Far from being overly enthusiastic about the role and the contribution of Poles to ISAF effort in Afghanistan I think credit needs to be given where credit is due. The current, 9th, rotation of Polish Military Contingent (PKW) seems to be quite busy on many fronts.
Bases are empty most of the time; anything on wheels rolls out daily. Intelligence (SWW) and counterespionage (SKW) services are effective again (after dissolution of WSI in 2006 several first PKW rotations were left completely blind) and provide very useful information to the troops, especially to special operation forces JW Grom and JW Komandosów. Rumors of favoritism and of unhealthy ambitions seem to be thing of the past, and both formations are simply too busy doing what they suppose to do. Equipment is much better and surveillance "eye on the sky" quite effective. The core of the troops, 17th Wielkopolska Brigade, is a well trained modern unit. And last but not least - their commander, Brig. Gen. Sławomir Wojciechowski deserves good credit too.
Early this spring a commander of TF-50, made up of the soldiers from JW Komandosów and JW Formoza (I think), was awarded the American Meritorious Service Medal. They do not give medals for nothing. TF-50 participated in numerous combat operations during their deployment, including several catches from the Joint Prioritized Effects List.
Just an old random note I found somewhere:
A couple of your operations over the past couple of weeks were complimented directly by COM ISAF, Gen Petraeus.
Yesterday morning when we reported your vehicle check point of 2 days ago (10 Jan) that resulted in detention of a jackpot and weapons recovery, he asked me to pass on to you he thought that was a great Op for your PRC.
Second, I reported your partnered operation from last week where you recovered several prepared IEDs as weil as other IED components in my weekly personal report to COMISAF. He again replied back to that report that it was an excellent operation and undoubtedly saved lives by preventing those IEDs from being emplaced.
Thanks again. Please pass this on to your Polish Chain of Command.