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celinski  31 | 1258  
20 Aug 2008 /  #151
let's start to repeat it?

Never, live free or die.
Borrka  37 | 592  
20 Aug 2008 /  #152
You already had had sad expirience

Actually it wasn't that bad - our border was some 50 km from Moscow after 1612 lol.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Aug 2008 /  #153
Ah, so sweet recollection. Yes, actually Borrka we perfectly remember that fact! And do you remember that Washava was Russian city whole 102 years? I bet you do!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
20 Aug 2008 /  #154
How about no Poland for 200 years???
Borrka  37 | 592  
20 Aug 2008 /  #155
Yes, actually Borrka we perfectly remember that fact!

One reason more to discuss it friendly.
But now I'll have my lunch.
See you Kostik.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Aug 2008 /  #156
How about no Poland for 200 years???

celinski  31 | 1258  
20 Aug 2008 /  #157
How about no Poland for 200 years???

or Germany
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Aug 2008 /  #158
Bratwurst Boy:
How about no Poland for 200 years???

or Germany

It was totaly another reason. Nominally Germans had united state as Holy Roman Empire, though quite peculiar.

"not quite Roman, not quite Holly, not quite Empire"
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
20 Aug 2008 /  #159
It was in descend already after Karl der Grosse (or Charlemagne) conquered and unified much of Europe.
As he died this huge Reich got split and from then on wobbled along for a millennia or so under another name...

(Some call it the forerunner of the EU...)

ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Aug 2008 /  #160
It was in descend already after Karl der Grosse (or Charlemagne) conquered and unified much of Europe.
As he died this huge Reich got split and from then on wobbled along for a millennia or so under another name...

Well it opens another question. May Germans be considered as successors of Charleman's Empire or not (by analogy with Russians as successors of Kievan Rus)?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
20 Aug 2008 /  #161
Well, his "headquarter" was in Aachen, there he was crowned and later buried, it was the center of his empire. He was the leader of the Franks (meaning "the Free"), a coalition of many german tribes.

His achievements were the core for the later nations of Germany, France and Italy....we all are successors!

PS: There stems the comparison with the EU from...

Charlemagnes Empire 843:

The carolingian Empire

The EU 2008:
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Aug 2008 /  #162
But first of all he acted on the territory of France and was a successor of Merovingian kings, who it their turn may be considered rater Franch predecessors then Germans. The core of his empire was France not German. Germany was no more than mark in thse times. I hardly could say that Thuringia is absolutely German. And above all, present time Germany to a greater or lesser extent has Prussian character, but Prussia itself has very little in common with Empire of Charlemagne
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
20 Aug 2008 /  #163
First, there was no France, nor a Germany.
France got their name from the Franks.
The core of his empire was central Europe.

...Today he is regarded not only as the founding father of both French and German monarchies, but also as the father of Europe: his empire united most of Western Europe for the first time since the Romans, and the Carolingian renaissance encouraged the formation of a common European identity...

I think describing him and his achievement with todays nation states or nationalities would be flawed at best.
That came much later...

And above all, present time Germany to a greater or lesser extent has Prussian character,

What makes you say so?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Aug 2008 /  #164
First, there was no France.
France got their name from the Franks.

Yes, but there were Austrasia, Neustria and Aquitania. There was no such country as "Germany" too. So you could firmly say that his grandson Lothar was first German with a great reserve only.

And, well...he was a German! :)

No, no...He was Frankish king as well as his Grandpa Charles Martell.

Why you think that Charlemagne is german, but who was Martell then?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
20 Aug 2008 /  #165
Well...he was from a german tribe, spoke very probably old-frankish, made Aachen his town...hmmm...what else?

The "first" German anyway was Arminius who planned and accomplished the destruction of the roman legions send out to enslave Germania! :)

You know..."Varus - give me back my legions!"...this thing!
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Aug 2008 /  #166
The "first" German anyway was Arminius who planned and accomplished the destruction of the roman legions send out to enslave Germania! :)

Ah! It's just a romantic conception of German nationalism based on Napoleonic wars in XIX cent.

Well...he was from a german tribe, spoke very probably old-frankish, made Aachen his town...hmmm...what else?

So, you claim (as german) that you can read on Old-frankish or on old German at least?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
20 Aug 2008 /  #167
Ah! It's just a romantic conception of German nationalism based on Napoleonic wars in XIX cent.

Isn't it nice? :)
Every people needs their heroes...

So, you claim (as german) that you can read on Old-frankish or on old German at least?

Where did I say that?
I even have problems to read Sütterlin and that was a writing teached to our grand parents...
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Aug 2008 /  #168
Isn't it nice? :)
Every people needs their heroes...

Nice, of course nice, sure he was german, I am just kidding as our friend Borrka dose.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
20 Aug 2008 /  #169
"friend" huh? :)

But I think we can safely say that neither Charlemagne nor Arminius were Poles!
(You never know...they are claiming everybody when you don't watch it)

...just kidding of course... :)
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Aug 2008 /  #170
"friend" huh? :)

Of course!

BTW, Whose successor Poland is? Germany is successor of Charlemagne Empire, Russia is a Rus descendant, but Poland who is she? She like a violet in the ice-hole, where are her roots?

Addition: You are reading my thoughts?
celinski  31 | 1258  
20 Aug 2008 /  #171
Addition: You are reading my thoughts?

but Poland who is she

Shame on you divid and concure. Just as I saw a bit of niceness you stab her. And then speek for the Brat.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
20 Aug 2008 /  #172
BTW, Whose successor Poland is? Germany is successor of Charlemagne Empire, Russia is a Rus descendant, but Poland who is she?

Well Germany is the successor of The Holy Roman Empire and Russia is the successor of the Byzantine Empire... it looks like there aren’t any Roman empires left for us. ;)
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Aug 2008 /  #173
BTW, few additional words about Arminius's statue.
I had read about it, but never have seen it. I hardly can imagine that rude Hermanic barbarian might look like Greek youth. His appearance so smooth and handsom that he might be served as slave for sex in ancient Rome, and of course not as he really was - barbarian soldier in Roman army, 'federate'.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
20 Aug 2008 /  #174
He would have looked totally roman...he grew up in Rome as a noble hostage to secure the support of his chieftain back home in Germania, he got full roman education, served in the roman army as an officer and even got the roman knighthood awarded for his achievements on the battlefield.

Maybe he was even handsome....:)
His brother was a blonde as his romanized name "Flavius" shows, so he was possible blond too..

PS: There are no "hermanic" barbarians. The only passed down name is the latin "Arminius". Much later a german nationalist thought a possible translation would be "Herrmann/Armin"....so he became Herrmann...
Babinich  1 | 453  
20 Aug 2008 /  #175
Addition: You are reading my thoughts?

It is so nice to see the Bear dancing happily with the Hun... :')

Careful though...

Z kim się zadajesz, takim się stajesz
20 Aug 2008 /  #176
Bear dancing happily with the Hun... :')

Hopefully, there won't be another big cookout in the woods.
vitold  - | 4  
20 Aug 2008 /  #177
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
21 Aug 2008 /  #178

ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
21 Aug 2008 /  #179
He would have looked totally roman...he grew up in Rome as a noble hostage to secure the support of his chieftain back home in Germania

Yes I have read Tacitus and in according with his writings, Arminius was a warrior, but here he looks like he is a loving divinity Mirtha with sword instead of lamb in his arms. But I am sured, that in reality he was like Etruscan demon Tuchulcha.

Besides, there is another disappointing discrepancy; he is dressed in Greek tunic.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
21 Aug 2008 /  #180
Don't forget the time this Monument was build...t'was the fashion....I'm sure today we would build him differently! :)

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