Hmmm, I know people who speak Spanish in Southern California, Colorado and Texas. If a Pole couldn't speak English, but knew Spanish, you think they would be better off with grunting and pointing a lot?
You still don’t get it, do you gringo? From my experience the usual reply State side is “this is America, speak English!”
Emphasis on English.Nothing to do with my question though and it is increasingly clear that several folks would rather play a game and take off somewhere else. I was simply curious if anyone was likely to have an off reaction to it.
Seems to me like you’re the one playing games.
A few years ago in Warsaw I noticed that some Russians didn't appear to be...mmm..."appreciated" very much
Suggesting there’s some kind of aversion to a language when in fact your own experience suggests otherwise.
No one sneers, but I have had a couple of blank looks and blank stares from those who apparently can;t make out my Russian.
Couldn’t help yourself there sticking that but in, now could you? Perhaps their Russian is not good enough, than again perhaps yours.
My lawyer and translator during a legal process both spoke Russian and most people understand it but obviously you weren't paying attention to where I said a "a few" appear not to understand.
Besides when taking care of some legal matter when the official language is not Russian you wouldn’t have a need to hire a translator, now would you?, but to suggest your comment was somehow ignored by some official brushing it aside as if not being able to understand you because he has to know Russian, for variety of reasons, (one being as absurd as proximity to Russia) in a legal matter no less is absurd. As if everyone in Poland has to know Russian, get real