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Archive Profile of: "Zibi"
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19 Jul 2012
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10 Jan 2014
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Y Shaped high speed rail line Poland
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American Polonia. Wisconsin - the most Polish state?
- USA, Canada
Christmas carol singers - is this a Polish Christmas tradition?
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Poles in Kazakhstan ignored by the "Polish" state.
- Polonia
Poland has the most dangerous roads in Europe
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Please help me understand Polish adverbs
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Married to a man from Poland, moved abroad - Polish citizenship?
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The secret Polish gay men in the U.K
- UK, Ireland
What does it mean to be "Polish"? Why does Poland exist?
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Help needed about my Polish surname, Dobbert.
- Genealogy
Tips on tipping in Poland
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Can anyone help me find the cheapest way to get from Warsaw to Vienna?
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International student from Poland traveling to Norway on Karta Pobytu?
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RELOCATING TO GDYNIA, Poland - salary question
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Incorrect passport date on boarding pass
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Is it hard to get a work permit in Poland?
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Golabki - Oven or Stove top
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niczemu or niczego
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Pomówić usage
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Travel by bus/train from Warsaw to Gdansk without prior reservation?
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Is Polish an easy language to learn and is there a way of learning it easily?
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Suggest me some good clubs/bars in Warsaw
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Bicycle Rent in Warsaw?
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The annual national pilgtrimage in Poland - all roads lead to Częstochowa
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Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year
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Warsaw - under whose occupation in late 19th century?
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Any Poles who have lived and worked in Germany recently?
- Polonia
swinia - worse than a pig
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Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers
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More technology, but less common sense in Poland - Rydzyk?
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How come Poles like Russians but not Germans?
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Poland's future rulers meet in Katowice
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A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)?
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Poland in photo riddles
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De-communisation in Poland?
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Polish Duck Soup
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Coffee warning in Poland!
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trying to leave Poland with a traffic ticket
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TV Trwam gets credibility stamp
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Heavy storm / tornados cause chaos and flooding in Poland
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Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland?
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Reorganization of Polish special forces. Strong deterrence forces needed in Poland?
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(The Polish voice sample below) Native Polish Speaker Opinion Needed
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US expert rejects visa waiver for Poles
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Communal living in Poland
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Negative Polish stereotypes in US 'changing for the better'
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Polish/Ukrainian words similarities
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Is it possible to live on 2200zł a month in Poland (teaching position)
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Finding an English speaking doctor in Gdansk
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"No tak"; The Oddest Phrase In Polish For This American
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Slavic accent correction
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Advice needed on Dental implant in Poland
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Zloty climbs as ratings agency upgrades Poland
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18 Miners trapped near Wroclaw
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Price for the US ambassador position in Poland? $2,300.00
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A legacy of Serfdom in Poland?
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Traveling within Poland into my destination city - Lublin (from Warsaw airport)
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What do Poles owe to Russians?
- History
Polish Citizenship for a foreigner whose parents was born in Poland
- Law
What is the reaction of Poles to Russian?
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