depressive mood. :):):)
Get a grip and focus on Poland which is always on topic. Simple.

has the front page all to himself.

Yes, I decided to become very active during vacation. When school starts, I will be taking longer breaks again
johnny reb  49 | 7927
5 Aug 2022   #89
Your diminishing and shaming doesn't work anymore.
My post seemed to have rattled you again.
We now call the two Marxist Mods, Peanutbutter and Jelly.
So, PeanutButter, where has your cohort Jelly been ?
Seems you two take turns here.
OP pawian  226 | 27475
5 Aug 2022   #90
We now call

You can call whoever or whatever you want, but it won`t change anything. You should know it by now after so many years. Ha! :):):)


Wow, thanks, I love peanutbutter - I even eat it with a spoon straight from the jar! hahahaha

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