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Posts by angel eyes  

Joined: 20 Apr 2007 / Female ♀
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Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 131 / In This Archive: 96
From: ireland
Speaks Polish?: no but wanna
Interests: all sorts of everything

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angel eyes   
7 Aug 2007
Love / Looking for outsiders opinions - I met a girl online... [24]

well orm rading these posts i know its old but my opinion would be too go. she gave u enough hints and made enough excuses for u to make ur exit .maybe she just gets her kicks on line but its obvious she is stringing u along.
angel eyes   
27 Jul 2007
Love / Getting my Polish girlfriend back?? [32]

Well it would be nice to have a few more men with your morals , it would make the would a better place (smile)
angel eyes   
27 Jul 2007
Love / Getting my Polish girlfriend back?? [32]

Better to have loved and lost than not at all. have a good cry get it out of your system, brush yourself off and time will heal your pain, we all know what its like to have a broken heart, you cant make her love you.this will only make you stronger and wise to the situation in future.
angel eyes   
27 Jul 2007
Love / I've met a Polish girl, and have feelings for her... [44]

Well then Reece know,s the score. if he doesnt want to be used he,l have to fight his feelings and tell her to go.

She told him straight out what she wants him for so he,s got no one to blame only himself. She could have played him around , not said anything, used him and broke his heart. but she has been blatenly honest so if he gets hurt its no one,s fault only his own. harsh words i know but it looks plain black and white here to me.

He,s just living a fantasy that if he gives her what she,s looking for then she will fall for him and live happily ever after. only problem is this is no fairytale!!!!!!!!
angel eyes   
26 Jul 2007
Love / I've met a Polish girl, and have feelings for her... [44]

she, s using u for an intimate relationship, u are a lot younger than her also, and there,s no future as she is returning to poland, from wat i see she has been very up front with u as to how she feels and its up to u to decide now wat u want to do. i say enjoy it while it lasts which is only 8 weeks
angel eyes   
26 Jul 2007
Love / Which is better? Being single or being in a relationship? [92]

This isn't mission difficult, its mission impossible. 'Difficult' should be a walk in the park for you.

This message will self destruct in five seconds!

Nothing is impossible my friend, u need to work on your confidence so if u have time sign up for these two websites and do put ur picture on as u will get twice as many replies as one with none.

are ya gonna stick with me on this one!!!!!!!
angel eyes   
26 Jul 2007
Love / Getting my Polish girlfriend back?? [32]


yes i agree with u T
this is a no win situation and if she is unfaithful to her current boyfriend whom she has a child with then wats to stop her doin the same to londonboy wen she gets bored of him too. once a cheater always a cheater in my book
angel eyes   
26 Jul 2007
Love / Which is better? Being single or being in a relationship? [92]

Wow thanks, you're like my guardian 'angel' !! It's great to have you around again.

Hi ya Ken well its soooo nice to hear that someones missed me, thank u so much and yes i think ur right u should not really have to pay for something like that and there,s loads of free site,s and one is quite good its called there,s also one called priceless partners. give them a go and wont ya let me kno how u get on. iv made it my mission to help u find a woman...... (smiles)
angel eyes   
22 Jul 2007
Love / Which is better? Being single or being in a relationship? [92]

hi ken i havent been around in a while but i have been catching up on ur progress from time to time.and while it can be rewarding to be in a relationship it can be just as much so not to be, iv been single for a year and a half and have found it very educating and also lonely at times but even if u were in a relationship it can be lonely and isolating,

anyway my main reason for replying is to tell u to join some dating site,s as iv heard some great stories of people meeting the love of their lives, there are free one,s available,. u need to cast your net out further afield. i know of a couple but dont know if im allowed to give out on here so if u can let me know i can give u some details.
angel eyes   
24 May 2007
UK, Ireland / English food - unhealthy? [52]

did u guys know that pork is pumped wiyh penecillin which of course is very dangerous because lots of people are allergic
angel eyes   
15 May 2007
Love / Polish men and sex [89]

Maybe you are in the wrong country!

yes i agree id love this 2 happen in ireland.but its gone 2 sadly
angel eyes   
8 May 2007
Love / I cheated on my girlfriend (I'm British, my gf is Polish) [167]

men have a strange concept of love. but your thoughts and opinions are very valable to give me an insight into what happened in my marriage.

So what id like 2 ask is was it possible for my husband to still love me while he was sleeping with other women,cos this is what he,s still claiming