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Joined: 4 Aug 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 31 May 2008
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Posts: Total: 30 / In This Archive: 28

Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Reading, Gym, Sports, Country Walks, Making new friends

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16 Aug 2007
Language / An issue in threads about translating between Polish and English [16]

British English versus American English

This seems to be the biggest problem for me as a Brit, my b/f and work collegues were taught American English at school so some conversations take longer than normal due to translating American English to British English and explaining the difference. It can be a pain.

Would be nice if British English was taught at Polish schools considering Polish people are more likely to come and live/work in England rather than America.

That just my thought, no needs to agree.
16 Aug 2007
Language / An issue in threads about translating between Polish and English [16]

b/f sister has been over here for the past 6 weeks, she was very happy for me to correct her English, but again her school taught American English.

I really enjoyed her staying and we all had a lot of fun, it made me realise how much I take my language for granted, especially when she asked me for the meaning of particular and locally said words and sayings. Made me work hard to understand my own language I have been speaking for a very long time shall we say without giving my age away!!!

I know us Brits are very lazy when it comes to speaking other languages. I learnt French for only three years at school only because we had to. I still know enough to get by.

My lover thinks I'm crazy for wanting to try to learn Polish as it's so difficult, but hay I'm a crazy British woman or I wouldn't be going out with him.
16 Aug 2007
Feedback / How do I know which threads are currently active? [12]

I must admit being new to PF I find it hard know which threads are currently active even when following Admin advise.

My biggest problem is I'm usually working, sleeping or looking after my family and always seem to be too late to join in. Oh well
16 Aug 2007
Life / Assalamou Alaikum. 1 year old child passport problems [35]

Only thing I can suggest is if the child has a British birth certificate go to the British Embassy if your are still in Pakistan and explain to them. ..Sounds as though he may be entitled to a British Passport in his own right, but urge you to check with Embassy first they should be able to help you.

Good luck.

P.s.Everyone gets hurt by love from time to time, its part of being human. Heart always seems to be stronger than your head.
16 Aug 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

anti Polish sentiment. Sentiment that is largely based on Racial fear and ignorance.

I agree with you on this point.I have many British collegues who hate is a bit strong but deffinately dislike Poles working where I do. I on the other hand have a 'live and let live' way of thinking. One thing that does annoy me is when immigrates come to UK only for our Benefits and have No intention to work at all. Means that my hard earnt Taxes goes to benefit thoughts who do not deserve them.

Ignorane is a big problem at work, we assume that because our company have stores in Poland and all over the world that we all get paid the same and have the same company benefits. Talking to Polish work collegues has taught me that we are not all treated the same even within the same company.

I personally love the Polish people, I have to say that really as my lover is Polish, enough said.

Sorry for some of my spellings, hung-over from night on town with lover and his sister who returned to Poland today.

I'm not used to drinking, need more practice.
14 Sep 2007
Life / Why do Poles drink so much? [161]

why do poles drink so much??

And how do they??

Recently met up with my Polish lover after i finished work, he'd been drinking with his friend most of the evening, but was still relatively sober!! Two drinks and i was certainly getting merry. Perhaps I'm just a light weight.
22 Oct 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

Britain is a very bigoted country. There is a noticeable divide,

Agree with you, my work collegues have actually sent me to Coventry (wont talk to me or recognise that I am there) because I talk and socialise both inside and outside of work with our Polish workers. They are totaly stupid, ignorant and uncultured.

I have never been treat with more respect from my now new Polish friends.They also dislike that my lover is also Polish.
25 Dec 2007
Love / My Polish guy - loves me he loves me not [73]

All the very best to you Leeann, at least your Christmas was happier than mine. My lover decided to break things off a week ago, replaced by a younger model. Broke my heart didnt eat for a week, too much of a sudden shock, but am coming to terms to it, we remain good friends.

Merry Christmas.Lol
26 Dec 2007
Love / My Polish guy won't tell me his feelings about me - is it usual? [15]

Please be careful, I agree with Michals' comment above. My Polish lover found it very hard to let me know his true feelings, always found it easy though when he was half a sleep or after a drink or two ie Kocham Cie. Said he would take me to Poland in February to meet his parents and to show me his home town.

He bought me a really beautifull gold watch, necklace and bracelet set for Christmas, he then dumped me!!! He now doesn't understand why I'm so hurt and totally confused. Now he wants us to be BEST friends.

Like you non of my other male friends have bought me jewellery and wanted to stay friends once we had finished romantically!!!!???

I think he's probably bought the ring for someone in Poland and his friends had to help him cover up. Interested to find out what happens. LOL
26 Dec 2007
Love / IS MY BOYFRIEND CHEATING? I went to Poland with him. [158]

...and we're telling her that revenge is not the answer. The only thing that really works is to be honest.

You missed the point.She is looking for revenge.

Definately agree with you Southern, I have been devistated and still hurting and confussed by my lover for over 6months, living together for the past 4 months, who broke-up with me last sunday, saying he wanted his space, I agreed thinking he was just confused over his feelings for me. When I found out a couple of days later that I had been replaced by a younger modelwho had already moved in, I really wanted revenge.

We all work at the same place and see alot of each other, I hated her, but she was really really scared of me as she knew they had both done wrong.

24th we were all working together, she was constantly looking to her Polish friends for reassurance, I decided to rise above it and become the better person and to forgive, but not forget. Gave her a really big hug and kiss and wished her a Happy Christmas, the relief on her face was so evident.

I could and still can ruin their relationship if I wish. He broke his promise to her Not to cheat on her with me, well we made love that morning!!! So revenge is still possible. Sorry not normally a *****
26 Dec 2007
Love / IS MY BOYFRIEND CHEATING? I went to Poland with him. [158]

what plan is this? revenge? Don't waste your time and energy on that.. work on healing your feelings instead.

Don't waste time and energy on revenge.

Confront him and try and get some answers just to try and put your mind at rest, but please believe that YOU have done Nothing wrong. Be strong, I am with you all the way.

I didn't and still finding it hard to cope, stopped eating, worked extra hard at work, phycial job, and increased my weights at the gym and trained twice as hard, result was loosing over a stone in weight (11kg) and being really ****** up.

So please take me advise and dont do anything silly like I did, he's not worth it. I'm no spring chicken and Love still hurts. xx
30 Dec 2007
Love / IS MY BOYFRIEND CHEATING? I went to Poland with him. [158]

so you think. if he had you replaced so quickly, hes way over you.

That's the point he's not over me, he's stuck between hell and high water. He still wants me and we still spend time together, enjoying each other to the full still. His problem is he can't choose between us, he thought he could but its turning into a real mess. He's still in love with me but for appearance shake he's going out with her. (She's single with no attachments, complications, I'm married with kids!!)

So affaid to say It's not so cut and dry. He is basically cheating on her with me which is one thing she asked him not to do, so he can't think much of her if he's willing to carry on our relationship at the same time.
31 Dec 2007
Love / IS MY BOYFRIEND CHEATING? I went to Poland with him. [158]

He uses you to make her jealous and her to make you jealous.So he has two turbo relationships and plenty of pleasure.

No he only gets pleasure from me, she doesn't know that I'm still on the scene, hence I could really f... their relationship up, revenge if you like, only thing is I'm not like that, unfortunately.

Sorry to be blunt, but he can't think all that much of you deserve better than to be "sharing" a guy

Thanks, you're probably right but at the moment I stupidly still want him. Lets hope New Year New Start for me not necessarily with him.

real smart, having an affair.

Wow thanks for your support, tell you're not in a long-term relationship. Married to 22 years, have very little in common with my husband now. Don't expect you to understand.

Believe it or not this is my FIRST affair in all that time and was not planned. Our friendship developed into a relationship, despite our age difference we have an awfel lot in common, more than I do with my husband. Tied to the kitchen sink for all that time don't I deserve some fun??!!

Only I've got hurt so far.
3 Jan 2008
Love / IS MY BOYFRIEND CHEATING? I went to Poland with him. [158]


my ex wife was a cheating slut also. [/quote
[quote=marek s] people who are in long term relationships generally unlike you are not liars.
i guess people should support liars and untrustworthy people in your eyes?

Just as I guessed you'd been hurt previously, were not all cheating sluts, perhaps you men need to open your eyes and appreciate what you have and ask yourselves the question why we get bored and looking for appreciation and fun elsewhere!!!!!???????

getting a divorce from your husband?

Am in the process of getting a divorce.

Marek you are very bitter, did you ever wonder why your wife left you???? Perhaps you didnt pay her enough attention either???? We may be wives but believe it or not we are also women strangely enough.

Most men are too much of cowards, they never grow up, only want the fun not the full package.

How come its OK for men to have affairs though???? Rather sexist isn't it?????
3 Jan 2008
Love / IS MY BOYFRIEND CHEATING? I went to Poland with him. [158]

where the hell did i say its o.k for men to mess around. stop assuming things about me as if you know me.

Hold your horses it was a general question to all on thread not impling that about you.

So you looking after the kids then or not get around to having any?? There wasn't any sneaking around husband knows about lover, who he is where he lives etc so....... not all you acquastions hold water do they!!
5 Jan 2008
Love / IS MY BOYFRIEND CHEATING? I went to Poland with him. [158]

must be one heck of a catch if you don't mind me saying so

Why thank you kind sir I will accept you compliment. Just unfortunately you will never meet me to find out for yourself.

And thank you for setting Marek straight he has been giving me a hard time and assuming, ASS being the first part of the word, too much about me considering he doesn't know me.

Normally I would not support infidelity either but as you said we are ALL human with human INSTINCTS and feelings. This is the first time I have acted on my insticts as I always put others first.

Marek don't judge everyone by the way you were treated or you're always be bitter and twisted. Nor judge people you do not know by your standards, believe it I do have very high standards too and still cant believe I let them slip once.

Bring out the firing squad for making a mistake, You never made a MISTAKE, you are MR PERFECT??? I think NOT.

So stop slagging me off and making assumptions that are not true..OK
12 Jan 2008
Love / IS MY BOYFRIEND CHEATING? I went to Poland with him. [158]

it was a joke lady *rolls eyes*

I was only joking as well.*Sigh*

What you have done is a choice.

OK a choice, my choice, well no both mine and his choice. I'm obviously not the first and wont be the last.....
31 Jan 2008
Love / A Polish Married Girl Rocks my boat!! [54]

She belongs to someone else.

Sorry I object with this comment, I understand what you mean but just because you marry doesn't automatically mean that you are then somebodies property for them to control.

You are still a person in your own right, just with limitations.

Is marriage the absolute truth?? Do things NOT change in life?? Once we have said "I DO" that the end of it? Even if you are NOT happy??

If everybody believed that marriage was an absolute then there would be some very poor lawyers........ don't you think.

Yes things and feelings DO change with time.

Yes You DO deserve to be Happy, just take things slowly and not rush into another relationship.

I was brought up in an unhappy marriage and really wish my parents had deviorced earlier and not waited until I, being the youngest child, was 18 years old. As the only child left at home I was my parents referee and occasionally punch bag whilst protecting my father from my mothers blows!!!!!

So staying together for your girls sake is not always a good idea.

Surprise, surprise although I respect the ethose of marrage, in sickness and in health, till death do us part etc but after 22 years of it I'm currently having an affair with a single man. We're taking it slowly...... only fools rush in.

Comments you have received are usually from those who are realitively newly married or who are deviorced due to their wife/husband cheating, so they are bitter. The only person who can make the decision is YOU.

All the best.
1 Feb 2008
Love / A Polish Married Girl Rocks my boat!! [54]

*control..* etc....

ok slightly wrong use of the word, but I did said I understoood what you meant about belonging to each other.

Most men believe that once you are married your whole life belongs to them and you loose your own right to be yourself, or perhaps that only happened to me!!

only fools have affairs.

That's your opinion and I respect that - ok

Somebody is in the same shoes as me!!...

Yea and recieved a lot of flack/disapproval from other members!! Neither am I comfortable with cheating on someone especially after being totally loyal for 22 years!!! Doubt many of the other members, who are preaching, that their marriages have been that long..........

I'm really glad that their marriages are so strong and obviously very happy ones, not all of us are so lucky!!!

Sorry I can't give you any advise as to what to do next, but when you didn't talk to her for a week, if I'd been in her shoes then I would certainly been asking You questions as to why you weren't talking to me?!!! Something's just not adding up.......

Hope you find your answers soon. lol
1 Feb 2008
Love / Polish women are more inhibited in bed? [51]

Are Polish women more Inhibited in Bed?

Personally don't know as not that way inclined, but what a male friend told me........ his exgirlfriend told him that she and her previous boyfriend in Poland had a varied and exiting sex-life, in reality though, apparently it was like an ironing board... big shudder!! Not good at all. Needless to say they're not together any more. That wasn't the only reason they split up.

Having a big wallet

She was also seeing another Polish guy at work, at the same time behind my friends back, to see which one of them was the better offer, ie who had the bigger wallet..... how shallow is that??!!

[quote=michal85] they tend to not like materialists that much.

That depends on the woman's situation and her values, or lack of them. As above.
1 Feb 2008
Love / Polish women are more inhibited in bed? [51]

I'm just trying to figure out how you could even come up with that analogy. lol!

That was his words not mine, presume it means flat, lifeless and a total waste of time!!
2 Feb 2008
Love / English Girls according to Polish Guys....... [68]

considering how beautiful Polish women are......and they are!...

No not all of them, so are really not prity at all.....

Us English girl's cannot compete.

Know what you mean but WE Brits are certainly as Good if not BETTER than most Polish women. I'm British with a Polish lover.

Polish men are charming but also seem to carry alot of emotional baggage with them from Poland, they think us British women will treat them as bad!!!!
5 Feb 2008
Love / A Polish Married Girl Rocks my boat!! [54]

My curiocity and the need for answers would still have made me want to clear the air.... or perhaps that's just me as a British woman.

lol x
14 Feb 2008
Love / Polish boyfriends [77]

The Polish guy I dated a longtime ago was quite the charmer, although very dishonest,

This sounds very familliar, and I have to say I agree with all that you have said. A relationship is built on trust and honesty - by current Polish b/f plays mind games with me..... not good and I keep telling him this. He keeps alot of secrets, I misunderstand, he then tells me the truth and its a case of 'if you told me that in the first place'. He and I are slowly learning... But the speaking Polish is quite annoying at times as I only understand a few words...... am trying to learn. Lol xx
28 May 2008
Love / Are you in a Polish-nonPolish relationship? [150]

Quoting: sapphire
hey.. this is definitely the thread for me. I too am dating a Polish guy who barely spoke any English when I met him.. now we are living together, but its not been easy. We love each other but there are so many language and cultural differences that lead to arguments at times. Also I know that his family will never accept me as he left his wife for me.. but Im not a bad person and we love each other... any comments welcome

I have just started a fun relationship with a fantastic Polish man , lot younger than me , he was very honest and told me he had a wife but had been separated from her for over 3 years ..... but I already have misunderstandings as I am not sure how strong his feelings are for me - Polish men sound very romantic and a lot more emotional than English guys , is this why you love your Polish man despite all the difficulties ? thanks for your help - gabyx

I've been a relationship with a Polish guy for nearly a year, a bit like kamyk but I left my husband for him, so his family will never accept me either. I certainly know that age doesn't matter to him as I'm over 12years older than him, but like you I'm still not sure how strong his feelings are for me, certainly growing the longer we are together but still a wide void to bridge as he keeps alot of secret/private thoughts to himself, but we're happy.

Laungage barrier can make things aukward and I often misunderstand leading to un-neccesary upset......
31 May 2008
Love / Are you in a Polish-nonPolish relationship? [150]

Never had so much sex in my life. polish guys are the best to have sex with.

I agree definately great in bed but I seem to tire him out too much, either that or he doesn't fancy as much as he used to??!!

His sex drive i supposed to be higher as he's younger..... oh well