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Joined: 4 Mar 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Jul 2011
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 87 / In This Archive: 82
From: Somerset
Interests: History/Sports

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3 May 2009
Love / do polish girls consider a english man a good catch ? [126]

No, thank you, we don't need them. We still have a big population of decent men in Poland, and we can always import some Czechs or Hungarians ;).

The Czechs/Hungarians wouldn't want to live in Poland, becuase their Countries have better economies anyway. Mostly they would want to come to England. I don't mind people not liking the English, but then in that case please don't come to live in England, because it causes alot of friction and tenstion. Alot of cases of Polish people being attacked in the UK have stemed from Polish people openly disprespecting English people, so it doesn't make sense they would choose to live in a Country when they don't even like the people there.
27 Apr 2009
Love / do polish girls consider a english man a good catch ? [126]

What a strange question, with the state of the Uk economy I feel that most intelligent Polish women would not consider an english man to be a good catch :))

With so many Polish men flooding to work for English people, rather than getting jobs in Poland and building it up, I think most Intelligent Polish women would prefer English men. Presides which if the Polish are so clever, why aren't thousands of English working for them instead in Poland?
18 Apr 2009
Love / do polish girls consider a english man a good catch ? [126]

You can show them places in England they have never been before, make them part of your English family,

Not just material things. I If you don't want to be part of an English family or mix with English people, you can stay in the Polish community - thats your choice.
18 Apr 2009
Love / do polish girls consider a english man a good catch ? [126]

Many Poles like to stay in their own communities and not mix too much, which is fine - if they want that. For example dating Polish men, speaking mainly Polish, working with Polish people, living in a all Polish area etc. However there can be many mutual benefits for having an anglo-polish relationshop: You can show them places in England they have never been before, make them part of your English family, provide them with a home etc. At the same time they can take you to places in Poland that you would never see without them. Learn about Poland and mabey buy a property together in Poland etc...
17 Apr 2009
News / Germany seeks extadition of Sobibor death camp guard. [65]

Deportation stay revoked for Nazi war crimes suspect Demjanjuk


I think its absolutely dreadful that this monster has got away with such crimes for so long.
However what do others think? Should he be deported or do you think he is to old and let bigons be bigons?
12 Apr 2009
Love / Polish men vs German men: Who is hotter? [513]

What about the Polish "super race"?

Well at things like computer programming etc I think Poland and east europeans kick the German ass. Also Polish spitfire Pilots gave them more than the Germans expected ;)
10 Apr 2009
Love / I can't trust Polish women any longer - where to meet a foreign girl? [123]

I would consider Romanian women. I know a number of Romanian girls and they are absolutely lovely people. Kind, caring, not gold digging (in this case), smart and not stuck up like Polish girls and some English girls. Sure you have to be really careful. Don't give them anything at first e.g money, but get to know them and when you will know for a number of years you will find they are genuine.
9 Apr 2009
Love / Are you in a Polish-nonPolish relationship? [150]

Most of the Polish people that have spoken to in Somerset say they don't like the English too much, their motive to come and live in the UK is purely financial. Given this general consensus, its not at all suprising that most Polish men only date polish girls in the area.
22 Feb 2009
News / Poles Ranks First in Computer Coding [47]

Britain too is producing some real talent.

I think with more dedication and better education, we could see the UK get higher in the rankings.
14 Feb 2009
News / What does Poland mean to you? [66]

The Home Office keeps statstics on the number of migrants that come into the country and the number that leave each year. Apprently the number leaving has, for the first time, super-seeded the number entering. No country can take unlimted numbers of people for ever, because of course there is not the resorces, eg. the jobs, schools, housing etc. I just hope that the numbers don't keep increasing out ot control and that things will improve in Eastern and central europe, enough for people to stay. Thats not to say I don't think people should better their lives. As for staying just for money - thats not so practical these days, due to lack of work and poor econmic circumstances.
14 Feb 2009
News / What does Poland mean to you? [66]

Today, 18:01 Report #59

It takes two to tango. There is an obligation on us to be welcoming and the migrants to conform to our way of life surely?

I think things are happening too quickly. With immigration you need to allow to happen in stages and control it. But before some migrants have had chance to settle in, new ones arrive and theres not time for integration. I think we need to restrict our borders then work on helping people that have arrived since 2004. I don't believe more people from Poland will come to the UK in the next few years becuase its getting so much hard to get work. So I think it will be a good time to concentrate on helping the exisiting migrants.
14 Feb 2009
News / What does Poland mean to you? [66]

Well for start English people could do alot more to help migrants, like with jobs etc and Also they need to invite them out on social occassions to get to talk more. I think the Polish Society in my near by town, is doing alot to try and promote integration, but the people here are not used to change and its taking alot longer than expected. As I said its not easy becuase sometimes the Polish are afraid to talk with other nationalities.
14 Feb 2009
News / What does Poland mean to you? [66]

it`s just the birds of a feather thing. look at the brits who moved to spain etc they all seem to live and socialise together.

Yes but in the paper it was saying many are comming back due to the fact they never really integrated properly.

You haven't watched enough videos then, or read enough accounts. Many Brits are fed up with being swamped. That's just what they say.

Its ok. if you have some areas with just Polish people, but they are comming to nearly every town in the UK, becuase it is a small country. Even in my town of about 10,000 people I have noticed alot of Polish people in the shops. Its getting to the point you cannott just ignore people and live seperately. Thats why Britain has to change quickly
14 Feb 2009
News / What does Poland mean to you? [66]

Some problems are quite deep rooted though. There is quite a mentality difference between many Brits and Poles.

I hope things get better though. I don't think its the fault of either the Poles or the British, as you imply - the British don't understand the Polish culture. When I have spoken to Polish people they seem very wary and not too talkative. They need to trust the British more because after all the Brits don't have a [very] bad reputation for stealing peoples wallets etc in my area. I haven't heard of any British people being biased towards Polish people and virtually none have said they don't like them in my area.
14 Feb 2009
News / What does Poland mean to you? [66]

I think its right to say many of new Polish migrants don't try to integrate. In my County (Somerset) there seems to be so many, that always stay in groups, don't talk or socialise with British people and try to make it like "mini Poland". I think that this will be counter-productive in the long term, because they don't speak with a clear accent (When they speak English) becuase they always speak Polish and it may take another 10-20 years before they are fullly integrated into Brtish society.

I would like to see a better relationship between Poles and British personally, without this "clicky" society. If you have seperate communities, especially in small towns you get re-sentment on both sides and some of the English are actively ignoring Polish migrants altogether.
14 Feb 2009
News / Poles Ranks First in Computer Coding [47]

I don't think Poland should have all the credit for Enigma, becuase they only cracked the codes that depended on the "double key method". It was the crib methods and bombes, then subsquently the computer programmed by Alan Turing that really cracked the most advanced Engima codes. By 1939 all methods by the Poles had been rendered useless. The British had computer systems that the Poles could only dream of.

I think Polish people have very similar mind-sets to Russian People. Both (generally)do equially well in logical problems. The British on the other hand are much more lazy and don't put time and education into for example computer programming.
27 Mar 2008
Life / Polish people with learning difficulties? [42]

asperers syndrome is not a learning disability BTW. Even Bill gates has been diagnosed with it. So careful what you class as a learning disability.
18 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of England [253]

The British people just feel a bit cross about the massive numbers comming in from eastern europe (mostly from Poland). Its not nasty, but you can understand, it gives the impression that people are very desperate indeed... The government never asked people if its what the wanted, suddenly you walk down the street and every other person has a slavice accent.
17 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of England [253]

Polish people are generally quite hostile and so are many British people. Thats why the Poles like it in England, becuase they are cold hearted. In contrast us Romanians are more open hearted and friendly. Polish people are like Russians, they have similar attitudes and mentality. Mabey the British should come to Romania: its the not been invaded by Poles (yet). Romanains don't like the Polish (begging the British people for jobs and money) and I hope that they don't come to Romania.
7 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Immigrants trigger Irish rethink [71]

I would be suprised if many Poles go back to Poland. Most Poles have told me they actually feel more at home in the UK than in Poland.
6 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / 13,000 Polish births this year, in the UK [180]

Well most people are saying that the numbers comming in just can't carry on indefinitely. So eventually there will be a hault and that will be the end of it. For those of you that think The UK is a limitless haven of resources, houses and jobs should realise that when the government holds a european referendum, thay can gain back border controls from the EU. So flooding in won't be an easy option anymore. Anyway so what you earn less money. Don't you think Romanians earn less?
25 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

By the way, pal, do any one of us goes to a Romanian forum and preaches to the particpants on how they should act in UK or elsewhere?

No, but then there are not a million Romanians in the UK or Czechs etc. It only POles that can't get in to the UK fast enough.
24 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Well anyway, I won't offer my advice again. I don't care what you do. You shouldn't take my opinions as condemnation, because I have lived in the UK a long time and now something about British culture. Why is it so critical to state some cases, whereby there isn't alot of integration? You haven't denied this to be the case at all.

I have said to many polish people "do you want a drink?" Do you want to play pool with us? Do you want to come to our house? But in my case they said no they prefer to be with polish people. Mabey I just asked the wrong people. But its often been a common trend, in my experience. Well its o.k. If you like to stay with your own - fine! Its your preogatives. Its your rights. But just don't blame me for being unfriendly or hostile (or other British people for that mater).
