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Polish people with learning difficulties?

sw33t20 1 | 24  
17 Mar 2008 /  #1
hi guys im quite new here.. im from the uk and am doing a project on accessible information for polish people who have learning difficulties. BUT im finding it hard to find groups or organizations who help polish people with learning difficulties..

can other polish people help me by telling me of any places they know that help polish people with learning difficulties???

thank you!!!


just had a thote.. are there people in the uk in this forum who might be able to help??? im sorry i dont kno much about poland z_darius.. who is Michal????
z_darius 14 | 3960  
17 Mar 2008 /  #2
z_darius.. who is Michal????

I was just kidding. He's a part of our local folklore on this forum.

Sorry, I can't help in any serious way. All I know is that kids with learning difficulties used to attend separate schools, where curriculum was designed especially for them.
SouthOfDaThames - | 87  
17 Mar 2008 /  #3
I was just kidding. He's a part of our local folklore on this forum.

And he's not Polish anyway
OP sw33t20 1 | 24  
17 Mar 2008 /  #4
lol..sorry im gonna assume evry1s polish on shudnt really

neway guys if ur from the uk what made you post on a polish forum if ur not from poland??? jus askin outa curiosity...
SouthOfDaThames - | 87  
17 Mar 2008 /  #5
neway guys if ur from the uk what made you post on a polish forum if ur not from poland??? jus askin outa curiosity...

You don't have to live in Poland to be Polish :)
OP sw33t20 1 | 24  
17 Mar 2008 /  #6
hmmmm tru.. so SouthOfDaThames are you polish?

lol..i wasnt assuming that..awww im at work and had to laff

dyu kno ne polish people with learning difficulties??? :)
SouthOfDaThames - | 87  
17 Mar 2008 /  #7
dyu kno ne polish people with learning difficulties??? :)

yes, but he lives in Poland
OP sw33t20 1 | 24  
17 Mar 2008 /  #8
awww thats no gud2 me.. :( lol..
szkotja2007 27 | 1498  
17 Mar 2008 /  #9
learning difficulties

What sort of learning difficulties ?
OP sw33t20 1 | 24  
17 Mar 2008 /  #10
well people who have learning disabilities such as downs syndrome, fragile x syndrome, asperers syndrome, autism etc..
isthatu 3 | 1164  
17 Mar 2008 /  #11
hehe,Im mr pot/kettle like hun',but yes,it was the txt spk i ws pkin up on thn,nt fir 2 r polish rdrs.

You may also,unfortunatly run into a rather antiquated and Gene Hunt like mentality in this area. Dyslexia is widely thought to be a myth in learned Polish circles and ,to be honest,I add Poland to my list of countries where,well,to be blunt,you just dont see disabled people around and about and when you do there tends to be lots of pointing and smirking........Lets hope its not bulgaria mkII.
18 Mar 2008 /  #12
Now we have to support drooling poles with learning difficulties, are you sure they actually have learning difficulties ?
szkotja2007 27 | 1498  
18 Mar 2008 /  #13
learning disabilities

Thats what I was wondering. Whether it was learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, or a learning disability as per DSM-IV.

Try contacting Robert Nixon at Mencap and ask him.

I have just re-read your OP.
Would standard communication tools such as Boardmaker, not work in Polish as much as it would in English ?

Makaton is used in Poland.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
18 Mar 2008 /  #14
polish people with learning difficulties???

They need...
plk123 8 | 4129  
18 Mar 2008 /  #15
I add Poland to my list of countries where,well,to be blunt,you just dont see disabled people around

yup. we have institutions to help them with their issues.
OP sw33t20 1 | 24  
19 Mar 2008 /  #16
awww thank you szkotja2007..its much appreciated.. :) i will give him a call 2moro..

yup. we have institutions to help them with their issues

they shudnt be in institutions..they are still people like you and me..!! they should a part of the community with the help and support they need.. mind you it took a long time for institutions to close in the UK..hopefully other countries will follow!!
isthatu 3 | 1164  
19 Mar 2008 /  #17
sorry sw33t20,but I think the 2 posts above yours probably demonstrate the mentality I was talking about.........friggin stone age. Someone walks down a british street with Cerabal palsey,maybe,one or 2 idiots may smirk or giggle,Ive seen with my own eyes the pointing and giggling and wide bearths given in a so called "civilised" city in Poland by the complete spectrum of Poles,young and old. This was about 2 years ago so no one can blame the commies or whoever is normally blamed for all of Polands ills(maybe its winston churchills fault?...)
Filios1 8 | 1336  
19 Mar 2008 /  #18
I think the 2 posts above yours probably demonstrate the mentality

Isthatu, you escaped from the institution again!
You should be thankful that some places still live in the "stone age" or else you wouldn't have PF privelages from your care worker every day.
Mali - | 300  
19 Mar 2008 /  #20
I add Poland to my list of countries where,well,to be blunt,you just dont see disabled people around and about and when you do there tends to be lots of pointing and smirking........Lets hope its not bulgaria mkII.

There's a family in the area that I'm originally from that had 2 out of 4 kids with learning disabilities. One of them never attended school of any kind and his parents recieve money every month to take care of him . His sister is less 'disabled' than he is and went to school for a few years but she ended up failing almost all of her classes so she was eventually taken out of the school system. However, she doesn't get gov't cheques because she is able to function relatively normally (ie hold a job) while her brother isn't. This taking out of school business occurred during the communist times so I honestly don't know how it is dealt with now. Also, they were treated 'normally' (not pointed at) around there because just about everyone in the area was used to them. Basically, they are treated like young children by people.
OP sw33t20 1 | 24  
20 Mar 2008 /  #21
His sister is less 'disabled' than he is and went to school for a few years but she ended up failing almost all of her classes so she was eventually taken out of the school system.

i wonder if theres any kind of 'special schooling' in poland??? maybe schools that are specifically for children with learning disabilities??? or even one2one teaching in a normal school..?

Ive seen with my own eyes the pointing and giggling and wide bearths given in a so called "civilised" city in Poland by the complete spectrum of Poles,young and old.

this still happens in the UK..and we are supposed to be a civilised country!! some people have no decency..!
isthatu 3 | 1164  
20 Mar 2008 /  #22
No,sorry,I know it does,but not to such an extent. Im thinking of time in Krakow (not some little village) for my examples. Its not that its "bad" people doing this,I have a strong conviction that it is purely human nature to react in such ways to "unusual" things,be it a disabled person or a girl in a hijab,if you never see such things,when you do,you react.But,honestly,the general impresion one gets is that the majority view is the one held by the couple of cavemen that posted earlier rather than the minority view that it is here.
OP sw33t20 1 | 24  
20 Mar 2008 /  #23
if you never see such things,when you do,you react.

yeh i totally agree with u there..staring is 1 thng tho and 2 insult and make them feel worthless is another..

im assuming krakow is a major city??? wats the capital of poland bytheway???
panienka 1 | 205  
20 Mar 2008 /  #25
i have this problem with English hehe
isthatu 3 | 1164  
20 Mar 2008 /  #26
really,you dont even need to give them the rope.....
21 Mar 2008 /  #27
polish retard

I think that it is disgraceful to laugh at people with disabilities, how could you look these two in the face and laugh, really how could you?
21 Mar 2008 /  #28
I think that it is disgraceful to laugh at people with disabilities

agree, you would be the exception though LOL
Filios1 8 | 1336  
21 Mar 2008 /  #29
haha, 1 point for you!
panienka 1 | 205  
21 Mar 2008 /  #30
who is laughing?

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