the only way for PiS to defeat PO is to get non-political experts to prepare a good plan of badly needed reforms and move more to the center. If they keep concentrating on Rydzyk, Tusk will win 3rd time
They absolutely have to move away from that hard left socialist platform that they've adopted in recent years. It's scaring voters, people can see that Kaczynski's economic proposals are all about spend, spend, spend - and Polish voters aren't going to vote for it. They need to keep the Catholic identity while becoming social democratic - and most of all, they need to repeatedly focus on where the Government is failing (in particular, with education and health). But they also need to moderate the Catholic stuff - instead of embracing Rydzyk and the like, they need to embrace religious freedom for all.
That's how to win the next election - they will lose 5% of the vote to Solidarna Polska, but they'll be in a position to finally hurt PO electorally too. I've said it countless times - a party based on (good) Catholic values without preaching, combined with centre-left economics would win a lot of support in Poland.
But Kaczynski would have to give up power. And - he won't. The man is obsessed with the stuff, and he wants to right the alleged wrongs that he's suffered.
As it is, he's just a destructive force, luring those who might create an intelligent and competent opposition to PO and then throwing them to extreme populist positions.
He is an incredibly destructive force. He's ruined PiS as an electoral force and all but guaranteed that the other parties will work to keep them out of positions of power, such as what happened in the last Sejmik elections. The way that he deals with dissent (by expelling them from the party) also doesn't help - he's created an atmosphere of blind obedience within PiS - and it's not working. They already lost one of the most talented politicians in Ziobro - who - despite the mockery, is a very politically savvy character. His proposals for media relations with Solidarna Polska were absolutely excellent.
I only wonder how long it will take PiS to eliminate him from the party.
I could vote for a right-centered, business-oriented party and it could do a hell of a lot of good to PO too if they had to compete with another competent force.
At least some of Ruch Palikota's support came from people like me - people who like their proposals economically and believe in taking a knife to much of the regulations. I know some small business owners who are very much behind RP - because their ideas to lower the taxation burden on small businesses are incredibly attractive.
PO could only benefit from having to take the opposition seriously - as it stands, all they have to do is not alienate their voters and they've secured re-election. There's no real credible threat to their 40%.