cos Michnik was free to travel far and fast throughout Europe under Communism.
Was he?
I seem to remember reading that he was frequently locked up and prohibited from travelling. You know, totally unlike many of those now opposing, who spent their time not protesting, getting arrested or locked up. Easy to be a hero in today's political environment, isn't it?
Poles don't need to travel far or fast.
That would be why LOT makes a lot of money on internal Polish flights, then?
The whole "high-speed railways" nonsense was a way to suck huge amount of money out of Poland by several western companies.
Nonsense? I suggest you start by looking at the French example as to what can be done with high speed railways. Anyway, Poland hasn't got a hope in hell of modernising the railways without Western involvement.
Interestingly, I see that the criticism of the railway workers wasn't mentioned - he completely laid into them for not caring less about the customers, not caring less about anyone except their own cushy job and conditions.