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Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums?

PolAmKrakow  2 | 871
29 Jul 2024   #61
The operation of a site like this is pennies. One of my business sites gets an average of 10K unique visitors a day. With a lot of software and a leased server it costs me less than $1000 a year to maintain. That is a lot more traffic than this site gets. Start charging for memberships and traffic dies off. Advertisers would want to promote what on this site? A forum is about discussion. It is a labor of love. Anyone thinking they are going to make money off this site doesnt understand how making money on the internet works. My offer stands, free. If the owner doesnt want that, no worries.
Torq  8 | 1018
29 Jul 2024   #62
My offer stands, free.

Cheers, PolAm! :)
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
29 Jul 2024   #63
Yes, cheers for PolAm - but these guys worked for twenty years...

They deserve more than just giving it to somebody for free.

I appreciate PAK's offer, but I would love more for this to belong to nobody and be supported by its readers/writers.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 Jul 2024   #64
My offer stands, free. If the owner doesnt want that, no worries.

Wow! 🙂

but I would love more for this to belong to nobody we need to find Mr. Nobody! ;)

but these guys worked for twenty years...

Yeah....absolutely under-appreciated!

Again, a heartfelt THANK YOU!!!
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
29 Jul 2024   #65
I think the Admin should hop onto this thread.

He's been such an enigmatic presence for so long, but now it's time for him to help guide people towards the best solution.

Our admin seems to be shy.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 Jul 2024   #66
....I always thought some Vincent was the Admin....but it seems I was so wrong....
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
29 Jul 2024   #67
@Bratwurst Boy

I will support this forum myself if everybody wants to be a little flower that can't act.

Then your forum will be Russian - how would you like that?
Torq  8 | 1018
29 Jul 2024   #68
I will support this forum myself

No need for that. I bet there will be 20 members willing to send a measly tenner a month for the running of our favourite forum.

Then your forum will be Russian - how would you like that?

Hmm... will we get vouchers for cheap fuel and Komandirskie Chasy for Victory Day? :)
PolAmKrakow  2 | 871
29 Jul 2024   #69
20 years is a great devotion to promoting conversation. The issue is that the site does not make money. Getting it to make money by subscription, or donation will limit users. Selling advertsing can be done, but what is the target market? Could my guys monetize it? Probably. But, that costs money. Buying a site that does not make money in order to invest more to take a shot at making money is not good business. I would like to see the site survive, but if not, I will have my guys create one for free and everyone can go there. Like I said, a forum is a labor of love, and after looking into it, its pennies to set one up and operate.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 Jul 2024   #70
So....we have options....*feels already much better*

And yes, lets wait what the owner says to all that....

Then your forum will be Russian - how would you like that?

I have heard you are half-polish!!!

*ducks and runs*
Feniks  2 | 809
29 Jul 2024   #71
I would love more for this to belong to nobody and be supported by its readers/writers.

It's a nice idea but it would need everyone here to contribute. There are roughly 20 regular members.

Selling advertsing can be done,

It's been done here before:

I will have my guys create one for free and everyone can go there.

That's been done before too. I think it was Torq and BB that set up All Things Polish ( ATP ) which is no longer in existence. Not sure what happened to it though.

I bet there will be 20 members willing to send a measly tenner a month

I'd like to think so. I suppose it depends on how addicted members are to this forum...............
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
29 Jul 2024   #72
I have heard you are half-polish!!!

Who told you this information?
Tlum  12 | 286
29 Jul 2024   #73
I will have my guys create one for free and everyone can go there.

But would they? This site has history, search engines rankings, people who know it from recommendations etc.. A new website would take years or decades to catch up with someone devoted to the cause.
AntV  3 | 670
29 Jul 2024   #74
I have heard you are half-polish

Yes he's a Russian-born Polish-American. 😀
Torq  8 | 1018
29 Jul 2024   #75
Not sure what happened to it though.

Lack of time, silly EU regulations (the site was hosted in Poland, and the new RODO regulations were a major annoyance), and a certain event with illegal activity of a member that unnerved me (I didn't like the letters I was getting from prokuratura and the explanations I had to sent). No more on this topic from me.

A new website would take years or decades to catch up with someone devoted to the cause.

Not really. If you entered "Polish forums" into Google - PF appeared on top, but if you entered "Polish forum" it was ATP as the first result (and it was only after a year or so).

Who told you this information?

I think it was Przelotny Ptak who mentioned it in Random a couple of days ago?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 871
29 Jul 2024   #76
Looking at that advertising page, the technology used for this forum and the advertising, its no wonder no one advertises. This forum uses simple not modern technology. It does not offer much by way of target specific user groups that could be used to come up with a sales pitch. The type of adds offered are not at a level of what other sites offer. There is no set price list, no options for size of adds or types of adds. Who ever said "text links are one of the most efficient online advertising tools" knows absolutely nothing about online advertising. I suspect this came from who ever is being used for programing the site. I am not trying to be negatively critical of the site. I appreciate the time its taken to build it. Unfortunately though, it has no advertisers and makes no money, and therefore how can anyone justify investing in it? No different than any other business. This forum has to be kept free, and cant be seen as a revenue source in order to be successful. It could be so much more than it is, and could attract so much more traffic than it does.

It would take 6 days to get google ranked maximum. This is easy when you know what youre doing.
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
29 Jul 2024   #77

This guy, he should own it :)
Torq  8 | 1018
29 Jul 2024   #78

By the way - who are you? I don't recall your username and you know about ATP, so you have been around for quite a while.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 Jul 2024   #79
....hach was nice while it lasted.

But it didn't last....and that showed me (and Torqi too, I believe), that PF is more than just some free message board.....ATP was also free and still people didn't want to come over....

And that lets me fear abit for just "some other new site"....PF is more than that....we need to keep it alive!
AntV  3 | 670
29 Jul 2024   #80
And to keep things going you need new younger blood flowing through. Is this type of forum format viable? Is this how 30-somethings and below communicate?
Torq  8 | 1018
29 Jul 2024   #81
and still people didn't want to come over

There were times though when we had more activity than this site, to the surprise of Wroclaw Boy and a couple of other guys from PF :) And we had more nice modern features than PF (not that the bar was ever set very high haha).

Oh, well... it didn't work out the way we intended it to. Life.

Pawian used to run his own board too, I think.
Tlum  12 | 286
29 Jul 2024   #82
To me a forum like this is not just a form of communication. It's like going to a place where you can hear stories you'd never hear otherwise from people who still have the guts to tell it how it is. On other means people are either forced to self-censorship or are censored by shadow-banning and all this AI stuff. If you cannot handle the truth, PF may not be good for you :{}
Feniks  2 | 809
29 Jul 2024   #83
By the way - who are you? I don't recall your username and you know about ATP, so you have been around for quite a while.

I had 2 previous usernames. I came here as Pam in 2011 and was a moderator here for about 18 months. Got fed up with it as you do so I left and came back as Chemikiem some time later. Got sick of all the b!tching and trolling so I left again for a couple of years and came back with my current username.......

I was also a member of ATP but I didn't post there that often.
AntV  3 | 670
29 Jul 2024   #84
PF is more than that....we need to keep it alive!

Yeah, the question before us is how. No offense to the admin/owners, but I agree with PAK there's nothing business-wise about this site that presents itself as something to invest money. So, outside of owners relinquishing control gratis and a group of us agreeing on something in terms of managing site and paying operational costs, I don't see how it continues to draw breath.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 Jul 2024   #85
If you cannot handle the truth, PF may not be good for you :{}

Yeah....many come looking and run away screaming....but then there is the rest who likes to come back again and again, knowing PF is kind of unique! :)

Yeah, the question before us is how.

Torq  8 | 1018
29 Jul 2024   #86
I came here as Pam in 2011

I remember you :) Nice to see you stick around, Pam. *high five*
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
29 Jul 2024   #87
I agree with PAK there's nothing business-wise about this site that presents itself as something to invest money

The domain name alone represents something interesting. If you own this place, you can do all you ever wanted with it. We're not talking crazy sums, but what one might spend on a used car, heh.

People don't use forums as much, but that may be temporary. This forum is in dire need of change. Many things could be easily implemented which over a 12-18 month time frame might bring 10,000s of recurring visitors.
Feniks  2 | 809
29 Jul 2024   #88
I remember you :) Nice to see you stick around, Pam. *high five*

Thanks Torq :)

At times I wonder why I'm still here but that's PF for you. Addictive. Sad to think that soon it could be all over :(
AntV  3 | 670
29 Jul 2024   #89
one might spend on a used car, heh

Have you seen the price of used cars nowadays?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
29 Jul 2024   #90
Then your forum will be Russian - how would you like that?

Not acceptable!

I bet there will be 20 members willing to send a measly tenner a month for the running of our favourite forum

I think you are right.

Pawian used to run his own board too,

He did and that failed.... it is not easy to create a Polish forum that has some success.

If you cannot handle the truth, PF may not be good for you :{}

Nice post!

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