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Australian Immigration for Healthcare Professionals

EdwardC  1 | 10
20 Oct 2013   #1
I have a student who is looking into immigration to Australia. Are there any fresh perspectives for Poles wishing to attempt this? It would be particularly interesting to know of any with an understanding of working in the regions as a healthcare professional.

Thanks for any information and perspective on this sort of situation.
TaiCat  1 | 30
21 Oct 2013   #2
right now, Elderly Care Assistants are on demand in AUS.
Best way to check is via Australian Immigration website,
they got something called 'Skilled Occupation Lists' where it shows which occupations they are looking for and which can give you relevant visa
3 Sep 2024   #3
From a Polish governmental website to give a general info about Polish people in Australia. I suspect the population is getting older and people like to retire in warm countries, so it may make sense to take a chance to work in Australia as a healthcare professional. Still, it also depends on the Australian dollar if a person is not going to move permanently there.

According to the latest Australian census from 2021, nearly 210,000 people live in Australia. people of Polish origin. The census also showed that over 45,800 people live in Australia. people born in Poland, and over 45,000 people speak Polish at home. people.

Taking into account the criterion of origin, according to data from the 2021 census, the Polish community is the largest in the state of Victoria (62.5 thousand people), in second place is New South Wales (59.7 thousand), then Queensland (32.8 thousand), Western Australia (23.5 thousand), South Australia (20.3 thousand), Australian Capital Territory (5 thousand), Tasmania (4.1 thousand) and Northern Territory (983 people). Also in Victoria and New South Wales, the largest number of people were born in Poland and use Polish at home.

suvo7886  - | 1
4 Sep 2024   #4
right now, Elderly Care Assistants are on demand in AUS.
Best way to check is via Australian Immigration website,
they got something called 'Skilled Occupation Lists' where it shows which occupations they are looking for and which can give you relevant visa

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